
Defines functions pd_is_tagged_iff_block pd_all_iff_block_ids pd_is_iff_block pd_is_iff unquote

Documented in pd_all_iff_block_ids pd_is_iff pd_is_iff_block pd_is_tagged_iff_block

# iff_blocks.R ########################################################
#                                                                     #
# This file is part of the R package `parsetools`.                    #
#                                                                     #
# Author: Andrew Redd                                                 #
# Copyright: 2017 The R Consortium                                    #
#                                                                     #
# LICENSE                                                             #
# ========                                                            #
# The R package `parsetools` is free software:                        #
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the     #
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software        #
# Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)    #
# any later version.                                                  #
#                                                                     #
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of      #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                        #
#                                                                     #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   #
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.  #

unquote <- function(x){
    #! remove quotes from x
    #! @param x a [character] string.
    gsub("^('|\")(.*)\\1$", "\\2",x)

#' @name iff-blocks
#' @title IFF Blocks
#' @description
#' IFF is short for `if(FALSE)\{#@@tag ...` blocks.
#' These block can contain development, testing, or example code
#' that can be extracted into documentation or other files.
#' @inheritParams pd_is_if
#' @param allow.short if \code{if(F)} should be considered an IFF block.
#' @param tag       The tag to consider.
#' @param doc.only  Should comments be restricted to documentation style
#'                  comments only?
#' @param ... passed along.
#' @details
#' Here are some examples:
#' * `if(FALSE)\{#' @test ...` Is valid and tags the block as a test.
#' * `if(FALSE)\{#@test ...` Is valid and tags the block as a test.
#'                          Note here that we are using the `#@@` tag
#'                          comment.
#' * `if(FALSE)\{# @test ...` Is valid only if `doc.only==FALSE`.
#' * `if(FALSE)#@test ...`

pd_is_iff <-
function( id, pd
        , allow.short=TRUE      #< Should `F` be interpreted as FALSE.
        , .check=TRUE
    #' @describeIn iff-blocks
    #'   This function tests if an expression id is the root of an
    #'   \code{if(FALSE)} statement, differs from `pd_is_iff_block`
    #'   in that it will return TRUE even if the conditional statement
    #'   is not a formal bracketed block `{...}`.
    if (.check){
        pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
        id <- ._check_id(id)
    if (length(id) > 1)
        return(sapply(id, pd_is_iff, pd=pd, allow.short=allow.short))

    if (token(id) != 'expr') return(FALSE)
    kids <- children(id, pd)
    if (length(kids) < 2) return(FALSE)
    if (!identical(pd[match(utils::head(kids, 2), pd$id), 'token'], c("IF", "'('"))) return(FALSE)
    grandkids <- children( kids[[3]], pd)
    row <- pd[match(grandkids, pd$id),]
    return( ( row[['token']] == "NUM_CONST" && row[['text']] == "FALSE")
          || allow.short && ( row[['token']] == "SYMBOL" && row[['text']] == "F")
is_iff <- internal(pd_is_iff, roots(pd))
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
        if(FALSE){# an if(FALSE) block

        if(F){# also an if(FALSE) block
        {# not an if(F)block
        if(FALSE) expect_true(TRUE) #< IFF but not a block
    "}, keep.source=TRUE))

    expect_true (pd_is_iff(roots(pd)[[1]], pd))
    expect_true (pd_is_iff(roots(pd)[[2]], pd))
    expect_false(pd_is_iff(roots(pd)[[2]], pd, FALSE))
    expect_false(pd_is_iff(roots(pd)[[3]], pd))
    expect_true (pd_is_iff(roots(pd)[[4]], pd))

    expect_equal(pd_is_iff(roots(pd), pd), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))
    expect_equal(   is_iff(pd=pd), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))

pd_is_iff_block <-
function( id, pd
        , allow.short=TRUE
        , .check=TRUE
    #' @describeIn iff-blocks
    #'   Tests if an expression id is the root of an
    #'   \code{if(FALSE)} block statement, differs from `pd_is_iff`
    #'   in that in addition to it being an `if(FALSE)` expression
    #'   the conditional branch of the logic must be a braced block
    #'   of code.  E.g. if given the id corresponding to
    #'   `if(FALSE){...}`, both `pd_is_iff()` and `pd_is_iff_block()`
    #'   would return TRUE while for `if(FALSE)do_somthing()`
    #'   `pd_is_iff()` would return TRUE but `pd_is_iff_block()` would
    #'   return FALSE because the expression is not a 'block' statement.
    if (.check){
        pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
        id <- ._check_id(id)
    if (length(id) > 1)
        return(sapply( id, pd_is_iff_block, pd=pd
                     , allow.short=allow.short
                     , .check=FALSE)) # nocov
    if (!is_iff(id=id, pd=pd, allow.short=allow.short)) return(FALSE)
    kids <- children(id, pd)
    (token(baby <- max(kids)) == 'expr') &&
    (token(firstborn(baby)) == "'{'")
is_iff_block <- internal(pd_is_iff_block, roots(pd))
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
        if(FALSE){# an if(FALSE) block

        if(F){# also an if(FALSE) block
        {# not an if(F)block
        if(FALSE) expect_true(TRUE) #< IFF but not a block
    "}, keep.source=TRUE))

    expect_true (pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd)[[1]], pd))
    expect_true (pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd)[[2]], pd))
    expect_false(pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd)[[2]], pd, FALSE))
    expect_false(pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd)[[3]], pd))
    expect_false(pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd)[[4]], pd))
    expect_equal(pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd), pd), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(pd_is_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, FALSE), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(   is_iff_block(pd=pd), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))

#' @describeIn iff-blocks Get all ids corresponding to IFF expressions.
pd_all_iff_ids <- make_get_all(is_iff)
all_iff_ids <- internal(pd_all_iff_ids)

#' @describeIn iff-blocks Get all ids corresponding to IFF block
pd_all_iff_block_ids <-
function( pd
        , root.only=TRUE        #< only root blocks(`TRUE`) or all block (`FALSE`)
        , ignore.groups=FALSE   #< Ignore code grouping
        , ...                   #< passed to <pd_is_iff_block>
    #' @param root.only        only root blocks(`TRUE`) or all block (`FALSE`)
    #' @param ignore.groups    Ignore code grouping
    pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
    id <- if (root.only) roots(pd, !ignore.groups) else pd$id
    if (!length(id)) return(integer(0))
    is.iff <- pd_is_iff_block(id, pd, ...)
all_iff_block_ids <- internal(pd_all_iff_block_ids)
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
        if(FALSE){# an if(FALSE) block

        if(F){# also an if(FALSE) block
        {# grouping block
            if(F){# iff nested in group

        hw <- function(){
            if(F){# nested in a function

            print('hello world')
    "}, keep.source=TRUE))
    iff.ids <- all_iff_block_ids(pd, root.only=TRUE, ignore.groups = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(iff.ids), 2)

    iff.ids <- all_iff_block_ids(pd, root.only=TRUE, ignore.groups = TRUE)
    expect_equal(length(iff.ids), 3)

    iff.ids <- all_iff_block_ids(pd, root.only=FALSE, ignore.groups = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(iff.ids), 4)

pd_is_tagged_iff_block <-
function( id, pd, tag
        , doc.only = TRUE
        , ...
        , .check=TRUE
    #' @describeIn iff-blocks Test if a block if both an IFF block statement and is tagged.
    #'             To tag an IFF block the first pared element must be a comment that contains
    #'             an '@' tag to denote a special block. The comment on the same line as the
    #'             opening brace or on any subsequent line but cannot be preceded by any other
    #'             statement.
    if (.check){
        pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
        id <- ._check_id(id, pd)

    if (length(id) > 1)
        return(sapply(id, pd_is_tagged_iff_block, pd=pd, tag=tag, doc.only=doc.only))
    if (!pd_is_iff_block(id, pd)
      || token(. <- if_branch(id)) != 'expr'
      || token(. <- firstborn( . , pd)) != "'{'"
      ||!is_comment(. <- next_sibling(.))
       ) return(FALSE)
    if (doc.only && !is_doc_comment(.)) return(FALSE)
    return(pd_has_tag(., pd, tag))
    pd  <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
        if(F){# @tag
        # not an if(F) block
        {# @tag
        if(FALSE)#@tag not valid
        "}, keep.source=TRUE))
    tag <- 'tag'
    id  <- roots(pd)
    expect_equal(length(id), 7)
    expect_true (pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id[[1]], pd, tag))
    expect_true (pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id[[3]], pd, tag, FALSE))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id[[3]], pd, tag, TRUE ))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id[[6]], pd, tag))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id[[7]], pd, tag))
    expect_equal(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id, pd, tag)
                , c(T,T,F,F,F,F,F))
    expect_equal(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id, pd, tag, FALSE)
                , c(T,T,T,F,F,F,F))

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='rnorm(1)', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, tag))

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='if(F)#!@tag not in block\nF', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, tag))

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='if(F){FALSE}', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, tag))

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='if(F){# @tag\nF\n}', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_false(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, tag))

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='if(F){#@tag\nF\n}', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_true(pd_is_tagged_iff_block(roots(pd), pd, tag))

pd_all_tagged_iff_block_ids <-
function(pd, tag, doc.only=TRUE){
    #' @title Find all tagged \code{if(FALSE)} blocks.
    #' @inheritParams pd_is_iff
    #' @description
    #'   Retrieves all ids identifying \code{\link[=iff-blocks]{if(FALSE)}}
    #'   blocks that are also tagged with \code{tag}.
    #'   See \code{\link{pd_is_tagged_iff_block}} for details.
    #' @seealso \code{\link{pd_is_iff_block}}, \code{\link{pd_is_tagged_iff_block}},
    #'          \code{\link{pd_has_tag}}
    #' @return an integer vector giving the ids in \code{pd} that identify
    #'      \code{\link[=iff-blocks]{if(FALSE)}}\link[=iff-blocks]{ blocks}
    #'      that are also tagged with \code{tag}.
    id <- all_iff_block_ids(pd)
    if (!length(id)) return(id)
    is.tagged <- pd_is_tagged_iff_block(id=id, tag=tag, pd=pd, doc.only=doc.only)
all_tagged_iff_block_ids <- internal(pd_all_tagged_iff_block_ids)
    pd  <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
            # yes
            # yes
        if(F){# @tag
            # determines doc.only parameter
            # not an if(F) block
            # no
        {# @tag
            # no
        "}, keep.source=TRUE))
    tag <- 'tag'
    id  <- roots(pd)
    tagged.iff.ids <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, tag)

    pd  <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
        # this has no iff blocks
        "}, keep.source=TRUE))
    tag <- 'tag'
    tagged.iff.ids <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, tag)
    expect_identical(tagged.iff.ids, integer(0))

pd_get_iff_associated_name_id <-
function(id, pd, .check=TRUE){
    #' @title Find the name that should be associated with an \code{if(FALSE)} block.
    #' @inheritParams pd_is_iff_block
    #' @description
    #'   For \code{\link[=iff-blocks]{if(FALSE)}} documentation blocks, such as
    #'   \code{@testing} and \code{@example} blocks, a user may supply an
    #'   information string which gives the name information for tests and
    #'   examples.  for example, in `if(FALSE)\{#@@test my special test`
    #  }
    #'   the information string is "my special test".
    #'   The more common case is when there is no information string.
    #'   In these cases the name is inferred by the previous assignment or
    #'   declaration.
    #' The \code{id} argument should identify one and only one
    #' \code{\link[=iff-blocks]{if(FALSE)}} block, but as this is an internal
    #' function, argument checks are not performed.
    #' @details
    if (.check){
        pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
        id <- ._check_id(id, pd)
        stopifnot(all(pd_is_iff_block(id, pd)))
    if (length(id)>1L) return(sapply(id, pd_get_iff_associated_name_id, pd=pd, .check=FALSE))
    prev.id  <- prev_sibling(id, pd)
    while (TRUE){
        #' IFF blocks can be placed
        #' sequentially and \code{pd_get_iff_associated_name_id} will
        #' navigate back until it finds a non-IFF block to use for the name.
        #' This way users can place multiple tests and examples after a
        #' declaration.
        if (is.na(prev.id)) return(NULL)
        if (!pd_is_iff_block(prev.id, pd)) break
        prev.id <- prev_sibling(prev.id, pd)
    if (pd_is_assignment(prev.id, pd)) {
        #' If the previous expression is an assignment, the assignee variable of
        #' the assignment is chosen as the name.
        value.id <- assign_value(prev.id)
        structure( utils::getParseText(pd, assign_variable(prev.id))
                 , type = if (is_function(value.id)) "function_assignment"
                          else "assignment"
        #' An attribute 'type' is also set on the return value.
        #' For function assignments \code{type="function_assignment"},
        #' for all other assignments \code{type="assignment"}.
    } else if(is_symbol_call(prev.id,pd)) {
        switch( text(call_symbol(prev.id, pd))
              , setClass = {
                    #' The names for \code{link{setClass}} calls will also be inferred.
                    #' The name of the class is taken as the name, but the
                    #' return value also has the attribute of
                    #' \code{type="setClass"}.
                    #' Note that it is common to assign the result of
                    #' \code{\link{setClass}} to a variable, which may or
                    #' may not match the class name.  In those cases the
                    #' assignment operation takes priority and would have
                    #' \code{type="assignment"}.
                    args <- call_args(prev.id)
                    line_error_if (length(args) == 0, prev.id,
                        ": setClass must be called with a Class argument.")
                    name <- {
                            class.arg <- if ('Class' %in% names(args)) args[['Class']] else args[[1L]]
                            while (token(class.arg) == 'expr') class.arg <- firstborn(class.arg)
                            if (token(class.arg) == 'STR_CONST') unquote(text(class.arg)) else
                                line_error(prev.id, 'Cannot infer Class argument of setClass.')
                    structure(name, type = "setClass")
              , setMethod = {
                    #' The names for \code{\link{setMethod}} will assume
                    #' the S3 convention of \code{<method>.<class>}.
                    args <- call_args(prev.id)
                    line_error_if(length(args)==0, prev.id,
                        "setMethod must be called with arguments.")
                    fname <- {
                        fname.arg <- args[[ifelse('f' %in% names(args), 'f', 1L)]]
                        while (token(fname.arg) == 'expr') fname.arg <- firstborn(fname.arg)
                        if (token(fname.arg) == 'STR_CONST') unquote(text(fname.arg)) else
                            line_error(prev.id, "Cannot infer method name for setMethod.")
                    #' In the case the the signature is more than just the class,
                    #' the signature will be collapsed, separated by commas.
                    signature <- {
                        # args[[ifelse('signature' %in% names(args), 'signature', 2L)]]
                        sig.arg <- args[[ifelse('signature' %in% names(args), 'signature', 2L)]]
                        if ( is_symbol_call(sig.arg,pd)
                          && (text(call_symbol(sig.arg)) %in% c('signature', 'c'))
                           ) {
                        } else
                        if (token(firstborn(sig.arg)) == 'STR_CONST'){
                        } else
                            line_error(sig.arg, 'Cannot infer signature for setMethod.')
                    name <- paste0(fname, paste0(',', signature, collapse=''), '-method')
                    structure(name, type="setMethod")
                    #' the type attribute will be set to \code{"setMethod"}.
              , setGeneric = {
                    #' \code{\link{setGeneric}} can also be used with the name
                    #' of the generic function the inferred name and
                    #' \code{type="setGeneric"}.
                    args <- call_args(prev.id)
                    line_error_if(length(args)==0, prev.id,
                        "setGeneric must be called with arguments.")
                    fname <- {
                        fname.arg <- args[[ifelse('f' %in% names(args), 'f', 1L)]]
                        while (token(fname.arg) == 'expr') fname.arg <- firstborn(fname.arg)
                        if (token(fname.arg) == 'STR_CONST') unquote(text(fname.arg)) else
                            line_error(prev.id, "Cannot infer method name for setGeneric.")
                    structure(fname, type='setGeneric')
              , setAs = {#coerce,call,usage
                    #' \code{\link{setAs}} infers coerce methods.
                    #' \code{type="setAs"}.
                    args <- call_args(prev.id)
                    line_error_if(length(args) < 2, prev.id,
                        "setAs must be called with arguments.")
                    fname <- 'coerce'
                    from <- {
                        fname.arg <- args[[ifelse('from' %in% names(args), 'from', 1L)]]
                        while (token(fname.arg) == 'expr') fname.arg <- firstborn(fname.arg)
                        if (token(fname.arg) == 'STR_CONST') unquote(text(fname.arg)) else
                            line_error(prev.id, "Cannot infer from class for setAs.")
                    to <- {
                        fname.arg <- args[[ifelse('to' %in% names(args), 'to', 2L)]]
                        while (token(fname.arg) == 'expr') fname.arg <- firstborn(fname.arg)
                        if (token(fname.arg) == 'STR_CONST') unquote(text(fname.arg)) else
                            line_error(prev.id, "Cannot infer to argument for setAs.")
                    structure( paste0(paste(fname, from, to, sep=','), '-method')
                             , from=from, to=to, type='setAs')
              , NULL#' if not specified above the function returns \code{\link{NULL}}.
iff_associated_name <- internal(pd_get_iff_associated_name_id, all_iff_block_ids(pd))
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
        # a malplaced testing block
    hello_world <- function(){
        print("hello world")
        expect_output(hello_world(), "hello world")

    ldf <- data.frame(id = 1:26, letters)
        # not a function assignment

    f2 <- function(){stop("this does nothing")}
    if(F){#! @example
    if(F){#! @test

        #testing a setClass

    setMethod("print", "A")
        #testing a setMethod

    setGeneric("my_generic", function(x){x})
        #testing a setClass

        # no previous name

    setMethod("fun", c("A","B"), function(x,y){
        #testing a setMethod with multiple signature elements.

    setAs("class1", "class2", function(from){new(from[[1]], "class2")})
        #testing setAs
    '}, keep.source=TRUE))
    iff.ids <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))

    expect_null( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[1L]], pd), info="iff at beginning")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[2L]], pd)
                , structure("hello_world", type = "function_assignment")
                , info="iff after function assignment")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[3L]], pd)
                , structure("ldf", type = "assignment")
                , info="iff after other assignment")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[4L]], pd)
                , structure("f2", type = "function_assignment")
                , info="iff after other iff")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[5L]], pd)
                , structure("A", type = "setClass")
                , info="iff after other iff")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[6L]], pd)
                , structure("print,A-method", type = "setMethod")
                , info="iff after other iff")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[7L]], pd)
                , structure("my_generic", type = "setGeneric")
                , info="iff after other iff")
    expect_null ( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[8L]], pd)
                , info="following call")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[9L]], pd)
                , structure("fun,A,B-method", type = "setMethod")
                , info="iff after other iff")
    expect_equal( pd_get_iff_associated_name_id(iff.ids[[10L]], pd)
                , structure("coerce,class1,class2-method", type = "setAs"
                           , from='class1', to='class2' )
                , info="setAs")
if(FALSE){#@testing iff_associated_name errors
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
        #testing a setClass
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(pd)
                , "Cannot infer Class argument of setClass")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setMethod(A, "class")
        #testing a setMethod
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(pd)
                , "Cannot infer method name for setMethod.")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setMethod("show", setClass("A"))
        #testing a setMethod
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(id, pd)
                , "Cannot infer signature for setMethod.")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setMethod("show", A)
        #testing a setMethod
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(id, pd)
                , "Cannot infer signature for setMethod.")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setGeneric(generic, function(x){x})
        #testing a setGeneric
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(id, pd)
                , "Cannot infer method name for setGeneric.")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setAs(from, "to")
        #testing a setAs
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(id, pd)
                , "Cannot infer from class for setAs.")

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={'
    setAs("from", to)
        #testing a setAs
    id <- all_tagged_iff_block_ids(pd, c('testing', 'testthat', 'test'))
    expect_error( iff_associated_name(id, pd)
                , "Cannot infer to argument for setAs.")

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