
Defines functions parentChildPBDBOld getLinneanTaxonTreePBDB subsetParDataPBDB constructParentChildMatrixPBDB getFloatAncPBDB getAllParents fixSelfParents findNoParentMatch parseParentPBDBData queryMissingParents convertParentChildMatNames getTaxRankPBDB translatePBDBtaxa

# hidden functions for used with makePBDBtaxonTree
translatePBDBtaxa <- function(taxaDataPBDB, convertAccepted = TRUE){
		# if convertAccepted is TRUE, then the taxon name and taxon no will be replaced
			# with the accepted name and no for that taxon
			# this is NOT disirable for trying to trace parents in a set of taxa
	# Do some translation
	#need to replace any empty string values with NAs (due perhaps to use of read.csv with the API)
	taxaDataPBDB[taxaDataPBDB == ""] <- NA
	#if com vocab
	if(any("rnk" == colnames(taxaDataPBDB))){	
		#apparently it doesn't matter if these columns *are* present or not
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "acn"] <- "accepted_name"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "snp"] <- "senpar_no"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "rnk"] <- "taxon_rank"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "nam"] <- "taxon_name"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "fml"] <- "family"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "odl"] <- "order"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "cll"] <- "class"	
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "phl"] <- "phylum"	
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "kgl"] <- "kingdom"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "par"] <- "parent_no"
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "oid"] <- "taxon_no"
		# taxon rank translation vectors for compact vocab
		taxRankPBDB <- getTaxRankPBDB()
		taxRankCOM <- 2:26
		#change contents of "identified_rank" and "accepted_rank"
		taxaDataPBDB$taxon_rank <- sapply(taxaDataPBDB$taxon_rank,function(x)
			taxRankPBDB[x == taxRankCOM])
		message("compact vocab detected, relevant fields will be translated")
	# following are closet cases that mostly only apply to OLD API calls
	if(any(colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "rank")){
		#if 1.1 and vocab is pbdb
		colnames(taxaDataPBDB)[colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "rank"] <- "taxon_rank"
		# if convertAccepted is TRUE, then the taxon name and taxon no will be replaced
			# with the accepted name and no for that taxon
			# this is NOT disirable for trying to trace parents in a set of taxa
		if(any(colnames(taxaDataPBDB) == "accepted_name")){
			#if 1.2 and there is an accepted_name column..
				#fill empty accepted_name values with taxon_name
			nameFormal <- taxaDataPBDB[,"accepted_name"]
			nameFormal[is.na(nameFormal)] <- as.character(taxaDataPBDB[is.na(nameFormal),"taxon_name"])
			#replace taxon_name
			taxaDataPBDB[,"taxon_name"] <- nameFormal
			#replace taxon_no with accepted_no
			taxNum <- taxaDataPBDB[,"accepted_no"]
			taxNum[is.na(taxNum)] <- as.character(taxaDataPBDB[is.na(taxNum),"taxon_no"])	
			taxaDataPBDB[,"taxon_no"] <- taxNum			
		#if this is OLD v1.2 taxaDataPBDB, and there is a senpar_no column
			# replace parent_no in the same way with senpar_no
		parNum <- taxaDataPBDB[,"senpar_no"]
		parNum[is.na(parNum)] <- as.character(taxaDataPBDB[is.na(parNum),"parent_no"])	
		taxaDataPBDB[,"parent_no"] <- parNum

		"kingdom","unranked clade","informal"
		#keep informal as high, never drop!

convertParentChildMatNames <- function(taxID, parData){
	taxMatch <- match(taxID, parData$taxon_no)
		newName <- "NODE"
		newName <- parData$taxon_name[taxMatch]
		newName <- as.character(newName)
queryMissingParents <- function(taxaID,
		APIversion = "1.2",
		status = "all",
		convertAccepted = FALSE,
		stopIfSelfParent = FALSE,
        failIfNoInternet = TRUE
	# find missing parents by access API
	# drop Eukarya, as it won't return if status = senior under 1.1
	# taxaID <- as.numeric(taxaID[taxaID != "1"])
	# let's get some taxonomic data
    # first test internet
    testConnect <- canConnectPBDB(fail = failIfNoInternet)
	floatData <- read.csv(
				### should we take all or only ACCEPTED parents?
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	if(nrow(floatData) == 0){
			paste("Current PBDB API would not return info for the following taxon IDs: \n",
				paste0(taxaID,collapse = ", ")
	# if convertAccepted is TRUE, then the taxon name and taxon no will be replaced
		# with the accepted name and no for that taxon
		# this is NOT disirable for trying to trace parents in a set of taxa
	floatData <- translatePBDBtaxa(floatData, 
		convertAccepted = convertAccepted)
	#parse down to just taxon_name, taxon_no, parent_no
	floatData <- parseParentPBDBData(floatData, 
		stopIfSelfParent = stopIfSelfParent)

parseParentPBDBData <- function(parentData, stopIfSelfParent = FALSE){
	#parse down to just taxon_name, taxon_no, parent_no
		taxon_name = parentData$accepted_name
		taxon_name = parentData$taxon_name
	result <- data.frame(
		taxon_name = as.character(taxon_name),
		parent_no = as.numeric(parentData$parent_no),
		taxon_no = as.numeric(parentData$taxon_no)
	rownames(result) <- NULL
		result <- fixSelfParents(dataParents = result,
			approach = "stop")
	res <- is.na(match(parData$parent_no, parData$taxon_no))
fixSelfParents <- function(dataParents, approach = "clean"){
		# check that no taxa are their own parent
		selfParents <- (dataParents$parent_no == dataParents$taxon_no)
			if(approach == "clean"){
				dataParents <- dataParents[!selfParents,]
			if(approach == "stop"){
				parMatch <- paste0(dataParents$taxon_name, 
					" (", dataParents$taxon_no,")")
				parMatch <- paste0(parMatch[selfParents],
					collapse = ", ")
				stop(paste0("The following taxa (with taxon_no) are their own parents:\n",
getAllParents <- function(
		annotatedDuplicateNames = TRUE,
		convertAccepted = TRUE,
		stopIfSelfParent = FALSE,
        failIfNoInternet = TRUE
	floatingParentNumOld <- NA
		# get floating parent taxon numbers
		floatingParentNum <- unique(parData$parent_no[noParentMatch])
		# checks
		if(identical(floatingParentNumOld, floatingParentNum)){
				# well try turning convertAccepted to FALSE
				convertAccepted <- FALSE
				#oh, its already false? eh... then give up
				dataUrlRef <- paste0("http://paleobiodb.org/data",1.2,
					"PBDB not returning single common ancestor by tracing parents.\n",
					"Following floating parent numbers are repeated:\n",
					paste0(floatingParentNum,collapse=", "),
					"\nThese were not resolved with the new data (printed above).",
					"\nCheck the following URL:\n",dataUrlRef
			floatingParentNumOld <- floatingParentNum
		# get the missing parents
			# if convertAccepted is TRUE, then the taxon name and taxon no will be replaced
				# with the accepted name and no for that taxon
				# this is (probably?) NOT disirable for trying to trace parents in a set of taxa
		dataNew <- queryMissingParents(
			status = status, 
			convertAccepted = convertAccepted,
			stopIfSelfParent = stopIfSelfParent,    
		    failIfNoInternet = failIfNoInternet
		# add new parents to the top of the matrix 
			# so if duplicated names are annotated, its the originals that get annotated
		parData <- rbind(dataNew,parData)
		noParentMatch <- findNoParentMatch(parData)
	# remove duplicate taxa
	parData <- unique(parData)
	# remove self parents
	parData <- fixSelfParents(dataParents = parData,
		approach = "clean")
		stop("Cannot find a single common ancestor by tracing parents")
	if(nrow(parData) != nrow(unique(parData))){
		stop("getAllParents added duplicate parent-child relationships, see print-out above")
	if(length(parData$taxon_no) != length(unique(parData$taxon_no))){
		stop("getAllParents added duplicate child taxa, see print-out above")
	if(length(parData$taxon_name) != length(unique(parData$taxon_name))){
		message("Additional accepted parent taxa have same names as input taxa - names of originals annotated")
			parData$taxon_name <- make.unique(as.character(parData$taxon_name))
			stop("getAllParents added duplicate accepted taxon names, see print-out above")
getFloatAncPBDB <- function(pcDat){
	#identify IDs of parents floating without ancestors of their own
	# which parents have no children?
	noChildren <- sapply(pcDat$parent_no, function(x) 
			all(x != pcDat$child_no)
	# list all unique no-child parents
	res <- unique(pcDat$parent_no[noChildren])
constructParentChildMatrixPBDB <- function(initPCmat, parData){
	# starting from desired tip OTUs, work backwards to a common ancestor from the full parData
	if(nrow(initPCmat) != nrow(unique(initPCmat))){
		stop("initial parent-child matrix had duplicate parent-child relationships, see print-out above")
	newPCmat <- initPCmat
	# find floating parents in current newPCmat
	#identify IDs of parents floating without ancestors of their own
	floaters <- getFloatAncPBDB(pcDat = newPCmat)
	# make sure floaters are only unique values
	floaters <- unique(floaters)
	# use a while loop to complete the parent-child matrix
	while(length(floaters)>1){	#so only ONE root can float
		# get new relations: will 'anchor' the floaters
		anchorMat <- subsetParDataPBDB(subsetNum = floaters,
			parData = parData)
		# bind to newPCmat
		newPCmat <- rbind(newPCmat,anchorMat)
		if(nrow(newPCmat) != nrow(unique(newPCmat))){
			stop("annotated pcMat had duplicate parent-child relationships, see print-out above")
		# recalculate floater taxa
		floatersNew <- getFloatAncPBDB(pcDat = newPCmat)	#recalculate float
		# put in a stopping condition for the love of god
		if(length(floatersNew)>1 & identical(floaters,floatersNew) ){
				"Provided PBDB Dataset does not appear to have a \n",
				"  monophyletic set of parent-child relationship pairs. \n",
				"Multiple taxa appear to be listed as parents, but are not \n",
				"  listed themselves so have no parents listed: \n",
					collapse = ", "
					collapse = ", "
			floaters <- floatersNew
subsetParDataPBDB <- function(subsetNum,parData){
	# check that subsetNum is all unique values
	if(length(subsetNum) != length(unique(subsetNum))){
		stop("Some values of subsetNum are non-unique")
	# pull parent-child relationships for a set of taxon numbers from parData
	subsetRows <- match(subsetNum, parData$taxon_no)
	# remove the non matching subset (usually the root)
	subsetRows <- subsetRows[!is.na(subsetRows)]
	# are there any duplicated subsetRows?
	if(length(subsetRows) != length(unique(subsetRows))){
		print("Total subsetRows:")
		dupSSR <- subsetRows[subsetRows == subsetRows[duplicated(subsetRows)]]
		print("Rows in Questions:")
		stop("Stop - the subset selected by subsetParDataPBDB using match() has repeated rows??")
	# pull the subset of parent-child relationships from parData
	#subsetMat <- parData[subsetRows, c("parent_no", "taxon_no")]
	subsetMat <- data.frame(
		parent_no = parData$parent_no[subsetRows],
		child_no = parData$taxon_no[subsetRows]
	numSubset <- parData$taxon_no[subsetRows]
	# test if any duplicated taxon numbers
	if(length(numSubset) != length(unique(numSubset))){
		duplicatedValues <- numSubset[duplicated(numSubset)]
		duplicatedRows <- sapply(parData$taxon_no, function(x)
			any(x == duplicatedValues))
		print("All Taxon Numbers:")
		print("The Subset Taxon Numbers:")
		print("The Rows of parData Containing Duplicates:")
		print(parData[duplicatedRows ,])
		stop("getAllParents added duplicate taxa numbers, see print-out above")

getLinneanTaxonTreePBDB <- function(dataTransform, tipSet, cleanTree, rankTaxon){
	dataTransform <- apply(dataTransform, 2, as.character)
	#Check if show = class was used
	if(!any(colnames(dataTransform) == "family")){
		stop("taxaDataPBDB must be a taxonomic download with show = class for method = 'Linnean'")
	#message that tipSet (and solveMissing) is ignored
		message("Linnean taxon-tree option selected, argument 'tipSet' is ignored")
	#now check and return an error if duplicate taxa of selected rank (rankTaxon)
	nDup <- sapply(nrow(dataTransform),function(x)
		sum(dataTransform[,"taxon_name"] == dataTransform[x,"taxon_name"])>1
		 & dataTransform[x,"taxon_rank"] == rankTaxon
				"Duplicate taxa of selected rank: ",
				paste0("(", which(nDup), ") ",
					collapse = ", "
	#filter on rankTaxon
	dataTransform <- dataTransform[dataTransform[,"taxon_rank"] == rankTaxon,]
	#get the taxonomic fields you want
	#from API documentation: "phylum","class","order","family","genus"  
		# apparently 'kingdom' dropped from v1.2 API
	taxonFields <- c(
		"phylum", "class",
		"order", "family",
	taxonData <- dataTransform[,taxonFields]
	taxonData <- apply(taxonData,2,as.character)
	tree <- taxonTable2taxonTree(
		taxonTable = taxonData,
		cleanTree = cleanTree
	tree$taxonTable <- taxonData

parentChildPBDBOld <- function(
        failIfNoInternet = TRUE
	dataTransform <- apply(dataTransform, 2, as.character)
	# need two things: a table of parent-child relationships as IDs
		#and a look-up table of IDs and taxon names
	# filer out lower than selected rank
	# translate rank and taxon_rank to a number
	# taxon rank translation vectors for compact vocab
	taxRankPBDB <- getTaxRankPBDB()
	rankID <- which(rank == taxRankPBDB)
	numTaxonRank <- sapply(dataTransform[,"taxon_rank"],
		function(x) which(x == taxRankPBDB))		
	#drop taxa below specified rank
	dataTransform <- dataTransform[rankID <= numTaxonRank,]
	#also recreate numTaxonRank
	numTaxonRank <- sapply(dataTransform[,"taxon_rank"],
		function(x) which(x == taxRankPBDB))		
	#create lookup table for taxon names
	taxonNameTable <- cbind(
	#add parents not listed
	parentFloat <- unique(dataTransform[,"parent_no"])
	parentFloat <- parentFloat[is.na(match(parentFloat, taxonNameTable[,1]))]
	taxonNameTable <- rbind(taxonNameTable,
			paste("ID:", as.character(parentFloat))
	#now need to put together parentChild table
	#first, get table of all parentChild relationships in taxaDataPBDB
	pcAll <- cbind(as.numeric(dataTransform[,"parent_no"]), 
	#then start creating final matrix: first, those of desired rank
	pcMat <- pcAll[rankID == numTaxonRank,]
	#identify IDs of parents floating without ancestors of their own
	floaters <- getFloatAncPBDB(pcDat = pcMat)
	nCount <- 0	#start tracing back
	while(length(floaters)>1){	#so only ONE root can float
		nCount <- nCount+1
		#get new relations: will 'anchor' the floaters
		anchors <- match(floaters,pcAll[,2])
		pcMat <- rbind(pcMat, pcAll[anchors[!is.na(anchors)],])	#bind to pcMat
		floatersNew <- getFloatAncPBDB(pcDat = pcMat)	#recalculate float
		#stopping condition, as this is a silly while() loop...
		if(length(floatersNew)>1 & identical(sort(floaters),sort(floatersNew))){
				if(method == "parentChildOldQueryPBDB"){
					floatData <- queryMissingParents(
						taxaID = floatersNew, 
						APIversion = APIversion,
						failIfNoInternet = failIfNoInternet
                    if(is.null(floatData)){ return(NULL) }	
					#update taxon names in taxonNameTable
					whichUpdate <- match(floatData[,"taxon_no"],taxonNameTable[,1])
					replaceFloatName <- floatData[!is.na(whichUpdate), "taxon_name"]
					whichUpdate <- whichUpdate[!is.na(whichUpdate)]
					taxonNameTable[whichUpdate,2] <- replaceFloatName
					#add any new parent taxa to taxonNameTable
					parentFloat <- unique(floatData[,"parent_no"])
					matchingFloat <- is.na(match(parentFloat, taxonNameTable[,1]))
					parentFloat <- parentFloat[matchingFloat]
						taxonNameTable <- rbind(taxonNameTable,
							cbind(parentFloat, paste("ID:", as.character(parentFloat))))
					#update parentChildMat, parentChildAll
					newEntries <- floatData[,c("parent_no","taxon_no")]
					pcMat <- rbind(pcMat,newEntries)
					pcAll <- rbind(pcAll,newEntries)
				if(method == "parentChildOldMergeRoot"){
					pcMat <- rbind(pcMat,cbind("ArtificialRoot",floaters))
					taxonNameTable <- rbind(taxonNameTable,
						"Multiple potential root-taxa artificially merged at a common root: \n",
							,collapse = ", ")))
				#regardless of method used, recalculate floaters
				floaters <- getFloatAncPBDB(pcDat = pcMat)
			if(length(floatersNew)>1 & identical(sort(floaters),sort(floatersNew))){
					paste0("Provided PBDB Dataset does not appear to have a \n",
						 "  monophyletic set of parent-child relationship pairs. \n",
						 "Multiple taxa appear to be listed as parents, but are not \n",
						 "  listed themselves so have no parents listed: \n",
							collapse = ", "
			floaters <- floatersNew
	pcMat <- apply(pcMat,2,as.character)
	tree <- parentChild2taxonTree(
		parentChild = pcMat,
		tipSet = tipSet,
		cleanTree = cleanTree)
	#convert tip.label and node.label to taxon names from taxonNameTable
	tree$tip.label <- taxonNameTable[
		match(tree$tip.label, taxonNameTable[,1])
	tree$node.label <- taxonNameTable[
		match(tree$node.label, taxonNameTable[,1])
	tree$parentChild <- pcMat

#getTaxaIDsDesiredRank<-function(data, rank){
#	# filter out lower than selected rank (for tip taxa)
#		# so need to know which ranks are lower/higher
#	# get taxon rank translation vectors for compact vocab
#	taxRankPBDB <- getTaxRankPBDB()
#	# translate rank to a number
#	# translate taxon_rank to a number
#	numTaxonRank <- sapply(data[,"taxon_rank"],
#		function(x) which(x == taxRankPBDB))		
#	#now need to put together parentChild table
#	# get taxon ID numbers of just those of desired rank
#	desiredIDs <- data[rankID == numTaxonRank, "parent_no"]
#	desiredIDs <- as.numeric(desiredIDs)
#	return(desiredIDs)
#	}


# #get time data from occurrences
# graptOccGenus <- taxonSortPBDBocc(graptOccPBDB,
#     rank = "genus", onlyFormal = FALSE)
# graptTimeGenus <- occData2timeList(occList = graptOccGenus)
# #let's time-scale the parentChild tree with paleotree
# 		# use minimum branch length for visualization
# 		# and nonstoch.bin so we plot maximal ranges
# timeTree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(graptTree,
#     timeList = graptTimeGenus,
#     nonstoch.bin = TRUE,
#     type = "mbl", vartime = 3)
# #drops a lot of taxa; some of this is due to mispellings, etc

#   @param solveMissing Under \code{method  = "parentChild"}, what should \code{makePBDBtaxonTree} do about
#   multiple 'floating' parent taxa, listed without their own parent taxon information in the input
#   dataset under \code{taxaDataPBDB}? Each of these is essentially a separate root taxon, for a different set
#   of parent-child relationships, and thus poses a problem as far as returning a single phylogeny is
#   concerned. If \code{solveMissing = NULL} (the default), nothing is done and the operation halts with
#   an error, reporting the identity of these taxa. Two alternative solutions are offered: first,
#   \code{solveMissing  = "mergeRoots"} will combine these disparate potential roots and link them to an
#   artificially-constructed pseudo-root, which at least allows for visualization of the taxonomic
#   structure in a limited dataset. Secondly, \code{solveMissing  = "queryPBDB"} queries the Paleobiology
#   Database repeatedly via the API for information on parent taxa of the 'floating' parents, and continues
#   within a \code{while()} loop until only one such unassigned parent taxon remains. This latter option may
#   talk a long time or never finish, depending on the linearity and taxonomic structures encountered in the
#   PBDB taxonomic data; i.e. if someone a taxon was ultimately its own indirect child in some grand loop by
#   mistake, then under this option \code{makePBDBtaxonTree} might never finish. In cases where taxonomy is
#   bad due to weird and erroneous taxonomic assignments reported by the PBDB, this routine may search all
#   the way back to a very ancient and deep taxon, such as the Eukaryota taxon.
#   Users should thus use \code{solveMissing  = "queryPBDB"} only with caution.

#   @param cleanDuplicate If \code{TRUE} (\emph{not} the default), duplicated taxa of a
#   taxonomic rank \emph{not} selected by argument \code{rank}
#   will be removed silently. Only duplicates of the taxonomic rank of interest
#   will actually result in an error message.

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.