
Defines functions attach_guides assemble_guides complete_guide_theme guides_build collapse_guides unname_grob unname_vp

unname_vp <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, 'vpTree')) {
    x$parent <- unname_vp(x$parent)
    x$children <- lapply(x$children, unname_vp)
  } else if (inherits(x, 'viewport')) {
    x$name <- ''
    if (!is.null(x$layout$widths)) {
      x$layout$widths <- absolute.size(x$layout$widths)
    if (!is.null(x$layout$heights)) {
      x$layout$heights <- absolute.size(x$layout$heights)
  unit_elements <- vapply(x, is.unit, logical(1))
  x[unit_elements] <- lapply(.subset(x, unit_elements), absolute.size)
#' @importFrom grid is.grob is.unit absolute.size
#' @importFrom gtable is.gtable
unname_grob <- function(x) {
  if (is.gtable(x)) {
    x$name <- ''
    x$rownames <- NULL
    x$vp <- unname_vp(x$vp)
    names(x$grobs) <- NULL
    x$grobs <- lapply(x$grobs, unname_grob)
  } else if (is.grob(x)) {
    x$name <- ''
    x$vp <- unname_vp(x$vp)
    x$children <- unname(lapply(x$children, unname_grob))
    x$childrenOrder <- rep_len('', length(x$childrenOrder))
  unit_elements <- vapply(x, is.unit, logical(1))
  x[unit_elements] <- lapply(.subset(x, unit_elements), absolute.size)
collapse_guides <- function(guides) {
  unnamed <- lapply(guides, unname_grob)
  for (i in rev(seq_along(unnamed)[-1])) {
    for (j in seq_len(i - 1)) {
      if (isTRUE(all.equal(unnamed[[i]], unnamed[[j]], check.names = FALSE, check.attributes = FALSE))) {
        guides[i] <- NULL
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_width gtable_height gtable gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom grid editGrob heightDetails widthDetails valid.just unit.c unit
#' @importFrom ggplot2 margin element_grob element_blank
guides_build <- function(guides, theme) {
  legend.spacing <- theme$legend.spacing %||% unit(0.5, "lines")
  legend.spacing.y <- theme$legend.spacing.y  %||% legend.spacing
  legend.spacing.x <- theme$legend.spacing.x  %||% legend.spacing
  legend.box.margin <- theme$legend.box.margin %||% margin()

  widths <- exec(unit.c, !!!lapply(guides, gtable_width))
  heights <- exec(unit.c, !!!lapply(guides, gtable_height))

  just <- valid.just(theme$legend.box.just)
  xjust <- just[1]
  yjust <- just[2]
  vert <- identical(theme$legend.box, "horizontal")
  guides <- lapply(guides, function(g) {
    editGrob(g, vp = viewport(x = xjust, y = yjust, just = c(xjust, yjust),
                              height = if (vert) heightDetails(g) else 1,
                              width = if (!vert) widthDetails(g) else 1))
  guide_ind <- seq(by = 2, length.out = length(guides))
  sep_ind <- seq(2, by = 2, length.out = length(guides) - 1)
  if (vert) {
    heights <- max(heights)
    if (length(widths) != 1) {
      w <- unit(rep_len(0, length(widths) * 2 - 1), 'mm')
      w[guide_ind] <- widths
      w[sep_ind] <- legend.spacing.x
      widths <- w
  } else {
    widths <- max(widths)
    if (length(heights) != 1) {
      h <- unit(rep_len(0, length(heights) * 2 - 1), 'mm')
      h[guide_ind] <- heights
      h[sep_ind] <- legend.spacing.y
      heights <- h
  widths <- unit.c(legend.box.margin[4], widths, legend.box.margin[2])
  heights <- unit.c(legend.box.margin[1], heights, legend.box.margin[3])
  guides <- gtable_add_grob(
    gtable(widths, heights, name = 'guide-box'),
    t = 1 + if (!vert) guide_ind else 1,
    l = 1 + if (vert) guide_ind else 1,
    name = 'guides'

    element_grob(theme$legend.box.background %||% element_blank()),
    t = 1, l = 1, b = -1, r = -1,
    z = -Inf, clip = "off", name = "legend.box.background"
complete_guide_theme <- function(theme) {
  position <- theme$legend.position %||% "right"
  if (length(position) == 2) {
    warning("Manual legend position not possible for collected guides. Defaulting to 'right'", call. = FALSE)
    position <- "right"
  theme$legend.position <- position
  if (position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
    theme$legend.box <- theme$legend.box %||% "horizontal"
    theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "horizontal"
    theme$legend.box.just <- theme$legend.box.just %||% c("center", "top")
  } else {
    theme$legend.box <- theme$legend.box %||% "vertical"
    theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "vertical"
    theme$legend.box.just <- theme$legend.box.just %||% c("left", "top")
#' @importFrom grid valid.just
assemble_guides <- function(guides, theme) {
  theme <- complete_guide_theme(theme)
  guides <- guides_build(guides, theme)

  # Set the justification of the legend box
  # First value is xjust, second value is yjust
  just <- valid.just(theme$legend.justification)
  xjust <- just[1]
  yjust <- just[2]
  guides <- grid::editGrob(guides, vp = viewport(x = xjust, y = yjust, just = c(xjust, yjust)))
  guides <- gtable_add_rows(guides, unit(yjust, 'null'))
  guides <- gtable_add_rows(guides, unit(1 - yjust, 'null'), 0)
  guides <- gtable_add_cols(guides, unit(xjust, 'null'), 0)
  guides <- gtable_add_cols(guides, unit(1 - xjust, 'null'))

#' @importFrom gtable gtable_width gtable_height
#' @importFrom grid unit.c
attach_guides <- function(table, guides, theme) {
  guide_areas <- grepl('panel-guide_area', table$layout$name)
  if (any(guide_areas)) {
    area_ind <- which(guide_areas)
    if (length(area_ind) != 1) {
      warning("Only using the first guide area", call. = FALSE)
    table$grobs[[area_ind[1]]] <- guides
  p_loc <- find_panel(table)
  position <- theme$legend.position %||% "right"
  if (length(position) == 2) {
    warning('Manual position of collected guides not supported', call. = FALSE)
    position <- "right"

  spacing <- theme$legend.box.spacing %||% unit(0.2, 'cm')
  legend_width  <- gtable_width(guides)
  legend_height <- gtable_height(guides)
  if (position == "left") {
    table <- gtable_add_grob(table, guides, clip = "off", t = p_loc$t,
                             l = p_loc$l - 5, b = p_loc$b, name = "guide-box")
    table <- set_border_sizes(table, l = unit.c(table$widths[seq_len(p_loc$l - 6)], legend_width, spacing))
  } else if (position == "right") {
    table <- gtable_add_grob(table, guides, clip = "off", t = p_loc$t,
                             l = p_loc$r + 5, b = p_loc$b, name = "guide-box")
    table <- set_border_sizes(table, r = unit.c(spacing, legend_width, table$widths[seq(p_loc$r + 6, ncol(table))]))
  } else if (position == "bottom") {
    table <- gtable_add_grob(table, guides, clip = "off", t = p_loc$b + 5,
                             l = p_loc$l, r = p_loc$r, name = "guide-box")
    table <- set_border_sizes(table, b = unit.c(spacing, legend_height, table$heights[seq(p_loc$b + 6, nrow(table))]))
  } else if (position == "top") {
    table <- gtable_add_grob(table, guides, clip = "off", t = p_loc$t - 5,
                             l = p_loc$l, r = p_loc$r, name = "guide-box")
    table <- set_border_sizes(table, t = unit.c(table$heights[seq_len(p_loc$t - 6)], legend_height, spacing))


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patchwork documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.