
Defines functions recalc_sec_from_minfrac recalc_md_from_yearday recalc_md_from_weekday is_iso8601_minfrac is_iso8601_yearday is_iso8601_weekday is_iso8601_form parse_iso8601_matrix parse_iso8601_datetime_as_timespan parse_iso8601_datetime

Documented in is_iso8601_form is_iso8601_minfrac is_iso8601_weekday is_iso8601_yearday parse_iso8601_datetime parse_iso8601_datetime_as_timespan parse_iso8601_matrix recalc_md_from_weekday recalc_md_from_yearday recalc_sec_from_minfrac

#' slightly modified from parsedate - added 'secfrac' capture group
#' @keywords internal
re_iso8601 <- paste0(
    # {datesep} can be either `-` ({dash}) or ``, but must be consistent
            # if {dash} captured, {timesep} must be `:`, else ``

#' Parse iso8601 datetime strings as parttime matrix
#' @param x A \code{character} vector of iso8601 datetime strings
#' @param warn A \code{logical} indicating whether to warn when information
#'   would be loss when coercing to a \code{parttime} matrix.
#' @param ... Additional arguments unused
#' @return A matrix of capture fields discovered while parsing ISO8601-style
#'   datetimes.
#' @references
#' ["ISO_8601" on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601)
#' @rdname parse_parttime
#' @export
parse_iso8601_datetime <- function(x, warn = TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.character(x)) {
    x <- parse_iso8601_matrix(x)

  # warn when week is specified without weekday, leading to loss of information
  if (warn) warn_repr_data_loss(x, includes = "week", excludes = "weekday")

  # add month, day when week, weekday available
  i <- is_iso8601_weekday(x)
  x[i, c("month", "day")] <- recalc_md_from_weekday(x[i, , drop = FALSE])

  # add month, day when yearday available
  i <- is_iso8601_yearday(x)
  x[i, c("month", "day")] <- recalc_md_from_yearday(x[i, , drop = FALSE])

  # add sec, secfrac when frac (minfrac) is available
  i <- is_iso8601_minfrac(x)
  x[i, "sec"] <- recalc_sec_from_minfrac(x[i, , drop = FALSE])

  # collapse tzmin component into tzhour
  x[, "tzhour"] <- x[, "tzhour"] + (x[, "tzmin"] %|NA|% 0) / 60

  # drop iso8601-specific columns
  x[, datetime_parts, drop = FALSE]

#' Parse iso8601 datetime strings as timespan array
#' @note A timespan array is an internal data structure used as the backend
#' representation of timespan objects. It consists of two parttime-like matrices
#' (with the addition of an "inclusive" column), one for the lower- and
#' upper-bounds of the timespan. Collectively, this amounts to a three
#' dimensional array.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_parttime
parse_iso8601_datetime_as_timespan <- function(x, ...) {
  tmspn_arr <- array(
    dim = c(length(x), length(datetime_parts) + 1L, 2L),
    dimnames = list(x, c(datetime_parts, "inclusive"), c("lb", "ub"))

  m <- parse_iso8601_matrix(x)

  # user parttime handler where possible, uniquely handle yearweek format
  i <- matrix_field_cond(m, includes = "week", excludes = "weekday")
  m[!i, datetime_parts] <- parse_iso8601_datetime(m[!i, , drop = FALSE])

  # impute yearweek + weekday with first day of the week for start
  m[i, datetime_parts] <- parse_iso8601_datetime(paste0(x[i], "-1"))
  tmspn_arr[, datetime_parts, "lb"] <- clean_parsed_parttime_matrix(m)
  tmspn_arr[, "inclusive", "lb"] <- 1

  # impute yearweek + weekday with last day of the week for end
  m[i, datetime_parts] <- parse_iso8601_datetime(paste0(x[i], "-7"))
  tmspn_arr[, datetime_parts, "ub"] <- minimally_increment(clean_parsed_parttime_matrix(m))
  tmspn_arr[, "inclusive", "ub"] <- 0


#' Parse an iso8601 datetime to a parttime-like matrix
#' @note In addition to parttime matrix fields, the returned matrix has
#' additional columns for alternative iso8601 formats such as \code{yearday},
#' \code{yearweek} and \code{weakday}.
#' @keywords internal
parse_iso8601_matrix <- function(dates) {
  match_m <- parse_to_parttime_matrix(dates, regex = re_iso8601)

  # fix missing tzhour, tzmin when tz is available
  match_m[match_m[, "tz"] == "Z", c("tzhour", "tzmin")] <- "00"

  # apply offset sign to tzhour and tzmin
  match_m[, "tzhour"] <- ifelse(
    nchar(match_m[, "tzhour"]),
    paste0(match_m[, "tzpm"], match_m[, "tzhour"]),

  match_m[, "tzmin"]  <- ifelse(
    nchar(match_m[, "tzmin"]),
    paste0(match_m[, "tzpm"], match_m[, "tzmin"]),

  fields <- c("year", "month", "day", "week", "weekday", "yearday", "hour",
    "min", "frac", "sec", "tzhour", "tzmin")

  match_m <- match_m[, fields, drop = FALSE]
  storage.mode(match_m) <- "numeric"


#' Inspecting and manipulating intermediate iso8601 matrices
#' An "iso8601 matrix" is a matrix of the various capture groups extraced from a
#' an iso8601 datetime string. These groups represent a superset of the fields
#' used by partial time objects, including representation for less common
#' datetime formats like yeardays, yearweeks or weekdays. Because the standard
#' provides a number of different combinations of fields that represent valid
#' strings, these functions serves to provide convenience functions for testing
#' or manipulating these less canonical representations.
#' @param x A \code{numeric} matrix of possible iso8601 fields
#' @param fields A \code{character} vector of fields
#' @section is_iso8601_* functions:
#' Test whether rows of the matrix represent a specific form, as evident by
#' non-missing values in specific fields.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name parse_iso8601_helpers
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
is_iso8601_form <- function(x, fields) {
  apply(!is.na(x[, fields, drop = FALSE]), 1, all)

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
is_iso8601_weekday <- function(x) {
  is_iso8601_form(x, c("year", "week", "weekday"))

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
is_iso8601_yearday <- function(x) {
  is_iso8601_form(x, c("year", "yearday"))

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
is_iso8601_minfrac <- function(x) {
  is_iso8601_form(x, "frac")

#' @section recalc_* functions:
#' Calculate canonical datetime fields from alternative representations
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
recalc_md_from_weekday <- function(x) {
  dates <- strptime(
    paste(x[, "year"], x[, "week"], x[, "weekday"] - 1L, sep = "-"),
    format = "%Y-%U-%w"

  cbind(month = dates$mon + 1L, day = dates$mday)

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
recalc_md_from_yearday <- function(x) {
  dates <- strptime(
    paste(x[, "year"], x[, "yearday"], sep = "-"),
    format = "%Y-%j"

  cbind(month = dates$mon + 1L, day = dates$mday)

#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parse_iso8601_helpers
recalc_sec_from_minfrac <- function(x) {
  x[, "frac"] * 60

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parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.