
## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = ">",
 fig.width = 6, 
 fig.height = 4

## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A <- health_state("A", cost = "cost_health_A+ cost_drug ",utility = 1)
B <- health_state("B", cost = "cost_health_B + cost_drug",utility = 1)
C <- health_state("C", cost = "cost_health_C + cost_drug",utility = 1)
D <- health_state("D", cost = 0,utility = 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmat <- rbind(c(1, 2,3,4), c(NA, 5,6,7),c(NA, NA, 8,9), c(NA, NA, NA,10))
colnames(tmat) <- rownames(tmat) <- c("A", "B" , "C", "D")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tm <- populate_transition_matrix(4, tmat, c("tpAtoA", "tpAtoB", "tpAtoC", 
                                   "tpBtoB", "tpBtoC", "tpBtoD",
                                   "tpCtoC", "tpCtoD", "tpDtoD" ), 
                                 colnames(tmat) )

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
health_states <- combine_state(A,B,C,D)
mono_strategy <- strategy(tm, health_states, "mono")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mono_param_list = define_parameters(cost_zido = 2278,
cost_direct_med_A = 1701,
cost_comm_care_A = 1055,
cost_direct_med_B = 1774,
cost_comm_care_B = 1278,
cost_direct_med_C = 6948,
cost_comm_care_C = 2059,
tpAtoA = 1251/(1251 + 483),
tpAtoB = 350/(350 + 1384),
tpAtoC = 116/(116 + 1618),
tpAtoD = 17/(17 + 1717),
tpBtoB = 731/(731 + 527),
tpBtoC = 512/(512 + 746),
tpBtoD = 15/(15 + 1243),
tpCtoC = 1312/(1312 + 437),
tpCtoD = 437/(437 + 1312),
tpDtoD = 1,
cost_health_A = "cost_direct_med_A+ cost_comm_care_A",
cost_health_B = "cost_direct_med_B+ cost_comm_care_B",
cost_health_C = "cost_direct_med_C+ cost_comm_care_C",
cost_drug = "cost_zido")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mono_markov <- markov_model(mono_strategy, 20,c(1,0,0,0),discount = c(0.06,0),mono_param_list, method = "half cycle correction",TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #Define function to set the cost to be different for first two cycles
define_comb_cost = function(cycle,cost_lami) {
  if (cycle == 2 || cycle == 3 )
 #Define function to set the risk ratio to be different for first two cycles

define_rr = function(cycle,rr) {
  if (cycle == 2 || cycle == 3)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A <-  health_state("A", cost = "cost_health_A + cost_drug", utility = 1)
B <- health_state("B", cost = "cost_health_B + cost_drug", utility = 1)
C <- health_state("C", cost = "cost_health_C + cost_drug", utility = 1)
D <- health_state("D", cost = 0, utility = 0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmat <- rbind(c(1, 2,3,4), c(NA, 5,6,7),c(NA, NA, 8,9), c(NA, NA, NA,10))
colnames(tmat) <- rownames(tmat) <- c("A", "B" , "C", "D")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tm <- populate_transition_matrix(4, tmat, c("tpAtoA_rr", "tpAtoB_rr", 
                                            "tpAtoC_rr", "tpAtoD_rr",
                                   "tpBtoB_rr", "tpBtoC_rr", "tpBtoD_rr",
                                   "tpCtoC_rr", "tpCtoD_rr", "tpDtoD_rr" ), colnames(tmat) )

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comb_param_list <- define_parameters(cost_zido = 2278,
                     cost_direct_med_A = 1701,
                     cost_comm_care_A = 1055,
                     cost_direct_med_B = 1774,
                     cost_comm_care_B = 1278,
                     cost_direct_med_C = 6948,
                     cost_comm_care_C = 2059,
                     tpAtoA = 1251/(1251 + 483),
                     tpAtoB = 350/(350 + 1384),
                     tpAtoC = 116/(116 + 1618),
                     tpAtoD = 17/(17 + 1717),
                     tpBtoB = 731/(731 + 527),
                     tpBtoC = 512/(512 + 746),
                     tpBtoD = 15/(15 + 1243),
                     tpCtoC = 1312/(1312 + 437),
                     tpCtoD = 437/(437 + 1312),
                     tpDtoD = 1,
                     rr = 0.509,
                     cost_lami = 2086.50,
                     rr_cycle = "define_rr(markov_cycle,rr)",
                     tpAtoA_rr = "1-tpAtoB*rr_cycle-tpAtoC*rr_cycle-
                     tpAtoB_rr = "tpAtoB*rr_cycle",
                     tpAtoC_rr = "tpAtoC*rr_cycle",
                     tpAtoD_rr = "tpAtoD*rr_cycle",
                     tpBtoB_rr = "1-tpBtoC*rr_cycle-tpBtoD*rr_cycle",
                     tpBtoC_rr = "tpBtoC*rr_cycle",
                     tpBtoD_rr = "tpBtoD*rr_cycle",
                     tpCtoC_rr = "1-tpCtoD*rr_cycle",
                     tpCtoD_rr = "tpCtoD*rr_cycle",
                     tpDtoD_rr = 1,
                     cost_health_A = "cost_direct_med_A + cost_comm_care_A",
                     cost_health_B = "cost_direct_med_B + cost_comm_care_B",
                     cost_health_C = "cost_direct_med_C + cost_comm_care_C",
                     cost_lami_cycle = "define_comb_cost(markov_cycle,cost_lami)",
                     cost_drug = "cost_zido + cost_lami_cycle")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Combine the health states
health_states <- combine_state(A,B,C,D)

#The current strategy ie. control or intervention - here it is combination 
comb_strategy <- strategy(tm, health_states, "comb")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comb_markov <- markov_model(comb_strategy, 20, c(1, 0,0,0), discount = c(0.06,0.0),comb_param_list, method = "half cycle correction", TRUE)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sample_list <- define_parameters(rr = "lognormal(mean = 0.509, sd = 0.173)",
                                 cost_comm_care_C = "gamma(mean = 2756, sd = sqrt(2756))")
param_table_mono <- define_parameters_psa(mono_param_list, sample_list)
param_table_combo <- define_parameters_psa(comb_param_list, sample_list)

result_psa_mono = do_psa(mono_markov, param_table_mono, 500)
result_psa_comb = do_psa(comb_markov, param_table_combo, 500)

list_result_psa_mono <- list_paramwise_psa_result(result_psa_mono, NULL, NULL, 
list_result_psa_comb <- list_paramwise_psa_result(result_psa_comb, NULL, NULL, 
list_all <- list_paramwise_psa_result(result_psa_mono,result_psa_comb, 20000, 

summary_plot_psa(result_psa_mono, NULL, NULL, NULL)
summary_plot_psa(result_psa_comb, NULL, NULL, NULL)
summary_plot_psa(result_psa_mono,result_psa_comb, 20000, "mono")

plot_ceac_psa(mono_markov, comb_markov, param_table_mono, param_table_combo, c(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000), 500, "mono")

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