
Defines functions taxonTable2taxonTree

Documented in taxonTable2taxonTree

#' Create a Taxonomy-Based Phylogeny ('Taxon Tree') from a Hierarchical Table of Taxonomy Memberships
#' This function takes a matrix of taxon names,
#' indicating a set of hierarchical taxonomic relationships
#' conveyed as nested placements for a set of tip-taxa (listed in
#' the last column of the matrix) and returns
#' a 'taxonomy-tree' phylogeny object of class \code{phylo}.
#' @details
#' This function can deal with empty entries in cells of \code{taxonTable} by assuming these
#' are lower-level taxa which are 'floating' freely somewhere in
#' taxa several levels higher.

#' @inheritParams makePBDBtaxonTree

#' @param taxonTable A matrix of type character and multiple rows and columns, containing the
#' tip taxa in the last column, one per row, with progressively larger taxa listed in prior
#' columns (reading left-to-right). Invariant columns (i.e. taxa that all
#' tip taxa are in) are allowed, but all but the most 'shallow' of such invariant taxa are
#' dropped prior to transformation to a taxon-tree phylogeny object.

#' @param rootLabel If the lowest constant/shared level in the taxonomic hierarchy
#' isn't labeled, what label should be given to this level? The default is \code{"root"}.

#' @return
#' A phylogeny of class \code{phylo}, where each tip is a taxon listed in the last column of the
#' input \code{taxonTable}. Edges are scaled so that
#' the distance from one taxon rank to another rank is one unit, 
#' then merged to remove singleton nodes. 
#' As not all taxa have parents at the immediate taxon level above, this leads to some odd cases. 
#' For example, two genera emanating from a node representing a class 
#' but with a very short (length = 1) branch
#' and a long branch (length = 3) means one genus is simply placed in the class, 
#' with no family or order listed while the one on the long branch 
#' is within an order and family that is otherwise monogeneric.
#' The names of higher taxa than the tips should be appended as the element $node.label for the internal nodes.

#' @seealso \code{\link{makePBDBtaxonTree}}, \code{\link{parentChild2taxonTree}}

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @examples
#' # let's create a small, really cheesy example
#' pokeTable <- rbind(cbind("Pokezooa","Shelloidea","Squirtadae",
#'      c("Squirtle","Blastoise","Wartortle")),
#'      c("Pokezooa","Shelloidea","","Lapras"),
#'      c("Pokezooa","","","Parasect"),
#'      cbind("Pokezooa","Hirsutamona","Rodentapokemorpha",
#'      c("Linoone","Sandshrew","Pikachu")),
#'      c("Pokezooa","Hirsutamona",NA,"Ursaring"))
#' pokeTree <- taxonTable2taxonTree(pokeTable)
#' plot(pokeTree)
#' nodelabels(pokeTree$node.label)

#' @name taxonTable2taxonTree
#' @rdname taxonTable2taxonTree
#' @export
taxonTable2taxonTree <- function(taxonTable, cleanTree = TRUE, rootLabel = "root"){
	# taxonTable <- taxonData
	if(length(dim(taxonTable)) != 2 | !is.character(taxonTable)){
		stop("taxonTable must be a matrix of class character with multiple columns and rows")
		stop("taxonTable must have multiple rows and columns")
	#turn NAs to blanks
	taxonTable[is.na(taxonTable)] <- ""
	# check for constant columns, as they don't mean anything for taxonomic hierarchy
	constantCol <- apply(taxonTable,2,function(x) all(x == x[1]))
	# exception : the last constant column will always be the root
		# keep this column, and if all values are "", replace with "root"
	rootColumn <- rev(which(constantCol))[1]
	constantCol[rootColumn] <- FALSE
	if(all(taxonTable[,rootColumn] == "")){
		taxonTable[,rootColumn] <- rep(rootLabel, nrow(taxonTable))
	#check that enough columns remain
		stop("Must have at least one varying taxonomy columns in taxonTable")
	#turn blanks BACK to NAs
	taxonTable[taxonTable == ""] <- NA
	#are there any missing names
		stop("Missing tip taxon names in taxonTable?")
	#tip taxon labels
	labels <- taxonTable[,ncol(taxonTable)]
	# any repeating labels?
	if(length(labels) != length(unique(labels))){
			"Duplicated labels found for taxa at indicated tip level within input taxonTable:\n",
	#need to define columns BACKWARDS..
	levels <- rev(1:ncol(taxonTable))[-1]
	edge <- matrix(NA,,2)
	for(level in levels){
		newNodes <- unique(taxonTable[,level])[!is.na(unique(taxonTable[,level]))]
		for(node in newNodes){
			#if(node == "Nodosauridae"){stop("hey")}
			labels <- c(labels,node)
			nodeID <- length(labels)
			#find the descendant nodes
			whichDesc <- which(taxonTable[,level] == node)
			descTaxRow <- lapply(whichDesc,function(x) (taxonTable[x,-(1:level)]))
			descTax <- sapply(descTaxRow,function(x) x[!is.na(x)][1])
			descTax <- unique(descTax)
			descID <- sapply(descTax,function(x) which(x == labels))
			names(descID) <- NULL
			newEdge <- cbind(nodeID,descID)
			edge <- rbind(edge,newEdge)
	edge <- edge[-1,]
	edge.length <- rep(1,nrow(edge))
	Nnode <- length(unique(edge[,1]))
	tip.label <- taxonTable[,ncol(taxonTable)]
	node.label <- labels[-(1:length(tip.label))]
	Ntip <- length(tip.label)
	#need to flip node numbers
	nodes <- sort(unique(edge[,1]))
	nodes <- cbind(c(1:Ntip,nodes),c(1:Ntip,rev(nodes)))
	edge[,1] <- sapply(edge[,1],function(x) nodes[x == nodes[,1],2])
	edge[,2] <- sapply(edge[,2],function(x) nodes[x == nodes[,1],2])
	# check root
	nodes <- sort(unique(edge[,1]))
	root <- nodes[sapply(nodes,function(x) all(x != edge[,2]))]
	if(length(root) > 1){
		stop(paste0("Multiple (",length(root),") roots found in data??"))
	if(root != (Ntip+1)){
		stop("Root isn't renumbering correctly")
	# reorder edge
	edge <- edge[order(edge[,1],edge[,2]),]
	# make the tree
	tree <- list(edge = edge,tip.label = tip.label,edge.length = edge.length,
		Nnode = Nnode,node.label = rev(node.label))	
	# give the tree class phylo
	attr(tree, "class") <- c("phylo", class(tree))
	# make it a good tree
		tree <- cleanNewPhylo(tree)
	if(Ntip(tree) != nrow(taxonTable)){stop("Taxa number changed while cleaning tree")}

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.