
Defines functions kdffreq plot.kdffreq

Documented in kdffreq plot.kdffreq

#' Fire frequency using kernel density
#' Computes paleo-fire frequency for a set of fire events (or frequency from other events types, see examples)
#' using a gaussian kernel density estimation procedure based on a defined bandwidth (see Mudelsee 2004 for
#' details). Pseudo-replicated values are used to correct for edge bias, equivalent to
#' "minimum slope" correction in Mann (2004).
#' @param fevent Numeric vector, set of dates
#' @param up Numeric, upper age for fire frequency calculus
#' @param lo Numeric, lower age for fire frequency calculus
#' @param interval Numeric, interval between two points for fire frequency calculus (default 10 years)
#' @param bandwidth Numeric, bandwidth in years, or character for automatic
#' bandwidth calculation (e.g. "bw.ucv" for unbiased cross validation) see
#' \code{\link[stats]{bandwidth}} for details
#' @param pseudo Logical, apply (TRUE) or not (FALSE) Mann (2004) correction (default=FALSE)
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @param pseudo_per percentage of actual data used in reflection in the Mann (2004) correction
#' @param nbboot Numeric, number of bootstrap replicates
#' @param alpha Numeric, confidence interval (default 0.01)
#' @param boot Character, "full" or "partial" see @@details
#' @param bootper Numeric, percentage of fire events randomly added or removed in the "partial" replication procedure (default 0.1)
#' @return ff data.frame, with fire frequency, bandwidth and CIs
#' @details By using boot="partial" option (beta!) fire dates are randomly removed or added within a defined percentage (by default between 1 and 10\%
#' of total number of events) in order to make new series that are then used to calculate ensemble members fire frequencies. This procedure differs slightly from
#' the full bootstrapp where fire dates are randomly picked with replacement. Theoretically classic bootstrap could result in a sample
#' where a single fire event date is replicated n times which makes no sense for fires. By randomly removing or adding fire dates the confidence
#' intervals are narrower and likely better reflect the long term fire regime variablility.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.kdffreq}}
#' @references  Mann, M. E. (2004). On smoothing potentially non-stationary
#' climate time series. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(7). \cr \cr
#' Mudelsee, M., Börngen, M., Tetzlaff, G., & Grünewald, U. (2004). Extreme floods
#' in central Europe over the past 500 years: Role of cyclone pathway “Zugstrasse Vb”.
#'  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012), 109(D23).
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  set.seed(123)
#'  fevent=c(round(abs(rnorm(20,mean=7,sd=5))*1000),round(abs(rnorm(10,mean=8,sd=1))*1000))
#'  ff=kdffreq(fevent,bandwidth = 1000, nbboot=10)
#'  # Estimate the frequency of armed conflicts from 1946 to 2014
#'  # Data from the The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) available at: https://www.prio.org
#'  dat=read.csv('http://ucdp.uu.se/downloads/ucdpprio/ucdp-prio-acd-4-2016.csv')
#'  res=kdffreq(dat$Year,bandwidth = "bw.ucv", nbboot=1000, up = 1946, lo = 2014, interval=1, pseudo=T)
#'  plot(res, ylab="# armed conflict/year")
#'  }

kdffreq <- function(fevent,
                    pseudo_per=NULL) {
  if (is.null(up)) up <- min(fevent)
  if (is.null(lo)) lo <- max(fevent)
  if (is.null(bandwidth)) bandwidth <- 1000
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- .01
  if (is.null(nbboot)) nbboot <- 999
  if (is.null(pseudo_per)) pseudo_per <- .2

  # Organize data
  fevent <- fevent[!is.na(fevent)]
  fevent <- sort(fevent)
  fevent_seq <- lo - up

  ## Pseudodata generation (only 20% of original data)

  # for the upper edge
  if (length(fevent[fevent > lo]) != 0) {
    pseudo_lo <- fevent[fevent > lo]
  } else {
    pseudo_lo <- -((fevent) - rep((max(fevent)), length(fevent))) + max(fevent)
    pseudo_lo <- pseudo_lo[(length(pseudo_lo) - round(length(pseudo_lo) * pseudo_per)):length(pseudo_lo)]

  # for the lower edge
  if (length(fevent[fevent < up]) != 0) {
    pseudo_up <- fevent[fevent < up]
  } else { # if data exist use it
    # elseif generate mirored events
    pseudo_up <- -((fevent) - rep((min(fevent)), length(fevent))) + min(fevent)
    pseudo_up <- pseudo_up[1:round(length(pseudo_up) * pseudo_per)]

  ## Bandwidth selection using "bandwidth" function (see stats and density)

  if (is.character(bandwidth)) {
    bandwidth <- eval(parse(text = paste0(bandwidth, "(fevent)")))

  ## Kernel density estimation
  fevent_pseudo <- sort(c(pseudo_up, fevent, pseudo_lo))
  if (pseudo == FALSE) fevent_pseudo <- fevent
  n <- length(fevent_pseudo) # number of events
  t <- seq(min(fevent_pseudo), max(fevent_pseudo), interval)

  # points where kernel estimates the
  # density
  ffreq1 <- density(fevent_pseudo,
    bw = bandwidth, kernel = "gaussian", from = min(fevent_pseudo),
    to = max(fevent_pseudo), n = length(t)
  # plot(ffreq1$x,ffreq1$y*n,type="l",ylim=c(0,0.01))

  ## Bootstrap
  fmat <- matrix(nrow = length(t), ncol = nbboot)

  v <- 1:round(n * bootper)

  for (i in 1:nbboot) {
    if (boot == "partial") {
      w <- sample(v, 1)
      x <- sample(1:n, replace = F)
      sign <- sample(c(0, 1), 1)
      if (sign == 1) {
        fmat[, i] <- c(density(c(
          fevent_pseudo[sample(x, w, replace = FALSE)]
        bw = bandwidth, kernel = "gaussian", from = min(fevent_pseudo),
        to = max(fevent_pseudo), n = length(t)
        )$y * (n + w))
      } else {
        fmat[, i] <- c(density(fevent_pseudo[sample(x, n - w, replace = FALSE)],
          bw = bandwidth, kernel = "gaussian", from = min(fevent_pseudo),
          to = max(fevent_pseudo), n = length(t)
        )$y * (n - w))
    if (boot == "full") {
      fmat[, i] <- c(density(fevent_pseudo[unique(sample(1:n, replace = TRUE))],
        bw = bandwidth, kernel = "gaussian", from = min(fevent_pseudo),
        to = max(fevent_pseudo), n = length(t)
      )$y * n)
    # lines(t, fmat[,i],col="grey67")

  CI <- apply(fmat, 1, quantile, probs = c(alpha / 2, 1 - (alpha / 2)))
  # lines(t,CI[1,])
  # lines(t,CI[2,])

  ff <- data.frame(cbind(ffreq1$x, ffreq1$y * n, t(CI)))
  names(ff) <- c("age", "ff", "lo", "up")
  ff <- ff[ff$age > up & ff$age < lo, ]
  class(ff) <- "kdffreq"

#' plot.kdffreq
#' Plot fire frequency calculated using the \code{\link[paleofire]{kdffreq}} function
#' @method plot kdffreq
#' @export
#' @param x Object returned by kdffreq
#' @param xlim Numeric x axis limits
#' @param ylim Numeric, y axis limits
#' @param main char, title of plot
#' @param xlab char, x axis legend
#' @param ylab char, y axis legend
#' @param frame frame around plot 
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @seealso \code{\link[paleofire]{kdffreq}}
#'  @examples
#'  set.seed(123)
#'  fevent=c(round(abs(rnorm(20,mean=7,sd=5))*1000),round(abs(rnorm(10,mean=8,sd=1))*1000))
#'  ff=kdffreq(fevent,bandwidth = 1000, nbboot=10)
#'  plot(ff)

plot.kdffreq <- function(x, ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, main=NULL, xlab="Age", ylab="FF (#.yr-1)", frame=T,...) {
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(x$lo), max(x$up))
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x$age), max(x$age))

  plot(x$age, x$ff,
    type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main,

  # lines(x$age,x$up)
  # lines(x$age,x$lo)
  # if(smooth==TRUE){
  # rr=smooth.spline(x$age,x$up,spar=0.4)
  # x$up=predict(rr,x$age)$y
  # rr=smooth.spline(x$age,x$lo,spar=0.4)
  # x$lo=predict(rr,x$age)$y
  # }

  polygon(c(x$age, rev(x$age)), c(x$up, rev(x$lo)), col = "grey85", border = FALSE)
  lines(x$age, x$ff)

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paleofire documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:44 a.m.