
Defines functions .pstatus parmastatus .parmaget parmaget .parmaset parmaset .parmareward parmareward .parmarisk parmarisk .checkarbitrage .arbcheck checkarbitrage .parmaweights .tictoc tictoc .parmaweights parmafrontier parmasolve parmaspec parmautility

Documented in checkarbitrage parmafrontier parmaget parmareward parmarisk parmasolve parmaspec parmastatus parmautility tictoc

##   R package parma
##   Alexios Galanos Copyright (C) 2012-2013 (<=Aug)
##   Alexios Galanos and Bernhard Pfaff Copyright (C) 2013- (>Aug)
##   This file is part of the R package parma.
##   The R package parma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   The R package parma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
parmautility = function(U = c("CARA", "Power"), method = c("moment", "scenario"), 
		scenario = NULL, M1 = NULL, M2 =  NULL, M3 = NULL, M4 = NULL, RA = 1, 
		budget = 1, LB = rep(0, length(M1)), UB = rep(1, length(M1)))

setMethod("parmautility", definition = .parmautility)

parmaspec = function(scenario = NULL, probability = NULL, S = NULL, Q = NULL, qB = NULL,
		benchmark = NULL, benchmarkS = NULL, forecast = NULL, target = NULL, 
		targetType =  c("inequality", "equality"), 
		risk = c("MAD", "MiniMax", "CVaR", "CDaR", "EV", "LPM", "LPMUPM"), 
		riskType = c("minrisk", "optimal", "maxreward"), riskB = NULL,
		options = list(alpha = 0.05, threshold = 999, moment = 1, 
				lmoment = 1, umoment = 1, lthreshold = -0.01, uthreshold = 0.01), 		
		LB = NULL, UB = NULL, budget = 1, leverage = NULL, 
		ineqfun = NULL, ineqgrad = NULL, eqfun = NULL, eqgrad = NULL, 
		uservars = list(), ineq.mat = NULL, ineq.LB = NULL, 
		ineq.UB = NULL, eq.mat = NULL, eqB = NULL, max.pos = NULL, 
		asset.names = NULL, ...)

setMethod("parmaspec", definition = .parmaspec)

parmasolve = function(spec, type = NULL, solver = NULL, solver.control = list(), 
		x0 = NULL, w0 = NULL, parma.control = list(ubounds = 1e4, 
				mbounds = 1e5, penalty = 1e4, eqSlack = 1e-5), ...)

setMethod("parmasolve", signature(spec = "parmaSpec"), .parmasolve)

parmafrontier = function(spec, n.points = 100, miny = NULL, maxy = NULL, 
		type = NULL, solver = NULL, solver.control = list(), 
		parma.control = list(ubounds = 10000, mbounds = 1e+05, penalty = 10000), 
		cluster = NULL)

setMethod("parmafrontier", signature(spec = "parmaSpec"), .parmafrontier)

.parmaweights = function(object, ...)
	w = object@solution$weights
	names(w) = object@model$asset.names
	return( w )
setMethod("weights", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .parmaweights)

tictoc = function(object, ...){

.tictoc = function(object, ...){
setMethod("tictoc", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .tictoc)

.parmaweights = function(object, ...)
	w = object@solution$weights
	names(w) = object@model$asset.names
	return( w )
setMethod("weights", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .parmaweights)

checkarbitrage = function(object){
# the function
.arbcheck = function(weights, S, options, risk){
	AC = c(0, 0)
	if(tolower(risk) == "lpmupm"){
		f = fun.lpm(weights, S, options$lthreshold, options$lmoment)
	} else{
		f = fun.risk(weights, S, options, risk)
	if(f<=0) AC[1] = 1
	mx = min(as.numeric(S %*% weights))
	if(mx>=0) AC[2] = 1
	# should also look at correlation extemes (-0.9, 0.9)
# the extractor
.checkarbitrage = function(object){
	x = object@solution$arbitrage
	x = as.logical(x)
	names(x) = c("Risk(<=0)", "ALL[Port(>=0)]")

setMethod("checkarbitrage", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .checkarbitrage)

# show method

parmarisk = function(object, ...)

.parmarisk = function(object, ...){
	ans = object@solution$risk
	names(ans) = object@model$risk

setMethod("parmarisk", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .parmarisk)

parmareward = function(object, ...)

.parmareward = function(object, ...){
	ans = object@solution$reward

setMethod("parmareward", signature(object = "parmaPort"), .parmareward)

		signature(object = "parmaSpec"),
			cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+", sep = ""))
			cat(paste("\n|       PARMA Specification       |", sep = ""))
			cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+ ", sep = ""))
			cat(paste("\nNo.Assets\t\t: ", object@model$indx[8], sep = ""))
			tmp = c("LP", "MILP", "QP", "MIQP", "SOCP", "NLP", "MINLP", "GNLP")[which(object@model$type==1)]
			cat("\nProblem\t\t\t:", paste(tmp, sep=" ", collapse = ","))
			cat(paste("\nInput\t\t\t: ", if(object@model$indx[1]==1) "Scenario" else "Covariance", sep = ""))
			cat(paste("\nRisk Measure\t: ", object@model$risk, sep = ""))
			cat(paste("\nObjective\t\t: ", object@model$riskType, sep = ""))

		signature(object = "parmaPort"),
				w = weights(object) 
				cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\n|        PARMA Portfolio          |", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+ ", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nNo.Assets\t\t: ", length(w), sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nProblem\t\t\t: NLP"))
				cat(paste("\nUtility\t\t\t: CARA"))
				cat(paste("\nn.moments\t\t: ", object@model$moments, sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nObjective\t\t: ", round(object@solution$utility,4), sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nReward\t\t\t: ", round(object@solution$reward,7), sep = ""))
				w = weights(object)
				cnames = object@model$asset.names
				if(is.null(cnames)) cnames = paste("A_",1:length(w), sep = "")
				names(w) = cnames
				wx = sort(w, decreasing = TRUE)
				wx = wx[which(abs(wx)>0.001)]
				w = data.frame(Optimal_Weights = wx)
				print(round(w, 4))
			} else{
				cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\n|        PARMA Portfolio          |", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\n+---------------------------------+ ", sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nNo.Assets\t\t: ", object@model$indx[8], sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nProblem\t\t\t: ", object@model$type, sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nRisk Measure\t: ", object@model$risk, sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nObjective\t\t: ", object@model$riskType, sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nRisk\t\t\t: ", round(object@solution$risk,7), sep = ""))
				cat(paste("\nReward\t\t\t: ", round(object@solution$reward,7), sep = ""))
				w = weights(object)
				cnames = object@model$asset.names
				if(is.null(cnames)) cnames = paste("A_",1:length(w), sep = "")
				names(w) = cnames
				wx = sort(w, decreasing = TRUE)
				wx = wx[which(abs(wx)>0.001)]
				w = data.frame(Optimal_Weights = wx)
				print(round(w, 4))

setGeneric("parmaset<-", function(object, value){standardGeneric("parmaset<-")})

parmaset<-function(object, value){

.parmaset<-function(object, value){
	parnames = names(value)
	valid.choices = c("scenario", "probability", "S", "benchmark", "benchmarkS", 
			"forecast", "target", "targetType", "risk", "riskType", "options", 
			"LB", "UB", "budget", "leverage", "ineqfun", "ineqgrad", "eqfun", 
			"eqgrad", "uservars", "ineq.mat", "ineq.LB", 
			"ineq.UB", "eq.mat", "eqB", "max.pos", "asset.names")
	inc = NULL
	for(i in seq_along(parnames)){
		if(is.na(match(parnames[i], valid.choices))){
			warning( (paste("Unrecognized Value: ", parnames[i], "...Ignored", sep = "")))
		} else{
			inc = c(inc, i)
	indx = object@model$indx
	scenario = object@modeldata$scenario
	probability = object@modeldata$probability
	S = object@modeldata$S
	# need to do this else benchmarkS will be mistakenly added (spec sets it to zero
	# which is NOT NULL)
	if(indx[2]==1) benchmark = object@modeldata$benchmark else benchmark = NULL
	if(indx[2]==1) benchmarkS = object@modeldata$benchmarkS else benchmarkS = NULL
	forecast = object@modeldata$forecast
	target = object@modeldata$target
	targetType = object@model$targetType
	risk = object@model$risk
	riskType = object@model$riskType
	options = object@model$options
	LB = object@constraints$LB
	UB = object@constraints$UB
	budget = object@constraints$budget
	leverage = object@constraints$leverage
	ineqfun = object@constraints$ineqfun
	ineqgrad = object@constraints$ineqgrad
	eqfun = object@constraints$eqfun
	eqgrad = object@constraints$eqgrad
	uservars = object@constraints$uservars
	ineq.mat = object@constraints$ineq.mat
	ineq.LB = object@constraints$ineq.LB
	ineq.UB = object@constraints$ineq.UB
	eq.mat = object@constraints$eq.mat
	eqB = object@constraints$eqB
	max.pos = object@constraints$max.pos
	asset.names = object@modeldata$asset.names
		for(i in 1:length(inc)){
			eval(parse(text = paste(parnames[inc[i]],"=unname(value[[inc[i]]])",sep="")))
	newspec = parmaspec(scenario = scenario, probability = probability, 
			S = S, benchmark = benchmark, benchmarkS = benchmarkS, 
			forecast = forecast, target = target, targetType =  targetType, 
			risk = risk, riskType = riskType, options = options, 
			LB = LB, UB = UB, budget = budget, leverage = leverage, 
			ineqfun = ineqfun, ineqgrad = ineqgrad, eqfun = eqfun, eqgrad = eqgrad, 
			uservars = uservars, ineq.mat = ineq.mat, ineq.LB = ineq.LB, 
			ineq.UB = ineq.UB , eq.mat = eq.mat, eqB = eqB, maxp.pos = max.pos, 
			asset.names =  asset.names)

setReplaceMethod(f="parmaset", signature= c(object = "parmaSpec", value = "vector"), definition = .parmaset)

parmaget = function(object, value){

.parmaget<-function(object, value){
	valid.choices = c("scenario", "probability", "S", "benchmark", "benchmarkS", 
			"forecast", "target", "targetType", "risk", "riskType", 
			"options", "LB", "UB", "budget", "leverage", "ineqfun", "ineqgrad", 
			"eqfun", "eqgrad", "uservars", "ineq.mat", "ineq.LB", 
			"ineq.UB", "eq.mat", "eqB", "max.pos", "asset.names")
	inc = match.arg(value[1], valid.choices)
	if(is.na(inc)) stop("\nunrecognized value...try again (case sensitive)")
	scenario = object@modeldata$scenario
	probability = object@modeldata$probability
	S = object@modeldata$S
	# need to do this else benchmarkS will be mistakenly added (spec sets it to zero
	# which is NOT NULL)
	if(object@model$indx[2]==1) benchmark = object@modeldata$benchmark else benchmark = NULL
	if(object@model$indx[2]==1) benchmarkS = object@modeldata$benchmarkS else benchmarkS = NULL
	forecast = object@modeldata$forecast
	target = object@modeldata$target
	targetType = object@model$targetType
	risk = object@model$risk
	riskType = object@model$riskType
	options = object@model$options
	LB = object@constraints$LB
	UB = object@constraints$UB
	budget = object@constraints$budget
	leverage = object@constraints$leverage
	ineqfun = object@constraints$ineqfun
	ineqgrad = object@constraints$ineqgrad
	eqfun = object@constraints$eqfun
	eqgrad = object@constraints$eqgrad
	uservars = object@constraints$uservars
	ineq.mat = object@constraints$ineq.mat
	ineq.LB = object@constraints$ineq.LB
	ineq.UB = object@constraints$ineq.UB
	eq.mat = object@constraints$eq.mat
	eqB = object@constraints$eqB
	asset.names = object@modeldata$asset.names
	max.pos = object@constraints$max.pos
	ans = NA
	eval(parse(text = paste("ans=",inc,sep="")))
setMethod("parmaget", signature(object = "parmaSpec"), definition = .parmaget)

parmastatus = function(object){

.pstatus = function(object){

setMethod("parmastatus", signature(object = "parmaPort"), definition = .pstatus)

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parma documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:08 a.m.