
Defines functions .i extract format_vector local_tz gmtoff spoken_list warn_partial warn_repr_data_loss matrix_field_cond wrap_vec wrap `%|NA|%`

Documented in extract .i

`%|NA|%` <- function(lhs, rhs) ifelse(is.na(lhs), rhs, lhs)

datetime_parts <- c(

wrap <- function(..., .strwrap = list()) {
  text <- paste0(...)
  leading_ws <- gsub("^(\\s*).*", "\\1", text)
  trailing_ws <- gsub(".*(\\s*)$", "\\1", text)
  strwrap_args <- append(list(text), .strwrap)
    paste0(collapse = "\n", do.call(strwrap, strwrap_args), trailing_ws)

wrap_vec <- function(vec, indent = 0L,
    width = getOption("width", 80L) - indent) {

  vec <- as.character(vec)
  n_nchar <- max(nchar(vec) + 2L, 0L)
  n_out <- format(vec, width = n_nchar)

  # add newlines to items before overflowing width
  n_end  <- (seq_along(n_out) %% (width %/% n_nchar)) == 0L
  n_end[[length(n_out)]] <- FALSE # never newline on last item
  n_out[n_end] <- paste0(n_out[n_end], "\n")

  # add indentation
  n_start <- c(TRUE, utils::head(n_end, -1))
  n_out[n_start] <- paste0(strrep(" ", indent), n_out[n_start])

  paste0(n_out, collapse = "")

matrix_field_cond <- function(x, includes, excludes) {
  inc <- apply(!is.na(x[, includes, drop = FALSE]), 1L, all)
  exc <- apply(is.na(x[, excludes, drop = FALSE]), 1L, all)
  inc & exc

warn_repr_data_loss <- function(x, includes, excludes) {
  inc <- apply(!is.na(x[, includes, drop = FALSE]), 1L, all)
  exc <- apply(is.na(x[, excludes, drop = FALSE]), 1L, all)
  if (!any(inc & exc)) return()

    "Date strings ",
    if (length(includes)) paste0("including ", spoken_list(includes), " "),
    if (length(includes) && length(excludes)) "and ",
    if (length(excludes)) paste0("excluding ", spoken_list(excludes), " "),
    "can not be fully represented. ",
    "To avoid loss of datetime resolution, such partial ",
    "dates are best represented as timespans. See `?timespan`."

warn_partial <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
  fields <- c(...)
  if (!length(fields)) fields <- colnames(x)

  if (any(is.na(attr(x, "fields")[, fields])))
      call. = FALSE,
      "In ", format(deparse(sys.call(which = -1L)), envir = envir), " :\n",
        "Coercing partial_time, which will assume an imputation method. ",
        "To avoid warnings, explicitly apply imputations with `impute_time()` ",
        "prior to coersion, specifying datetime fields ",
        spoken_list(fields, quote = TRUE),

spoken_list <- function(x, quote = FALSE, oxford = FALSE) {
  if (identical(quote, FALSE)) quote <- ""
  else if (isTRUE(quote)) quote <- "\""

    if (length(x) > 1) paste0(quote, x[-length(x)], quote, collapse = ", "),
    if (length(x) > 1 && oxford) ",",
    if (length(x) > 1) " and ",
    paste0(quote, x[length(x)], quote))

gmtoff <- function(tzone) {
  if (is.numeric(tzone)) return(tzone)

  if (!tzone %in% OlsonNames())
    stop("Invalid timezone. Use `OlsonNames()` to see a list of valid time zones.")

  date_stub <- lubridate::as_datetime("1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT")

    lubridate::force_tz(date_stub, tzone = tzone),
    units = "secs")) / 60

local_tz <- function() {
  attr(as.POSIXlt(lubridate::now()), "tzone")

#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom crayon col_nchar col_align
format_vector <- function(x) {
  xtrunc <- utils::head(x, getOption("max.print"))

  indxs <- paste0("[", seq_along(xtrunc), "]")
  max_indx_chr <- nchar(utils::tail(indxs, 1))
  x <- paste0(' ', x)

  max_chr <- max(crayon::col_nchar(x), 0, na.rm = TRUE)
  x <- crayon::col_align(x, max_chr)

  n_per_row <- max((getOption("width", 80) - max_indx_chr) %/% max_chr, 1)
  last_in_row_indx <-  seq_len((length(xtrunc) - 1) %/% n_per_row) * n_per_row
  first_in_row_indx <- seq(1, length(xtrunc), n_per_row)

  x[last_in_row_indx] <- paste0(x[last_in_row_indx], "\n")
  x[first_in_row_indx] <- sprintf(sprintf("%%%ds%%s", max_indx_chr),

  paste(x, collapse = "")

#' Similar to matrix and array `[` behavior, but allows for providing a numeric
#' vector of dimensions to drop
#' @param x array or matrix to extract from
#' @param ... pased to \code{[}
#' @param drop whether to drop dimensions, a logical or numeric vector of
#'   dimensions to drop
#' @param envir environment in which to evaluate \code{[} call
#' @keywords internal
extract <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE, envir = parent.frame()) {
  args <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  args <- args[names(args) == ""]

  if (is.logical(drop)) {
    if (length(drop) == 1)
      return(do.call("[", append(append(list(x), args), list(drop = drop)), envir = envir))
    else if (length(drop) == length(dim(x)))
      drop <- which(drop)

  if (!is.numeric(drop))
    stop("argument `drop` must be either logical of length 1 or numeric")

  x <- do.call("[", append(append(list(x), args), list(drop = FALSE)), envir = envir)
  drop <- 1:length(dim(x)) %in% drop & dim(x) == 1
  dimnames_keep <- dimnames(x)[!drop]
  dim(x) <- dim(x)[!drop]
  dimnames(x) <- dimnames_keep

#' shorthand for converting dimnames to indices, for easier column subtraction
#' @param x an object with dimnames<- defined
#' @param dim the dimension to index
#' @param ... names selected by which
#' @keywords internal
.i <- function(x, dim, ...) {
  which(dimnames(x)[[dim]] %in% c(...))

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parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.