
parse_remote_git <- function(specs, config, ...) {
  pds <- re_match(specs, git_rx())
  pds$ref <- pds$.text
  cn <- setdiff(colnames(pds), c(".match", ".text"))
  pds <- pds[, cn]
  pds$type <- "git"
  pds$dotgit <- ifelse(grepl("[.]git$", pds$repo), ".git",  "")
  pds$repo <- sub("[.]git$", "", pds$repo)
  pds$package <- ifelse(nzchar(pds$package), pds$package, pds$repo)
  pds$url <- paste0(pds$protocol, "://", pds$host, pds$path, pds$repo, pds$dotgit)
  pds$commitish[pds$commitish == ""] <- "HEAD"
    function(i) as.list(pds[i, ])

resolve_remote_git <- function(remote, direct, config, cache,
                               dependencies, ...) {
    then(function(resp) {
      data <- list(
        desc = resp$description,
        sha = resp$sha,
        remote = remote,
        direct = direct,
        dependencies = dependencies[[2 - direct]]

download_remote_git <- function(resolution, target, target_tree,
                                config, cache, which, on_progress) {

  # This is similar to github

  package <- resolution$package
  sha <- resolution$extra[[1]][["remotesha"]] %||% NA_character_
  need_vignettes <- which == "resolution"
  nocache <- is_true_param(resolution$params[[1]], "nocache")
  source <- is_true_param(resolution$params[[1]], "source")

  # in case there is a leftover tree here
  unlink(target_tree, recursive = TRUE)

  ## 1. Check for a binary package

  if (!nocache && !source) {
    ptfm <- current_r_platform()
    hit <- cache$package$copy_to(
      target, package = package, sha256 = sha, built = TRUE,
      platform = ptfm, rversion = current_r_version(),
      .list = c(if (need_vignettes) c(vignettes = TRUE)))

    if (nrow(hit)) {
      return(paste("Had", ptfm)) # TODO: untested currently

  ## 2. Check if we have a built package in the cache. We do not check the
  ## ref or the type, so the package could have been built from a local
  ## ref or from another repo. As long as the sha is the same, we are
  ## fine. If we don't require vignetted, then a package with or without
  ## vignettes is fine.

  if (!nocache) {
    hit <- cache$package$copy_to(
      target, package = package, sha256 = sha, built = TRUE,
      .list = c(if (need_vignettes) c(vignettes = TRUE)))
    if (nrow(hit)) {

  ## 3. Check if we have a repo snapshot in the cache.

  rel_target <- resolution$target
  if (!nocache) {
    subdir <- resolution$remote[[1]]$subdir
    hit <- cache$package$copy_to(
      target_tree, package = package, sha256 = sha, built = FALSE)
    if (nrow(hit)) {

  ## 4. Need to download the repo

  url <- git_auth_url(resolution$remote[[1]])
  sha <- resolution$metadata[[1]][["RemoteSha"]]
  pkgdir <- file.path(target_tree, resolution$package)
  async_git_download_repo(url, ref = sha, output = pkgdir)$
    then(function() {

satisfy_remote_git <- function(resolution, candidate,
                               config, ...) {
  ## 1. package name must match
  if (resolution$package != candidate$package) {
    return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Package names differ"))

  ## 2. installed ref is good, if it has the same sha
  if (candidate$type == "installed") {
    want_reinst <- is_true_param(resolution$params[[1]], "reinstall")
    if (want_reinst) {
      return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Re-install requested"))
    sha1 <- candidate$extra[[1]][["remotesha"]] %||% NA_character_
    sha2 <- resolution$extra[[1]][["remotesha"]] %||% NA_character_
    ok <- is_string(sha1) && is_string(sha2) && same_sha(sha1, sha2)
    if (!ok) {
      return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Installed package sha mismatch"))
    } else {

  ## 3. local packages satisfy a git remote
  ## See
  if (candidate$type == "local") {
    return (TRUE)

  ## 3. other refs are also good, as long as they have the same sha
  sha1 <- (if (is.list(candidate$extra[[1]]))candidate$extra[[1]][["remotesha"]]) %||% NA_character_
  sha2 <- resolution$extra[[1]][["remotesha"]] %||% NA_character_
  ok <- is_string(sha1) && is_string(sha2) && same_sha(sha1, sha2)
  if (!ok) {
    return(structure(FALSE, reason = "Candidate package sha mismatch"))
  } else {

installedok_remote_git <- function(installed, solution, config, ...) {
  identical(installed$package, solution$package) &&
    identical(installed$version, solution$version) &&
    identical(installed[["remotesha"]], solution$metadata[[1]][["RemoteSha"]])

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

git_rx <- function() {
    ## Optional package name
    "(?:(?<package>", package_name_rx(), ")=)?",
    ## Remote type

git_auth_url <- function(remote) {
  url <- remote$url
  auth <- tryCatch(gitcreds_get(url), error = function(err) NULL)
  if (is.null(auth)) {
  } else {
      sub(paste0("^", remote$protocol, "://"), "", remote$url)

type_git_get_data <- function(remote) {
  sha <- NULL
  dsc <- NULL
  auth_url <- git_auth_url(remote)
  desc_path <- if (is.null(remote$subdir) || remote$subdir == "") {
  } else {
    paste0(remote$subdir, "/", "DESCRIPTION")

  async_git_list_files(auth_url, remote$commitish)$
    catch(error = function(err) {
        "Failed to download {.path {desc_path}} from git repo at {.url {remote$url}}."
      ), parent = err)
    then(function(files) {
      sha <<- files$sha
      desc_idx <- which(files$files$path == desc_path)
      if (length(desc_idx) == 0) {
          "Could not find {.path {desc_path}} in git repo at {.url {remote$url}}."
      if (files$files$type[desc_idx] != "blob") {
          "{.path {desc_path}} is a directory in git repo at {.url {remote$url}}."
    then(function(desc_hash) {
      async_git_download_file(auth_url, desc_hash, output = NULL)$
      catch(error = function(err) {
          "Failed to download {.path {desc_path}} from git repo at {.url {remote$url}}."
        ), parent = err)
      then(function(desc_dl) {
        dsc <<- desc::desc(text = rawToChar(desc_dl$raw))
      catch(error = function(err) {
          "Failed to parse {.path {desc_path}} from git repo at {.url {remote$url}}."
        ), parent = err)
    then(function() {
      list(sha = sha, description = dsc)

type_git_make_resolution <- function(data) {
  deps <- resolve_ref_deps(

  sha <- data$sha
  sha7 <- substr(sha, 1, 7)
  commitish <- data$remote$commitish %|z|% NULL
  package <- data$desc$get_field("Package")
  version <- data$desc$get_field("Version")
  dependencies <- data$dependencies
  unknown <- deps$ref[deps$type %in% dependencies]
  unknown <- setdiff(unknown, c(base_packages(), "R"))

  meta <- c(
    RemoteType = "git",
    RemoteUrl = data$remote$url,
    RemotePkgRef = data$remote$ref,
    RemoteRef = commitish %||% "HEAD",
    RemoteSha = sha

    ref = data$remote$ref,
    type = data$remote$type,
    direct = data$direct,
    status = "OK",
    package = package,
    version = version,
    license = data$desc$get_field("License", NA_character_),
    sources = data$remote$url,
    target = unclass(sprintf("src/contrib/%s_%s_git_%s", package, version, sha7)),
    remote = list(data$remote),
    deps = list(deps),
    unknown_deps = unknown,
    extra = list(list(remotesha = sha)),
    metadata = meta,
    params = data$remote$params,
    sysreqs = data$desc$get_field("SystemRequirements", "")

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pak documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:35 a.m.