
Defines functions phyloDiv taxicDivDisc taxicDivCont

Documented in phyloDiv taxicDivCont taxicDivDisc

#' Diversity Curves
#' Functions to plot diversity curves based on taxic range data, in both
#' discrete and continuous time, and for phylogenies.
#' @details 
#' First, some background. 
#' Diversity curves are plots of species/taxon/lineage richness
#' over time for a particular group of organisms. For paleontological studies,
#' these are generally based on per-taxon range data while more recently in
#' evolutionary biology, molecular phylogenies have been used to calculate
#' lineage-through-time plots (LTTs). Neither of these approaches are without
#' their particular weaknesses; reconstructing the true history of biodiversity
#' is a difficult task no matter what data is available.
#' The diversity curves produced by these functions will always measure
#' diversity within binned time intervals (and plot them as rectangular bins).
#' For continuous-time data or phylogenies, one could decrease the int.length
#' used to get what is essentially an 'instantaneous' estimate of diversity.
#' This is warned against, however, as most historical diversity data will have
#' some time-averaging or uncertain temporal resolution and thus is probably
#' not finely-resolved enough to calculate instantaneous estimates of
#' diversity.
#' As with many functions in the \code{paleotree} library, absolute time is always
#' decreasing, i.e. the present day is zero.
#' As diversity is counted within binned intervals, the true standing diversity
#' may be somewhat lower than the measured (observed) quantity, particularly if
#' intervals are longer than the mean duration of taxa is used. This will be an
#' issue with all diversity curve functions, but particularly the discrete-time
#' variant. For diversity data in particularly large discrete time intervals,
#' plotting this data in smaller bins which do not line up completely with the
#' original intervals will create a 'spiky' diversity curve, as these smaller
#' intersecting bins will have a large number of taxa which may have been
#' present in either of the neighboring intervals. This will give these small
#' bins an apparently high estimated standing diversity. This artifact is
#' avoided with the default setting \code{split.int = TRUE}, which will split any input
#' or calculated intervals so that they start and end at the boundaries of the
#' discrete-time range bins.
#' The \code{timeList} object should be a list composed of two matrices, the first
#' matrix giving by-interval start and end times (in absolute time), the second
#' matrix giving the by-taxon first and last appearances in the intervals
#' defined in the first matrix, numbered as the rows. Absolute time should be
#' decreasing, while the intervals should be numbered so that the number
#' increases with time. Taxa alive in the modern should be listed as last
#' occurring in a time interval that  begins at time 0 and ends at time 0.
#' See the documentation for the time-scaling  function 
#'\code{\link{bin_timePaleoPhy}} and the simulation function 
#' \code{\link{binTimeData}} for more information on formatting.
#' Unlike some \code{paleotree} functions,
#' such as \code{\link{perCapitaRates}}, the intervals
#' can be overlapping or of unequal length. The diversity curve functions
#' deal with such issues by assuming taxa occur from the base of the interval
#' they are first found in until the end of the last interval they are occur
#' in. Taxa in wide-ranging intervals that contain many others will be treated
#' as occurring in all nested intervals. 
#' \code{\link{phyloDiv}} will resolve polytomies to be dichotomous nodes separated by
#' zero-length branches prior to calculating the diversity curve. There is no
#' option to alter this behavior, but it should not affect the use of the
#' function because the addition of the zero-length branches should produce an
#' identical diversity history as a polytomy. \code{phyloDiv} will also drop
#' zero-length terminal branches, as with the function \code{\link{dropZLB}}. This the
#' default behavior for the function but can be turned off by setting the
#' argument \code{drop.zlb} to FALSE.
#' @name DiversityCurves
#' @rdname DiversityCurves
#' @aliases taxicDivCont taxicDivDisc phyloDiv

#' @param timeData Two-column matrix giving the per-taxon first and last
#' appearances in absolute time. The simulated data tables output by \code{fossilRecord2fossilTaxa}
#' following simulation with \code{simFossilRecord} can also be supplied to \code{taxicDivCont}.

#' @param timeList A list composed of two matrices, giving interval start and end 
#' dates and taxon first and last occurrences within those intervals. See details.

#' @param tree A time-scaled phylogeny of class \code{phylo}.

#' @param int.length The length of intervals used to make the diversity curve.
#' Ignored if \code{int.times} is given.

#' @param int.times An optional two-column matrix of the interval start and end
#' times for calculating the diversity curve. If \code{NULL}, calculated internally.
#' If given, the argument \code{split.int} and \code{int.length} are ignored.

#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, a diversity curve generated from the data is plotted.

#' @param plotLogRich If \code{TRUE}, taxic diversity is plotted on log scale.

#' @param drop.cryptic If \code{TRUE}, cryptic taxa are merged to form one taxon for
#' estimating taxon curves. Only works for objects from \code{simFossilRecord}
#' via \code{fossilRecord2fossilTaxa}.

#' @param drop.singletons If \code{TRUE}, taxa confined to a single interval will be
#' dropped prior to the diversity curve calculation. This is sometimes done if
#' single intervals have overly high diversities due to the 'monograph' effect
#' where more named taxa are known in certain intervals largely due to
#' taxonomic expert effort and not real changes in historical biotic diversity.

#' @param timelims Limits for the x (time) axis for diversity curve plots. Only
#' affects plotting. Given as either \code{NULL} (the default) or as a vector of
#' length two as for \code{xlim} in the basic R function \code{plot}. Time axes 
#' will be plotted \emph{exactly} to these values.

#' @param extant.adjust Amount of time to be added to extend start time for
#' (0,0) bins for extant taxa, so that the that 'time interval' does not appear 
#' to have an infinitely small width.

#' @param split.int For discrete time data, should calculated/input intervals
#' be split at discrete time interval boundaries? If \code{FALSE}, can create apparent
#' artifacts in calculating the diversity curve. See details.

#' @param drop.ZLB If \code{TRUE}, zero-length terminal branches are dropped from the
#' input tree for phylogenetic datasets, before calculating standing diversity.

#' @return These functions will invisibly return a three-column matrix, where
#' the first two columns are interval start and end times and the third column
#' is the number of taxa (or lineages) counted in that interval.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso \code{\link{multiDiv}}, \code{\link{timeSliceTree}},
#' \code{\link{binTimeData}}
#' There are several different functions for traditional LTT plots
#' (phylogenetic diversity curves), such as the function
#' ,\code{\link{ltt.plot}} in the package \code{ape}, the function \code{ltt} in the
#' package \code{phytools}, the function \code{plotLtt} in the package \code{laser} and the
#' function \code{LTT.average.root} in the package \code{TreeSim}.

#' @examples
#' # taxicDivDisc example with the retiolinae dataset
#' data(retiolitinae)
#' taxicDivDisc(retioRanges)
#' ##################################################
#' # simulation examples
#' # 07-15-19
#' # note that the examples below are weird and rather old
#'     # the incomplete sampling can now be done
#'     # with the same function that simulates diversification
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'        p = 0.1, 
#'        q = 0.1, 
#'        nruns = 1,
#'        nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'        nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # let's see what the 'true' diversity curve looks like in this case
#' #plot the FADs and LADs with taxicDivCont
#' taxicDivCont(taxa)
#' # simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling via sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa, r = 0.5)
#' # plot the diversity curve based on the sampled ranges
#' layout(1:2)
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont)
#' # Now let's use binTimeData to bin in intervals of 1 time unit
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,
#'        int.length = 1)
#' # plot with taxicDivDisc
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc)
#' # compare to the continuous time diversity curve
#' layout(1)
#' # Now let's make a tree using taxa2phylo
#' tree <- taxa2phylo(taxa,obs_time = rangesCont[,2])
#' phyloDiv(tree)
#' # a simple example with phyloDiv
#'   # using a tree from rtree in ape
#' set.seed(444)
#' tree <- rtree(100)
#' phyloDiv(tree)
#' ###########################################################
#' #a neat example of using phyDiv with timeSliceTree 
#'  #to simulate doing molecular-phylogeny studies 
#'  #of diversification...in the past
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'        p = 0.1, 
#'        q = 0.1, 
#'        nruns = 1,
#'        nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'        nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' taxicDivCont(taxa)
#' #that's the whole diversity curve
#' #with timeSliceTree we could look at the lineage accumulation curve 
#'  #we'd get of species sampled at a point in time
#' tree <- taxa2phylo(taxa)
#' #use timeSliceTree to make tree of relationships up until time = 950 
#' tree950 <- timeSliceTree(tree,
#'        sliceTime = 950,
#'        plot = TRUE,
#'        drop.extinct = FALSE)
#' #use drop.extinct = TRUE to only get the tree of lineages extant at time = 950
#' tree950 <- timeSliceTree(tree,
#'        sliceTime = 950,
#'        plot = TRUE,
#'        drop.extinct = TRUE)
#' #now its an ultrametric tree with many fewer tips...
#' #lets plot the lineage accumulation plot on a log scale
#' phyloDiv(tree950, 
#'        plotLogRich = TRUE)
#' ##################################################
#' #an example of a 'spiky' diversity curve 
#'        # and why split.int is a good thing
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'        p = 0.1, 
#'        q = 0.1, 
#'        nruns = 1,
#'        nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'        nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' taxaDiv <- taxicDivCont(taxa)
#' #simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa, r = 0.5)
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,
#'        int.length = 10)
#' #now let's plot with taxicDivDisc
#'  # but with the intervals from taxaDiv
#'  # by default, split.int = TRUE
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc,
#'        int.times = taxaDiv[,1:2],
#'        split.int = TRUE)
#' #look pretty!
#' #now let's turn off split.int
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc,
#'        int.times = taxaDiv[,1:2],
#'        split.int = FALSE)
#' #looks 'spiky'!

#' @export
taxicDivCont <- function(
		int.length = 1,
		int.times = NULL,
		plot = TRUE,
		plotLogRich = FALSE,
		timelims = NULL,
		drop.cryptic = FALSE
	# This function estimates diversity for bins from continuous-time range data
	# input is a per-species matrix of backwards-time 
		   # FADs and LADs in 2 columns (FADs first)
	# assumes time is in millions of years
	# time interval starts and ends can be pre-input as a 2 column matrix
		# int.length is ignored in this case
	# output (if TRUE) is matrix of bin-start, bit-end, div
	tblen <- int.length
	if(ncol(timeData) == 6){	#also allow it to accept taxaData objects
			timeData <- timeData[,3:4,drop = FALSE]
			timeDataF <- sapply(unique(timeData[,6]),function(x)
				max(timeData[x == timeData[,6],3])
			timeDataL <- sapply(unique(timeData[,6]),function(x)
				min(timeData[x == timeData[,6],4])
			timeData <- cbind(timeDataF,timeDataL)
			timeData <- as.matrix(timeData)
			stop("timeData not of matrix or data.frame format")
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),,drop = FALSE]
		stop("Weird NAs in Data??")
		stop("timeData is not in time relative to modern (decreasing to present)")
		stop("Some dates in timeData <0 ?")
	FAD <- as.numeric(timeData[,1]);LAD <- as.numeric(timeData[,2])
		midtimes <- seq(max(FAD)+2*tblen,min(LAD)-2*tblen,by = -tblen)
		midtimes <- midtimes[midtimes>0]
		int.start <- midtimes+(tblen/2)
		int.end <- midtimes-(tblen/2)
		int.start <- int.times[,1];int.end <- int.times[,2]
		midtimes <- (int.start+int.end)/2
	div <- sapply(1:length(midtimes),function(x)
		sum(FAD >= int.end[x])-sum(LAD>int.start[x])
		times1 <- c(int.start,(int.end+((int.start-int.end)/10000)))
		div1 <- c(div,div)[order(times1)]
		times1 <- sort(times1)
			plot(times1[div1>0],div1[div1>0],type = "l",log = "y",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "taxic Richness (Log Scale)")		
			plot(times1,div1,type = "l",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "Taxic Richness")
	res <- cbind(int.start,int.end,int.div = div)

#' @rdname DiversityCurves
#' @export
taxicDivDisc <- function(
		int.times = NULL,
		drop.singletons = FALSE,
		plot = TRUE,
		plotLogRich = FALSE,
		timelims = NULL,
		extant.adjust = 0.001,
		split.int = TRUE
	#this function estimates diversity for binned intervals
		# from discrete interval range data
	#input is a list with (1) interval times matrix and (2) species FOs and LOs
	#time interval starts and ends can be pre-input as a 2 column matrix
		#HOWEVER this could be pretty misleading!
		#standing richness may never be high as the apparent richness of some bins
	#output (if TRUE) is 3 col matrix of int-start, int-end, div
			timeList[[1]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[1]])
			stop("timeList[[1]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
			timeList[[2]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[2]])
			stop("timeList[[2]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
	intMat <- timeList[[1]]	#the intervals the DATA is given in
	timeData <- timeList[[2]]
	#if(drop.extant){timeData[[2]][(timeData[[1]][timeData[[2]][,2],1] == 0),1] <- NA}
	if(drop.singletons){timeData <- timeData[timeData[,1] != timeData[,2],]}
	intMat[intMat[,1] == 0,1] <- extant.adjust
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),,drop = FALSE]
	if(any(is.na(timeData))){stop("Weird NAs in Data??")}
		stop("Some values in the interval times aren't numeric??"
		stop("timeList[[1]] not in intervals in time relative to modern"
	if(any(intMat[,2]<0)){stop("Some dates in timeList[[1]] <0 ?")}
			"timeList[[2]] not in intervals numbered from first to last (1 to infinity)"
	if(any(timeData[,2]<0)){stop("Some dates in timeList[[2]] <0 ?")}
	Fint <- as.numeric(timeData[,1]);Lint <- as.numeric(timeData[,2])
	FAD <- intMat[Fint,1];LAD <- intMat[Lint,2]
		avg_dur <- abs(mean(apply(timeList[[1]],1,diff)))
		#add a little space at start and end
		int.bounds <- unique(c(intMat,max(intMat)+avg_dur,min(intMat)-avg_dur))		
		int.bounds <- int.bounds[order(-int.bounds)]
		intMat <- cbind(int.bounds[-length(int.bounds)],int.bounds[-1])
		int.start <- intMat[,1];int.end <- intMat[,2]
		midtimes <- apply(intMat,1,mean)
			#if split.int, then any interval times given are
				# split at discrete time intervals
			splinters <- sort(unique(c(intMat)))
			mustSplit <- apply(int.times,1,function(x)
				any(sapply(splinters,function(y) x[1]>y & x[2]<y))
				for(i in which(mustSplit)){
					splitter <- splinters[
							int.times[i,1]>y & int.times[i,2]<y
					for(j in splitter){		
						#in case there is more than one splitter
						int.times <- rbind(
				int.times <- int.times[-which(mustSplit),]
				int.times <- int.times[order(-int.times[,1]),]
		int.start <- int.times[,1];int.end <- int.times[,2]
		midtimes <- (int.start+int.end)/2
	div <- sapply(1:length(midtimes),function(x)
		sum(FAD>int.end[x])-sum(LAD >= int.start[x])
	#div <- sapply(min(timeData):max(timeData),function(x) 	sum(FAD <= x & LAD >= x))
		times1 <- c(int.start,(int.end+((int.start-int.end)/10000)))
		div1 <- c(div,div)[order(times1)]
		times1 <- sort(times1)
				type = "l",
				log = "y",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "Taxic Richness (Log Scale)")		
				type = "l",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "Taxic Richness")
	res <- cbind(int.start,int.end,int.div = div)

#' @rdname DiversityCurves
#' @export
phyloDiv <- function(
		int.length = 0.1,
		int.times = NULL,
		plot = TRUE,
		plotLogRich = FALSE,
		drop.ZLB = TRUE,
		timelims = NULL
	#function that computes a diversity curve from a tree file
		#aka lineage-through-time plot
		#ttree$root.time is used to place the diversity curve in time
		#if no root.time, then it is assumed latest tip is at 0 time (present day)
	#time interval starts and ends can be pre-input as a 2 column matrix
		#int.length is ignored in this case
	#this function will randomly resolve any tree it is given using multi2di()
		#this shouldn't affect anything to my knowledge
	#this function also automatically drops zero-length branches from the tree
		#this is advised for paleo-tree analyses of diversification
	#output (if TRUE) is 3 col matrix of bin-start, bit-end, div
	#plotLogRich just decides if the div plot if log-scale or not on the y axis
	ttree <- tree
	if(!inherits(ttree, "phylo")){
		stop("ttree is not of class phylo")
	tblen <- int.length
	if(drop.ZLB){ttree <- dropZLB(ttree)}
	savetree <- ttree
	if(!ape::is.binary.phylo(ttree) | !is.rooted(tree)){ttree <- multi2di(ttree)}
		ntime <- node.depth.edgelength(ttree)
		ntime <- max(ntime)-ntime
		ntime <- node.depth.edgelength(ttree)
		ntime <- ttree$root.time-ntime
		ntime <- round(ntime,6)
			stop("tree$root.time is less than total depth of tree!")
		midtimes <- seq(max(ntime)+3*tblen,min(ntime)-2*tblen,by = -tblen)
		midtimes <- midtimes[midtimes>0]
		int.start <- midtimes+(tblen/2)
		int.end <- midtimes-(tblen/2)
		int.start <- int.times[,1];int.end <- int.times[,2]
		midtimes <- (int.start+int.end)/2
	LAD <- ntime[1:Ntip(ttree)]				#death
	FAD <- ntime[(Ntip(ttree)+1):length(ntime)]		#birth
	div <- sapply(1:length(midtimes),function(x) 
		1+sum(FAD >= int.end[x])-sum(LAD>int.start[x])
		times1 <- c(int.start,(int.end+((int.start-int.end)/10000)))
		div1 <- c(div,div)[order(times1)]
		times1 <- sort(times1)
		parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
		par(mar = c(1,4,1,1))
		plot(ladderize(savetree),show.tip.label = FALSE)
		#anticipating that ape will recognize root.time
		par(mar = c(5,4,2,2))
			plot(times1[div1>0],div1[div1>0],type = "l",log = "y",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "Lineage Richness (Log Scale)")		
			plot(times1,div1,type = "l",
				xlim = if(is.null(timelims)){
				xaxs = if(is.null(timelims)){
				ylim = c(0,max(div1)+1),
				xlab = "Time (Before Present)",
				ylab = "Lineage Richness")
	res <- cbind(int.start,int.end,int.div = div)

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.