
options(BBmisc.ProgressBar.style = "off")
options(parallelMap.default.show.info = FALSE)

# a test for normal functionality of mapping an its options
partest1 = function() {

  # normal lapply
  expect_equal(parallelMap(identity, 1), list(1))
  expect_equal(parallelMap(identity, 1:2), list(1, 2))
  y = c("a", "b")
  names(y) = y
  # simplify and names
  expect_equal(parallelMap(identity, y, simplify = TRUE, use.names = TRUE), y)

  # more.args and mapping over 2 vectors
  f = function(x, y) x + y
  expect_equal(parallelMap(f, 1:2, more.args = list(y = 1)), list(2, 3))
  expect_equal(parallelMap(f, 1:2, 2:3), list(3, 5))

  # with level
  expect_equal(parallelMap(identity, 1:2), list(1, 2), level = "foo")

# test that log files are correctly generated
partest2 = function(log.dir, test.warning = TRUE) {

  # do log files exist under correct path / name?
  check.exists = function(iter, n) {
    fp = file.path(log.dir, sprintf("parallelMap_logs_%03i", iter))
    sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
      expect_true(file.exists(file.path(fp, sprintf("%05i.log", i))))

  # do log files contain the printed output fromn the slave?
  check.contains = function(iter, xs) {
    fp = file.path(log.dir, sprintf("parallelMap_logs_%03i", iter))
    Map(function(i, x) {
      s = readLines(file.path(fp, sprintf("%05i.log", i)))
      s = collapse(s, sep = "\n")
      expect_true(grep(x, s) == 1)
    }, seq_along(xs), xs)

  parallelMap(cat, c("xxx", "yyy"))
  check.exists(iter = 1, n = 2)
  check.contains(iter = 1, c("xxx", "yyy"))

  parallelMap(print, c("xxx", "yyy"))
  check.exists(iter = 2, n = 2)
  check.contains(iter = 2, c("xxx", "yyy"))

  if (test.warning) {
    parallelMap(warning, c("xxx", "yyy"))
    check.exists(iter = 3, n = 2)
    check.contains(iter = 3, c("xxx", "yyy"))

# test that exported variables exist on slave
partest3 = function() {

  # export nothing, no change
  foo = 100
  f = function(i) {
    i + foo
  expect_equal(parallelMap(f, 1:2), list(101, 102))
  # now test with foo2 defined one level fruther above
  f = function(i) {
    i + foo2
  foo2 = 100
  g = function() {
  expect_equal(parallelMap(f, 1:2), list(101, 102))

  # now test with foo3 defined in global env
  assign("foo3", 100, env = .GlobalEnv)
  f = function(i) {
    i + foo3
  expect_equal(parallelMap(f, 1:2), list(101, 102))

# test that exported libraries are loaded
partest4 = function(slave.error.test) {
  # testhat is basically the only lib we have in suggests...
  f = function(i) {
  res = parallelMap(f, 1:2)
  expect_true(is.list(res) && length(res) == 2 && is.function(res[[1]]))
  if (slave.error.test) {
    expect_error(parallelLibrary("foo", master = FALSE),
      "Packages could not be loaded on all slaves: foo.")
    expect_error(parallelLibrary("foo1", "foo2", master = FALSE),
      "Packages could not be loaded on all slaves: foo1,foo2.")
    expect_error(parallelLibrary("testthat", "foo", master = FALSE),
      "Packages could not be loaded on all slaves: foo.")

# test error handling
partest5 = function() {

  # exception is thrown on master
  f = function(i) {
    if (i == 1) {
    } else {
  y = parallelMap(f, 1:2, impute.error = identity)
  expect_equal(y[[2L]], 2L)
  y = parallelMap(f, 1:2, impute.error = function(x) 123)
  expect_equal(y[[1L]], 123L)
  expect_equal(y[[2L]], 2L)
  y = parallelMap(f, 1:2, impute.error = 99)
  expect_equal(y[[1L]], 99L)
  expect_equal(y[[2L]], 2L)

# test that exported files are sourced
partest6 = function(slave.error.test) {
  # this is all so fucking crappy and broken
  # apparently the name/path changes depending on how I run the test...
  fn = system.file("test_source_file.R", package = "parallelMap")
  if (fn == "") {
    fn = system.file("inst/test_source_file.R", package = "parallelMap")
  parallelSource(fn, master = FALSE)
  f = function(i) i + xxx
  res = parallelMap(f, 1:2, simplify = TRUE)
  expect_equal(res, 124:125)
  if (slave.error.test) {
    expect_error(parallelSource("foo", master = FALSE),
      "Files could not be sourced on all slaves: foo.")
    expect_error(parallelSource("foo1", "foo2", master = FALSE),
      "Files could not be sourced on all slaves: foo1,foo2.")
    expect_error(parallelSource(fn, "foo", master = FALSE),
      "Files could not be sourced on all slaves: foo.")

# test that load balancing is active
partest7 = function() {
  f = function(i) {
    if (i == 1) {
    } else {
  st = system.time({
    ys = parallelMap(f, 1:10, simplify = TRUE)
  expect_equal(ys, 1:10)
  expect_true(st[3L] < 10)

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parallelMap documentation built on June 28, 2021, 9:07 a.m.