
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ---- message=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------

set.seed(42) # for reproducibility 

## ---- results='hide', warning=FALSE-------------------------------------------
# load data
meta <- c("Core", "Latitude", "Longitude", "summ50")

# N Atlantic
N_Atlantic <- Atlantic |>
  filter(Latitude > 3) |> 
  slice_sample(n = 300) # subsample for speed
N_Atlantic_meta <- N_Atlantic |>
  select(one_of(meta)) |> # to keep happy
N_Atlantic <- N_Atlantic |>

# S Atlantic
S_Atlantic <- Atlantic |>
  filter(Latitude < -3)
S_Atlantic_meta <- S_Atlantic |>
S_Atlantic <- S_Atlantic |>

## convert N_Atlatic_meta to an sf object

N_Atlantic_meta <- st_as_sf(
  x = N_Atlantic_meta,
  coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"),
  crs = 4326

# calculating distances among the sampled points in the
# North Atlantic foraminifera data set
geodist <- st_distance(N_Atlantic_meta) |>
  units::set_units("km") |>

# values of h for which h-block cross-validation is calculated
threshs <- c(0.01, 300, 600, 900, 1200)

# h-block cross-validation of the NA foraminifera dataset for
# different values of h
res_h <- map(threshs, function(h) {
  mod <- MAT(N_Atlantic, N_Atlantic_meta$summ50, k = 5, lean = FALSE)
  mod <- crossval(mod, cv.method = "h-block", h.dist = geodist, h.cutoff = h)

    h = h,
    RMSE = performance(mod)$crossval["N05", "RMSE"],
    R2 = performance(mod)$crossval["N05", "R2"]
}) |>

## ---- warning = FALSE, results = 'hide'---------------------------------------
# Leave-one-out cross-validated RMSEP using MAT with k = 5
round(res_h[1, "RMSE"], 2)
# Predicting the South Atlantic test set
mod_NA <- MAT(N_Atlantic, N_Atlantic_meta$summ50, k = 5)
pred_SA <- predict(mod_NA, newdata = S_Atlantic)$fit
# Determining RMSEP of the SA test set
rmse_mat <- sqrt(mean((pred_SA[, 1] - S_Atlantic_meta$summ50)^2))
# RMSEP of the SA test set using MAT with k = 5
round(rmse_mat, 2)

## ---- echo=FALSE, results = 'hide', fig.cap = "Figure 1: Root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) as a function of removal distance h. Dashed horizontal line indicates RMSEP found on a spatially independent test set."----
est_h <- approx(y = res_h$h, x = res_h$RMSE, xout = rmse_mat)$y
seg_dat <- tibble(
  x = c(-Inf, est_h),
  xend = c(est_h, est_h),
  y = c(rmse_mat, rmse_mat),
  yend = c(rmse_mat, -Inf)

ggplot(res_h, aes(x = h, y = RMSE)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  geom_segment(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend),
    data = seg_dat, colour = "red"
  ) +
  labs(x = "h [km]", y = "RMSEP [°C]")

## ---- message=FALSE, results = 'hide', fig.cap = "Figure 2: Semi-variogram fitted to detrended residuals of a weighted averaging model."----
# WA model
modwa <- crossval(WA(sqrt(N_Atlantic), N_Atlantic_meta$summ50, mono = TRUE))
# residuals of the WA model
wa_resid <- residuals(modwa, cv = TRUE)
# detrend to remove edge effects (loess with span = 0.1)
detrended_resid <- resid(loess(wa_resid[, 1] ~ N_Atlantic_meta$summ50,
  span = 0.1

# variogram of the detrended residuals of the WA model
v <- variogram(detrended_resid ~ 1, data = N_Atlantic_meta)
# Fitting a spherical variogram (partial sill, range and nugget are
# approximately estimated from the empirical variogram)
vm <- fit.variogram(v, vgm(psill = 2, "Sph", range = 1500, nugget = 0.5))
plot(v, vm)

## ---- fig.cap = "Figure 3: Semi-variogram model (Matérn class) fitted to the North Atlantic summer sea temperature at 50 m depth."----
# Estimate the variogram model for the environmental variable of interest
ve <- variogram(summ50 ~ 1, data = N_Atlantic_meta)
vem <- fit.variogram(ve, vgm(40, "Mat", 5000, .1, kappa = 1.8))
plot(ve, vem)

# Simulating environmental variables
sim <- krige(sim ~ 1,
  locations = N_Atlantic_meta,
  dummy = TRUE,
  nsim = 100,
  beta = mean(N_Atlantic_meta$summ50),
  model = vem,
  newdata = N_Atlantic_meta

# convert back to a regular data.frame
sim <- sim |>

## ---- message = FALSE, warning= FALSE,results='hide', fig.cap="Figure 4: Histogram of squared correlation coefficients between simulated variables and the environmental variable of interest."----
# Function for h-block cross-validating several simulations at a time
mat_h1 <- function(y, x, noanalogues, geodist, thresh) {
  if (!inherits(y, "dist")) {
    if ( || !(ncol(y) == nrow(y) && sum(diag(y)) == 0)) {
      y <- dist(sqrt(y))^2 # squared chord distance
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  diag(y) <- Inf
  if (inherits(geodist, "dist")) {
    geodist <- as.matrix(geodist)
  sapply(seq_len(nrow(y)), function(n) {
    exneigh <- geodist[n, ] >= thresh
    x2 <- x[exneigh, ]
    y2 <- y[n, ][exneigh]
    analogues <- which(rank(y2, ties.method = "random") <= noanalogues)
    colMeans(x2[analogues, ])

# h-block cross-validation of the simulated variables
simhr <- sapply(threshs, function(h) {
  hn <- mat_h1(N_Atlantic, sim, noanalogues = 5, geodist = geodist, thresh = h)
  diag(cor(t(hn), sim)^2)

# Estimating squared correlation between environmental variable of interest and
# simulated variables
sim_obs_r2 <- sapply(sim, cor, N_Atlantic_meta$summ50)^2
# Calculating sum of squares between the two squared correlations
so_squares <- apply(simhr, 2, function(x) {
  sum((x - sim_obs_r2)^2)

## ----message = FALSE, warning= FALSE,results='hide', fig.cap = "Figure 5: Scatterplot of squared correlation coefficients between simulated variables and the environmental variable of interest and transfer function r^2^."----
simhr |> |>
  set_names(threshs) |>
  mutate(sim_obs_r2 = sim_obs_r2) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = -sim_obs_r2, names_to = "h", values_to = "value") |>
  mutate(h = factor(h, levels = threshs)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = sim_obs_r2, y = value)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline() +
  facet_wrap(~h) +
  labs(x = "Simulated-observed environmental r²", y = "Transfer function r²")

## ----fig.cap =  "Figure 6: Relationship between the sum of squares between the two r^2^ as function of distance *h*."----
tibble(threshs, so_squares) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = threshs, y = so_squares)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "h km", y = "Sum of squares")

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