
Defines functions has_tag.inset_patch print.inset_patch is_inset_patch inset_element

Documented in inset_element

#' Create an inset to be added on top of the previous plot
#' The standard approach of patchwork is to place plots next to each other based
#' on the provided layout. However, it may sometimes be beneficial to place one
#' or several plots or graphic elements freely on top or below another plot. The
#' `inset_element()` function provides a way to create such insets and gives you
#' full control over placement.
#' @param p A grob, ggplot, patchwork, formula, raster, nativeRaster, or gt object
#' to add as an inset
#' @param left,bottom,right,top numerics or units giving the location of the
#' outer bounds. If given as numerics they will be converted to `npc` units.
#' @param align_to Specifies what `left`, `bottom`, etc should be relative to.
#' Either `'panel'` (default), `'plot'`, or `'full'`.
#' @param on_top Logical. Should the inset be placed on top of the other plot or
#' below (but above the background)?
#' @param clip Logical. Should clipping be performed on the inset?
#' @param ignore_tag Logical. Should autotagging ignore the inset?
#' @return A `inset_path` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p1 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(mpg, disp))
#' p2 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_boxplot(aes(gear, disp, group = gear))
#' # Basic use
#' p1 + inset_element(p2, 0.6, 0.6, 1, 1)
#' # Align to the full area instead
#' p1 + inset_element(p2, 0, 0.6, 0.4, 1, align_to = 'full')
#' # Grobs and other objects can be added as insets as well
#' p1 + inset_element(grid::circleGrob(), 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6)
#' if (requireNamespace('png', quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   logo <- system.file('help', 'figures', 'logo.png', package = 'patchwork')
#'   logo <- png::readPNG(logo, native = TRUE)
#'   p1 + inset_element(logo, 0.8, 0.8, 1, 1, align_to = 'full')
#' }
#' # Just as expected insets are still amenable to changes after the fact
#' p1 +
#'   inset_element(p2, 0.6, 0.6, 1, 1) +
#'   theme_classic()
#' # Tagging also continues to work as expected
#' p1 +
#'   inset_element(p2, 0.6, 0.6, 1, 1) +
#'   plot_annotation(tag_levels = '1')
#' # but can be turned off, like for wrapped plots
#' p1 +
#'   inset_element(p2, 0.6, 0.6, 1, 1, ignore_tag = TRUE) +
#'   plot_annotation(tag_levels = '1')
inset_element <- function(p, left, bottom, right, top, align_to = 'panel', on_top = TRUE, clip = TRUE, ignore_tag = FALSE) {
  align_to <- match.arg(align_to, c('panel', 'plot', 'full'))
  if (!is.unit(left)) {
    left <- unit(left, 'npc')
  if (!is.unit(bottom)) {
    bottom <- unit(bottom, 'npc')
  if (!is.unit(right)) {
    right <- unit(right, 'npc')
  if (!is.unit(top)) {
    top <- unit(top, 'npc')
  if (!is.ggplot(p)) {
    p <- wrap_elements(full = p, clip = FALSE)
  if (!is.ggplot(p)) {
    p <- wrap_elements(full = p, clip = clip)
  clip <- if (clip) 'on' else 'off'
  attr(p, 'inset_settings') <- list(left = left, bottom = bottom, right = right,
                           top = top, align_to = align_to, on_top = on_top,
                           clip = clip, ignore_tag = ignore_tag)
  class(p) <- c('inset_patch', class(p))
is_inset_patch <- function(x) inherits(x, 'inset_patch')
#' @export
print.inset_patch <- function(x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, ...) {
  print(plot_spacer() + x, newpage = newpage, vp = vp, ...)
#' @export
plot.inset_patch <- print.inset_patch
#' @export
has_tag.inset_patch <- function(x) !attr(x, 'inset_settings')$ignore_tag

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patchwork documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:07 a.m.