#' Create a paged HTML document suitable for printing
#' This is an output format based on \code{bookdown::html_document2} (which
#' means you can use those Markdown features added by \pkg{bookdown}). The HTML
#' output document is split into multiple pages via a JavaScript library
#' \pkg{paged.js}. These pages contain elements commonly seen in PDF documents,
#' such as page numbers and running headers.
#' When a path or an url is passed to the \code{front_cover} or \code{back_cover}
#' argument, several CSS variables are created. They are named \code{--front-cover}
#' and \code{--back-cover} and can be used as value for the CSS property \code{background-image}.
#' For example, \code{background-image: var(--front-cover);}. When a vector of
#' paths or urls is used as a value for \code{front_cover} or \code{back_cover},
#' the CSS variables are suffixed with an index: \code{--front-cover-1},
#' \code{--front-cover-2}, etc.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to
#' \code{bookdown::\link[bookdown]{html_document2}}.
#' @param css A character vector of CSS and Sass file paths. If a path
#' does not contain the \file{.css}, \file{.sass}, or \file{.scss} extension,
#' it is assumed to be a built-in CSS file. For example, \code{default-fonts}
#' means the file\code{pagedown:::pkg_resource('css', 'default-fonts.css')}.
#' To see all built-in CSS files, run \code{pagedown:::list_css()}.
#' @param theme The Bootstrap theme. By default, Bootstrap is not used.
#' @param template The path to the Pandoc template to convert Markdown to HTML.
#' @param csl The path of the Citation Style Language (CSL) file used to format
#' citations and references (see the \href{}{Pandoc documentation}).
#' @param front_cover,back_cover Paths or urls to image files to be used
#' as front or back covers. Theses images are available through CSS variables
#' (see Details).
#' @references \url{}
#' @return An R Markdown output format.
#' @import stats utils
#' @export
html_paged = function(
..., css = c('default-fonts', 'default-page', 'default'), theme = NULL,
template = pkg_resource('html', 'paged.html'), csl = NULL,
front_cover = NULL, back_cover = NULL
) {
..., css = css, theme = theme, template = template, .pagedjs = TRUE,
.pandoc_args = c(
lua_filters('uri-to-fn.lua', 'loft.lua', 'footnotes.lua'), # uri-to-fn.lua must come before footnotes.lua
if (!is.null(csl)) c('--csl', csl),
pandoc_covers_args(front_cover, back_cover)
.dependencies = covers_dependencies(front_cover, back_cover)
#' Create a letter in HTML
#' This output format is similar to \code{html_paged}. The only differences are
#' in the default stylesheets and the default value of the \code{fig_caption}
#' parameter which is set to \code{FALSE}. See
#' \url{} for an example.
#' @param ...,css,fig_caption Arguments passed to \code{\link{html_paged}()}.
#' @return An R Markdown output format.
#' @export
html_letter = function(..., css = c('default', 'letter'), fig_caption = FALSE) {
html_paged(..., css = css, fig_caption = fig_caption)
#' Create a book for Chapman & Hall/CRC
#' This output format is similar to \code{\link{html_paged}}. The only
#' difference is in the default stylesheets.
#' @param ...,css Arguments passed to \code{\link{html_paged}()}.
#' @return An R Markdown output format.
#' @export
book_crc = function(..., css = c('crc-page', 'default-page', 'default', 'crc')) {
# see that explains why we need a specific crc-page.css file
html_paged(..., css = css)
#' Create an article for the Journal of Statistical Software
#' This output format is similar to \code{\link{html_paged}}.
#' @param ...,css,template,csl,highlight,pandoc_args Arguments passed to \code{\link{html_paged}()}.
#' @return An R Markdown output format.
#' @export
jss_paged = function(
..., css = c('jss-fonts', 'jss-page', 'jss'),
template = pkg_resource('html', 'jss_paged.html'),
csl = pkg_resource('csl', 'journal-of-statistical-software.csl'),
highlight = NULL, pandoc_args = NULL
) {
jss_format = html_paged(
..., template = template, css = css,
csl = csl, highlight = highlight,
number_sections = FALSE,
pandoc_args = c(
'--metadata', 'link-citations=true',
opts_jss = list(
prompt = TRUE, comment = NA, R.options = list(prompt = 'R> ', continue = 'R+ '),
fig.align = 'center', fig.width = 4.9, fig.height = 3.675,
class.source = 'r-chunk-code'
for (i in names(opts_jss)) {
jss_format$knitr$opts_chunk[[i]] = opts_jss[[i]]
#' Create a paged HTML thesis document suitable for printing
#' This output format is similar to \code{\link{html_paged}}. The only
#' difference is in the default stylesheets and Pandoc template. See
#' \url{} for an example.
#' @param ...,css,template Arguments passed to \code{\link{html_paged}()}.
#' @return An R Markdown output format.
#' @export
thesis_paged = function(
..., css = c('thesis'), template = pkg_resource('html', 'thesis.html')
) {
html_paged(..., css = css, template = template)
pagedown_dependency = function(css = NULL, js = FALSE, .test = FALSE) {
paged = if (.test) 'js/paged-latest.js' else c('js/paged.js', 'js/hooks.js')
'paged', packageVersion('pagedown'), src = pkg_resource(),
script = if (js) c('js/config.js', paged),
stylesheet = file.path('css', css), all_files = .test
html_format = function(
..., self_contained = TRUE, anchor_sections = FALSE, mathjax = 'default', css, template, pandoc_args = NULL,
.dependencies = NULL, .pagedjs = FALSE, .pandoc_args = NULL, .test = FALSE
) {
if (!identical(mathjax, 'local')) {
if (identical(mathjax, 'default'))
mathjax = rmarkdown:::default_mathjax()
# workaround the rmarkdown warning when self_contained is TRUE
# see
if (isTRUE(self_contained) && !is.null(mathjax)) {
pandoc_args = c(pandoc_args, paste0('--mathjax=', mathjax))
mathjax = NULL # let rmarkdown believe that we do not use MathJax
css2 = grep('[.](?:sa|sc|c)ss$', css, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
css = setdiff(css, css2)
pandoc_args = c(
# use the pagebreak pandoc filter provided by rmarkdown 1.16:
if (isTRUE(.pagedjs)) pandoc_metadata_arg('newpage_html_class', 'page-break-after')
html_document2 = function(..., extra_dependencies = list()) {
bookdown::html_document2(..., extra_dependencies = c(
extra_dependencies, .dependencies,
pagedown_dependency(xfun::with_ext(css2, '.css'), .pagedjs, .test)
fmt = html_document2(
..., self_contained = self_contained, anchor_sections = anchor_sections, mathjax = mathjax, css = css,
template = template, pandoc_args = pandoc_args
if (isTRUE(.pagedjs)) {
# shadow DOM needs to be deactivated (until is solved)
# e.g this is required for the flextable package (see so we need to pass
# information about paged.js being used.
fmt$knitr$opts_knit[['is.paged.js']] = TRUE
# Keeping this for flextable < 0.8.6
fmt$knitr$opts_chunk[['ft.shadow']] = FALSE
chapter_name = function() {
config = bookdown:::load_config()
chapter_name = config[['chapter_name']] %n% bookdown:::ui_language('chapter_name')
if (is.null(chapter_name) || identical(chapter_name, '')) return()
if (!is.character(chapter_name)) stop(
'chapter_name in _bookdown.yml must be a character string'
if (length(chapter_name) > 2) stop('chapter_name must be of length 1 or 2')
pandoc_metadata_arg = function(name, value) {
if (!missing(value) && is.character(value)) {
value = deparse(value)
c('--metadata', if (missing(value)) name else paste0(name, '=', value))
pandoc_chapter_name_args = function() {
unlist(lapply(chapter_name(), pandoc_metadata_arg, name = 'chapter_name'))
pandoc_covers_args = function(front_cover, back_cover) {
build_links = function(name, img) {
if (length(img) == 0) return()
name = paste(name, seq_along(img), sep = '-')
links = paste0('<link id="', name,'-pagedown-attachment" rel="attachment" href="', img, '" />')
links = c(build_links('front-cover', front_cover), build_links('back-cover', back_cover))
if (length(links)) {
writeLines(links, f <- tempfile(fileext = ".html"))
covers_dependencies = function(front_cover, back_cover) {
html_dep = function(name, img) {
name, packageVersion('pagedown'), dirname(path.expand(img)),
attachment = c(pagedown = basename(img)), all_files = FALSE
build_deps = function(name, img) {
if (length(img) == 0) return(list())
name = paste(name, seq_along(img), sep = '-')
name = name[file.exists(img)]
img = img[file.exists(img)]
mapply(name, img, FUN = html_dep, USE.NAMES = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
c(build_deps('front-cover', front_cover), build_deps('back-cover', back_cover))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.