
Defines functions pairwise_comparisons

Documented in pairwise_comparisons

#' @title Multiple pairwise comparison tests with tidy data
#' @name pairwise_comparisons
#' @description
#' Calculate parametric, non-parametric, robust, and Bayes Factor pairwise
#' comparisons between group levels with corrections for multiple testing.
#' @inheritParams ipmisc::long_to_wide_converter
#' @param type Type of statistic expected (`"parametric"` or `"nonparametric"`
#'   or `"robust"` or `"bayes"`).Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted:
#'   `"p"` (for parametric), `"np"` (nonparametric), `"r"` (robust), or
#'   `"bf"`resp.
#' @param tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out `robust` tests. If you
#'   get error stating "Standard error cannot be computed because of Winsorized
#'   variance of 0 (e.g., due to ties). Try to decrease the trimming level.",
#'   try to play around with the value of `tr`, which is by default set to
#'   `0.2`. Lowering the value might help.
#' @param p.adjust.method Adjustment method for *p*-values for multiple
#'   comparisons. Possible methods are: `"holm"` (default), `"hochberg"`,
#'   `"hommel"`, `"bonferroni"`, `"BH"`, `"BY"`, `"fdr"`, `"none"`.
#' @param paired Logical that decides whether the experimental design is
#'   repeated measures/within-subjects or between-subjects. The default is
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @param k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer)
#'   (Default: `k = 2L`).
#' @param bf.prior A number between `0.5` and `2` (default `0.707`), the prior
#'   width to use in calculating Bayes factors and posterior estimates. In
#'   addition to numeric arguments, several named values are also recognized:
#'   `"medium"`, `"wide"`, and `"ultrawide"`, corresponding to *r* scale values
#'   of 1/2, sqrt(2)/2, and 1, respectively. In case of an ANOVA, this value
#'   corresponds to scale for fixed effects.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to other methods.
#' @inheritParams stats::t.test
#' @inheritParams WRS2::rmmcp
#' @return A tibble dataframe containing two columns corresponding to group
#'   levels being compared with each other (`group1` and `group2`) and `p.value`
#'   column corresponding to this comparison. The dataframe will also contain a
#'   `p.value.label` column containing a *label* for this *p*-value, in case
#'   this needs to be displayed in `ggsignif::geom_ggsignif`. In addition to
#'   these common columns across the different types of statistics, there will
#'   be additional columns specific to the `type` of test being run.
#'   This function provides a unified syntax to carry out pairwise comparison
#'   tests and internally relies on other packages to carry out these tests. For
#'   more details about the included tests, see the documentation for the
#'   respective functions:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item *parametric* : [stats::pairwise.t.test()] (paired) and
#'   [PMCMRplus::gamesHowellTest()] (unpaired)
#'   \item *non-parametric* :
#'   [PMCMRplus::durbinAllPairsTest()] (paired) and
#'   [PMCMRplus::kwAllPairsDunnTest()] (unpaired)
#'   \item *robust* :
#'   [WRS2::rmmcp()] (paired) and [WRS2::lincon()] (unpaired)
#'   \item *Bayes Factor* : [BayesFactor::ttestBF()]
#'   }
#' @importFrom dplyr select rename mutate everything mutate_if across starts_with
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols matches rowwise ungroup
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pairwise.t.test na.omit aov
#' @importFrom WRS2 lincon rmmcp
#' @importFrom PMCMRplus durbinAllPairsTest kwAllPairsDunnTest gamesHowellTest
#' @importFrom rlang !!! ensym exec call2 new_formula
#' @importFrom purrr map2 map_dfr
#' @importFrom ipmisc stats_type_switch format_num long_to_wide_converter
#' @importFrom parameters model_parameters standardize_names
#' @importFrom insight format_value
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # for reproducibility
#' set.seed(123)
#' library(pairwiseComparisons)
#' # show all columns and make the column titles bold
#' # as a user, you don't need to do this; this is just for the package website
#' options(tibble.width = Inf, pillar.bold = TRUE, pillar.neg = TRUE, pillar.subtle_num = TRUE)
#' #------------------- between-subjects design ----------------------------
#' # parametric
#' # if `var.equal = TRUE`, then Student's t-test will be run
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = mtcars,
#'   x = cyl,
#'   y = wt,
#'   type = "parametric",
#'   var.equal = TRUE,
#'   paired = FALSE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "none"
#' )
#' # if `var.equal = FALSE`, then Games-Howell test will be run
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = mtcars,
#'   x = cyl,
#'   y = wt,
#'   type = "parametric",
#'   var.equal = FALSE,
#'   paired = FALSE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "bonferroni"
#' )
#' # non-parametric (Dunn test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = mtcars,
#'   x = cyl,
#'   y = wt,
#'   type = "nonparametric",
#'   paired = FALSE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "none"
#' )
#' # robust (Yuen's trimmed means t-test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = mtcars,
#'   x = cyl,
#'   y = wt,
#'   type = "robust",
#'   paired = FALSE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "fdr"
#' )
#' # Bayes Factor (Student's t-test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = mtcars,
#'   x = cyl,
#'   y = wt,
#'   type = "bayes",
#'   paired = FALSE
#' )
#' #------------------- within-subjects design ----------------------------
#' # parametric (Student's t-test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = bugs_long,
#'   x = condition,
#'   y = desire,
#'   subject.id = subject,
#'   type = "parametric",
#'   paired = TRUE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "BH"
#' )
#' # non-parametric (Durbin-Conover test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = bugs_long,
#'   x = condition,
#'   y = desire,
#'   subject.id = subject,
#'   type = "nonparametric",
#'   paired = TRUE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "BY"
#' )
#' # robust (Yuen's trimmed means t-test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = bugs_long,
#'   x = condition,
#'   y = desire,
#'   subject.id = subject,
#'   type = "robust",
#'   paired = TRUE,
#'   p.adjust.method = "hommel"
#' )
#' # Bayes Factor (Student's t-test)
#' pairwise_comparisons(
#'   data = bugs_long,
#'   x = condition,
#'   y = desire,
#'   subject.id = subject,
#'   type = "bayes",
#'   paired = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @export

# function body
pairwise_comparisons <- function(data,
                                 subject.id = NULL,
                                 type = "parametric",
                                 paired = FALSE,
                                 var.equal = FALSE,
                                 tr = 0.2,
                                 bf.prior = 0.707,
                                 p.adjust.method = "holm",
                                 k = 2L,
                                 ...) {
  # standardize stats type
  type <- ipmisc::stats_type_switch(type)

  # ensure the arguments work quoted or unquoted
  c(x, y) %<-% c(rlang::ensym(x), rlang::ensym(y))

  # ---------------------------- data cleanup -------------------------------

  # creating a dataframe (it's important for the data to be sorted by `x`)
  df_int <-
      data = data,
      x = {{ x }},
      y = {{ y }},
      subject.id = {{ subject.id }},
      paired = paired,
      spread = FALSE

  # for some tests, it's better to have these as vectors
  x_vec <- df_int %>% dplyr::pull({{ x }})
  y_vec <- df_int %>% dplyr::pull({{ y }})
  g_vec <- df_int$rowid
  .f.args <- list(...)

  # ---------------------------- parametric ---------------------------------

  if (type %in% c("parametric", "bayes")) {
    if (isTRUE(var.equal) || isTRUE(paired)) {
      c(.f, test.details) %<-% c(stats::pairwise.t.test, "Student's t-test")
    } else {
      c(.f, test.details) %<-% c(PMCMRplus::gamesHowellTest, "Games-Howell test")

  # ---------------------------- nonparametric ----------------------------

  if (type == "nonparametric") {
    if (isFALSE(paired)) c(.f, test.details) %<-% c(PMCMRplus::kwAllPairsDunnTest, "Dunn test")
    if (isTRUE(paired)) c(.f, test.details) %<-% c(PMCMRplus::durbinAllPairsTest, "Durbin-Conover test")

    # `exec` fails otherwise for `pairwise.t.test` because `y` is passed to `t.test`
    .f.args <- list(y = y_vec, ...)

  # running the appropriate test
  if (type != "robust") {
    df <- suppressWarnings(rlang::exec(
      .fn = .f,
      # Dunn, Games-Howell, Student test
      x = y_vec,
      g = x_vec,
      # Durbin-Conover test
      groups = x_vec,
      blocks = g_vec,
      # Student
      paired = paired,
      # common
      na.action = na.omit,
      p.adjust.method = "none",
      # problematic for other methods
    )) %>%
      tidy_model_parameters(.) %>%
      dplyr::rename(group2 = group1, group1 = group2)

  # ---------------------------- robust ----------------------------------

  # extracting the robust pairwise comparisons
  if (type == "robust") {
    if (isFALSE(paired)) {
      c(.ns, .fn) %<-% c("WRS2", "lincon")
      .f.args <- list(formula = rlang::new_formula(y, x), data = df_int)
    } else {
      c(.ns, .fn) %<-% c("WRS2", "rmmcp")
      .f.args <- list(y = quote(y_vec), groups = quote(x_vec), blocks = quote(g_vec))

    # cleaning the raw object and getting it in the right format
    df <- eval(rlang::call2(.ns = .ns, .fn = .fn, tr = tr, !!!.f.args)) %>%

    # test details
    test.details <- "Yuen's trimmed means test"

  # ---------------------------- bayes factor --------------------------------

  if (type == "bayes") {
    # combining results into a single dataframe and returning it
    df_tidy <- purrr::map_dfr(
      # creating a list of dataframes with subsections of data
      .x = purrr::map2(
        .x = as.character(df$group1),
        .y = as.character(df$group2),
        .f = function(a, b) droplevels(dplyr::filter(df_int, {{ x }} %in% c(a, b)))
      # internal function to carry out BF t-test
      .f = ~ bf_ttest(
        data = .x,
        x = {{ x }},
        y = {{ y }},
        paired = paired,
        bf.prior = bf.prior
    ) %>%
      dplyr::rowwise() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(label = paste0("list(~log[e](BF['01'])==", format_value(-log_e_bf10, k), ")")) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(test.details = "Student's t-test")

    # combine it with the other details
    df <- dplyr::bind_cols(dplyr::select(df, group1, group2), df_tidy)

  # ---------------------------- cleanup ----------------------------------

  # final cleanup for p-value labels
  df %<>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(.predicate = is.factor, .funs = ~ as.character(.)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(group1, group2) %>%
    dplyr::select(group1, group2, dplyr::everything())

  # clean-up for non-Bayes tests
  if (type != "bayes") {
    df %<>%
      dplyr::mutate(p.value = stats::p.adjust(p = p.value, method = p.adjust.method)) %>%
        test.details = test.details,
        p.value.adjustment = p_adjust_text(p.adjust.method)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::rowwise() %>%
        label = dplyr::case_when(
          p.value.adjustment != "None" ~ paste0(
            "list(~italic(p)[", p.value.adjustment, "-corrected]==", format_num(p.value, k, TRUE), ")"
          TRUE ~ paste0("list(~italic(p)[uncorrected]==", format_num(p.value, k, TRUE), ")")
      ) %>%

  # return

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pairwiseComparisons documentation built on June 2, 2021, 1:06 a.m.