#' Create a Reference File for R and R Packages
#' Creates a `.bib`-reference file for the installed R version and R-packages,
#' so they can be cited in an R Markdown-document.
#' @param x Character. Names of packages to include in bibliography.
#' @param file Character. Path and name of the file to be created or
#' updated.
#' @param append Logical. Indicates if existing bibliography should be
#' complemented or overwritten. See details.
#' @param prefix Character. Prefix for all R-package reference handles.
#' @param type_pref Character. A vector of BibTeX entry types in the order by
#' which to prioritize packages `CITATION` entries. See details.
#' @param tweak Logical. Indicates whether to fix some known problems in
#' citations (based on \code{\link[knitr]{write_bib}}).
#' @details
#' `r_refs` is a wrapper for \code{\link{create_bib}} to create a
#' bibliography for R and all attached or cached packages.
#' By default, if a file exists at the specified location, `r_refs` reads the
#' file and appends missing citation information to the end of the file
#' (\code{\link{create_bib}} always overwrites existing files). It is
#' recommended to use a bibliography-file dedicated to R-references.
#' **Beware that chunks loading packages should generally *not* be cached**.
#' `r_refs` will make all packages loaded in cached chunks citable, but it
#' won't know when you remove a package from a cached chunk. This can result
#' in unused package references in your bibliography-file that will be cited
#' when using \code{\link{cite_r}}.
#' If a package provides citation information in a `CITATION` file, a
#' reference is selected based on the preferred order of reference types
#' specified in `type_pref`. By default, available articles are cited rather
#' than books. If no reference of the specified types is available, the first
#' reference is used. If multiple references of the preferred type are given
#' all of them are cited. Finally, if no `CITATION` file exists a reference
#' is generated from the `DESCRIPTION` file by \code{\link[utils]{citation}}.
#' @return Invisibly returns the bibliography written to `file`.
#' @seealso [cite_r()], [knitr::write_bib()], [utils::citation()], [utils::toLatex()]
#' @export
r_refs <- function(file, append = TRUE, prefix = "R-", type_pref = c("Article", "Book"), tweak = TRUE) {
validate(append, check_class = "logical", check_NA = TRUE, check_length = 1)
r_session <- utils::sessionInfo()
# Ensure that cached packages are also citable
cache_path <- knitr::opts_chunk$get("cache.path")
if (!is.null(cache_path) && utils::file_test("-d", cache_path)) {
cached_pkgs <- readLines(paste0(cache_path, "__packages"))
cached_pkgs <- setdiff(cached_pkgs, r_session$basePkgs)
pkgs_to_cite <- unique(c(names(r_session$otherPkgs), cached_pkgs))
} else {
pkgs_to_cite <- names(r_session$otherPkgs)
if(!is.null(pkgs_to_cite)) pkgs_to_cite <- sort(pkgs_to_cite)
pkg_list <- c("base", pkgs_to_cite)
if(utils::file_test("-f", file) && append) {
bib_file <- readLines(file)
missing_pkgs <- sapply(pkg_list, function(x) !any(grep(paste0(prefix, x), bib_file)))
missing_pkgs <- names(missing_pkgs[missing_pkgs])
} else {
missing_pkgs <- pkg_list
if(length(missing_pkgs) > 0 || !append) {
create_bib(missing_pkgs, file = file, prefix = prefix, type_pref = type_pref, tweak = tweak, append = append)
#' @rdname r_refs
#' @export
create_bib <- function(x, file, append = TRUE, prefix = "R-", type_pref = c("Article", "Book"), tweak = TRUE) {
validate(x, check_class = "character", check_NA = TRUE)
validate(file, check_class = "character", check_NA = TRUE, check_length = 1)
validate(prefix, check_class = "character", check_NA = TRUE, check_length = 1)
validate(type_pref, check_class = "character", check_NA = TRUE)
validate(tweak, check_class = "logical", check_NA = TRUE, check_length = 1)
# Remove packages that are not installed
missing_packages <- mapply(system.file, package = x) == ""
if(any(missing_packages)) {
warning("package(s) ", paste(x[missing_packages], collapse = ", "), " not found")
x <- x[!missing_packages]
# Generate citation from DESCRIPTION if CITATION is missing
no_citations <- mapply(system.file, "CITATION", package = x) == ""
bib <- sapply(
, function(pkg) {
cite <- utils::citation(x[pkg], auto = if(no_citations[pkg]) TRUE else NULL)
if(length(cite) > 1) {
bibtypes <- unlist(cite$bibtype)
pref_entry <- type_pref[tolower(type_pref) %in% tolower(bibtypes)][1]
cite <- if( cite[[1]] else cite[[bibtypes == pref_entry]]
if(tweak) {
cite <- lapply(cite, function(cit) {
cit$title = gsub(sprintf("^(%s: )(\\1)", pkg), "\\1", cit$title)
cit$title = gsub(" & ", " \\\\& ", cit$title)
entry <- lapply(cite, utils::toBibtex)
specifier <- if(length(entry) > 1) paste0("_", letters[seq_along(entry)]) else NULL
entry <- sapply(seq_along(entry), function(ent) {
handle <- strsplit(entry[[ent]][1], "\\{")[[1]]
if(handle[2] == ",") {
entry[[ent]][1] <- paste0(handle[1], "{", prefix, x[pkg], specifier[ent], handle[2])
} else {
entry[[ent]][1] <- paste0(handle[1], "{", prefix, handle[2])
, simplify = FALSE
# if(tweak) {
# for (i in intersect(names(knitr:::.tweak.bib), x)) {
# message("tweaking ", i)
# bib[[i]] = merge_list(bib[[i]], knitr:::.tweak.bib[[i]])
# }
# bib <- lapply(bib, function(b) {
# b["author"] <- sub("Duncan Temple Lang", "Duncan {Temple Lang}", b["author"])
# if (!("year" %in% names(b))) b["year"] <- sprintf(' year = {%s},', format(Sys.Date(), '%Y'))
# idx <- which(names(b) == "")
# structure(c(b[idx[1L]], b[-idx], b[idx[2L]]), class = "Bibtex")
# })
# }
bib <- bib[sort(x, index.return = TRUE)$ix]
if(!is.null(file)) {
# cat(iconv(unlist(bib), to = "UTF-8"), sep = "\n", file = file, append = append)
bib_con <- file(file, encoding = "UTF-8", open = if(append) "a" else "w")
, bib_con
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