
Defines functions apply_constraint.polygon_constraint retrain_constraint.polygon_constraint train_constraint.polygon_constraint print.polygon_constraint

#' Fixes particles to be inside a polygon
#' This constraint prevents particles from moving outside of one or more
#' polygons. If a particle ventures outside it will be moved back to its closest
#' point inside the specified polygon(s) and have its velocity set to zero.
#' @section Training parameters:
#' The following parameters defines the training of the constraint and can be
#' passed along a call to [impose()]
#' - `polygon` : A two column matrix giving the polygon, or a list of matrices
#'   to use multiple polygons. Overlapping polygons will be subtracted from each
#'   other so it is possible to define polygons with holes.
#' @family constraints
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
polygon_constraint <- structure(list(
  polygon = NULL,
  polygon_closed = NULL
), class = c('polygon_constraint', 'constraint'))
#' @export
print.polygon_constraint <- function(x, ...) {
  cat('Polygon Constraint:\n')
  cat('* A constraint that fixes particle positions inside a polygon. Particles inside the polygon are unaffected, while those outside will be moved to the closest area inside the polygon\n')
#' @importFrom rlang enquo eval_tidy %||%
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tibble
#' @export
train_constraint.polygon_constraint <- function(constraint, particles, polygon, ...) {
  constraint <- NextMethod()
  if (is.matrix(polygon)) polygon <- list(polygon)
  if (!all(vapply(polygon, inherits, logical(1), 'matrix'))) {
    stop('Polygon must be provided as a matrix or a list of matrices', call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(vapply(polygon, ncol, integer(1)) == 2)) {
    stop('Polygon matrices must contain two columns', call. = FALSE)
  constraint$polygon <- polygon
  polygon_closed = do.call(rbind, lapply(polygon, rbind, matrix(NA, ncol = 2)))
  constraint$polygon_closed <- polygon_closed[-nrow(polygon_closed), ]
#' @importFrom rlang quos
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @export
retrain_constraint.polygon_constraint <- function(constraint, particles, ...) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  particle_hash <- digest(particles)
  new_particles <- particle_hash != constraint$particle_hash
  constraint$particle_hash <- particle_hash
  nodes <- as_tibble(particles, active = 'nodes')
  constraint <- update_quo(constraint, 'include', dots, nodes, new_particles, TRUE)
  if ('polygon' %in% names(dots)) {
    polygon <- eval_tidy(dots$polygon)
    if (is.matrix(polygon)) polygon <- list(polygon)
    if (!all(vapply(polygon, inherits, logical(1), 'matrix'))) {
      stop('Polygon must be provided as a matrix or a list of matrices', call. = FALSE)
    if (!all(vapply(polygon, ncol, integer(1)) == 2)) {
      stop('Polygon matrices must contain two columns', call. = FALSE)
    constraint$polygon <- polygon
    polygon_closed = do.call(rbind, lapply(polygon, rbind, matrix(NA, ncol = 2)))
    constraint$polygon_closed <- polygon_closed[-nrow(polygon_closed), ]
#' @export
apply_constraint.polygon_constraint <- function(constraint, particles, pos, vel, alpha, ...) {
  tolerance <- 2e-308
  particle_outside <- !in.out(constraint$polygon_closed, pos)
  if (any(particle_outside)) {
    particle_sub <- pos[particle_outside, , drop = FALSE]
    particle_projections <- points_to_path(particle_sub, constraint$polygon, TRUE)
    close_particles <- which(abs(particle_projections$distance) < tolerance)
    if(length(close_particles) > 0) {
      wrong_outside <- which(particle_outside)[close_particles]
      particle_outside[wrong_outside] <- FALSE 
      particle_projections$projection <- particle_projections$projection[-close_particles,]
      particle_projections$distance <- particle_projections$distance[-close_particles]
    if (any(particle_outside)) {
      pos[particle_outside, ] <- particle_projections$projection
      vel[particle_outside, ] <- 0

  list(position = pos, velocity = vel)

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particles documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 5:06 p.m.