
Defines functions identifySequences sequenceFilter

Documented in sequenceFilter

#' Filter downloads of full-sized sequential versions (prototype).
#' @param dat Object.
#' @param packages Object. An R vector of package names.
#' @param ymd Date. Log date.
#' @param cores Numeric. Number of cores to use.
#' @param download.time Numeric. Package download time allowance (seconds).
#' @param dev.mode Logical. Development mode uses parallel::parLapply().
#' @export

sequenceFilter <- function(dat, packages, ymd, cores, download.time = 30,
  dev.mode = dev.mode) {

  # win.exception <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores > 1

  # if (dev.mode | win.exception) {
  # if (dev.mode) {
  #   cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
  #   parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, envir = environment(),
  #     varlist = c("packages", "ymd"))
  #   arch.pkg.history <- parallel::parLapply(cl, packages, function(x) {
  #     tmp <- packageHistory(x)
  #     tmp[tmp$Date <= ymd & tmp$Repository == "Archive", ]
  #   })
  #   parallel::stopCluster(cl)
  # } else {
  #   if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") cores <- 1L
  # arch.pkg.history <- parallel::mclapply(packages, function(x) {
  #   tmp <- packageHistory(x)
  #   tmp[tmp$Date <= ymd & tmp$Repository == "Archive", ]
  # }, mc.cores = cores)
  # }

  histories <- packageHistory(packages)
  if (is.data.frame(histories)) {
    sel <- histories$Date <= ymd & histories$Repository == "Archive"
    arch.pkg.history <- list(histories[sel, ])
  } else if (is.list(histories)) {
    arch.pkg.history <- lapply(histories, function(x) {
      x[x$Date <= ymd & x$Repository == "Archive", ]
  sequences <- identifySequences(dat, arch.pkg.history,
    download.time = download.time)

  if (!is.null(sequences)) {
    delete <- row.names(sequences)
    if (!is.null(delete)) {
      dat[!row.names(dat) %in% delete, ]
    } else dat
  } else dat

#' Extract Archive sequences from logs.
#' From RStudio's CRAN Mirror http://cran-logs.rstudio.com/
#' @param dat Object.
#' @param arch.pkg.history Object.
#' @param download.time Numeric. Package download time allowance (seconds).
#' @noRd

identifySequences <- function(dat, arch.pkg.history, download.time = 30) {
  lapply(seq_along(dat), function(i) {
    pkg.data <- dat[[i]]
    pkg.history <- arch.pkg.history[[i]]

    if (nrow(pkg.history) != 0) {
      pkg.data$t0 <- strptime(paste(pkg.data$date, pkg.data$time),
        "%Y-%m-%d %T", tz = "GMT")
      pkg.data <- pkg.data[order(pkg.data$t0), ]

      rle.data <- rle(pkg.data$ver)
      rle.out <- data.frame(lengths = rle.data$lengths,
        values = rle.data$values)

      archive.obs <- pkg.history$Version %in%
        rle.out[rle.data$lengths == 1, "values"]

      if (all(archive.obs)) {
        rle.out$idx <- seq_len(nrow(rle.out))
        breaks <- rle.out[rle.out$lengths != 1, "idx"]

        candidate.seqs <- lapply(seq_along(breaks), function(i) {
          if (i < length(breaks)) {
            (breaks[i] + 1):(breaks[i + 1] - 1)
          } else if (breaks[i] < max(rle.out$idx)) {
            (breaks[i] + 1):max(rle.out$idx)
          } else NA

        candidate.seqs <- candidate.seqs[!is.na(candidate.seqs)]

        candidate.check <- unlist(lapply(candidate.seqs, function(sel) {
          dat <- rle.out[sel, ]
          elements.check <- identical(sort(dat$values), pkg.history$Version)
          if (elements.check) {
            t.range <- range(pkg.data[cumsum(rle.out$lengths)[sel], "t0"])
            time.window <- download.time * nrow(dat)
            difftime(t.range[2], t.range[1], units = "sec") < time.window
          } else FALSE

        obs.sel <- unlist(candidate.seqs[candidate.check])
        pkg.data[cumsum(rle.out$lengths)[obs.sel], names(pkg.data) != "t0"]
    } else NULL

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packageRank documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 1:07 a.m.