
Defines functions linecount get_ncols get_nrows read.csv.ddmatrix

Documented in read.csv.ddmatrix

linecount <- function(file)
  .Call(pbddemo_linecount, file)

get_ncols <- function(file, sep, start)
  if (comm.rank()==0)
    ncols <- length(scan(file=file, skip=start, sep=sep, nlines=1L, quiet=TRUE))
    ncols <- 0L
  ncols <- pbdMPI::allreduce(ncols, op='sum')

get_nrows <- function(ncols, header, file, sep, exact.linecount)
  if (comm.rank()==0)
    if (exact.linecount)
      nrows <- linecount(file)
      sepsize <- (length(unlist(strsplit(sep, split=""))))
      seps <- ncols * sepsize - 1L
      skip <- if (header) 1L else 0L
      chars_per_line <- length(unlist(strsplit(scan(file=file, skip=skip, sep=sep, nlines=1L, quiet=TRUE, what='character'), split="")))
      nrows <- ceiling( file.info(file)[1L] / (chars_per_line + seps) )
    nrows <- 0L
  nrows <- pbdMPI::allreduce(nrows, op='sum')

#' A Simple Parallel CSV Reader
#' Read in a table from a CSV file in parallel as a distributed matrix.
#' The function reads in data from a csv file into a distributed matrix.  This
#' function sits somewhere between \code{scan()} and \code{read.csv()}, but for
#' parallel reads into a distributed matrix.
#' The arguments \code{nrow=} and \code{ncol=} are optional.  In the case that
#' they are left blank, they will be determined.  However, note that doing so
#' is costly, so knowing the dimensions beforehand can greatly improve
#' performance.
#' Although frankly, the performance-minded should not be using csv's in the
#' first place.  Consider using the \code{pbdNCDF4} package for managing data.
#' @param file
#' csv file name.
#' @param sep 
#' separator character.
#' @param nrows,ncols 
#' dimensions of the csv file. Allowed to be missing in
#' function call.
#' @param header 
#' logical indicating presence/absence of character header for
#' file.
#' @param bldim 
#' the blocking dimension for block-cyclically distributing the
#' matrix across the process grid
#' @param num.rdrs 
#' numer of processes to be used to read in the table
#' @param ICTXT 
#' BLACS context number for return
#' @param exact.linecount
#' linecount In the event that \code{nrows} is missing, this
#' determines whether or not the exact number of rows should be determined
#' (which requires a file read), or if an estimate should be used.  Default is
#' \code{TRUE}, meaning that the file will be scanned.
#' @return 
#' Returns a distributed matrix.
#' @keywords Distributing Data
#' @name read.csv.ddmatrix
#' @rdname read.csv.ddmatrix
read.csv.ddmatrix <- function(file, sep=",", nrows, ncols, header=FALSE, bldim=4, num.rdrs=1, ICTXT=0, exact.linecount=TRUE)
  if (length(bldim)==1)
    bldim <- rep(bldim, 2)
  if (header)
    start <- 1
    start <- 0
  msng <- FALSE # for printing a warning if nrows or ncols is missing
  if (missing(ncols))
    msng <- TRUE
    ncols <- get_ncols(file=file, sep=sep, start=start)
  # estimate number of rows based on number columns and file size in bytes
  # should be a slight overestimate
  if (missing(nrows))
    msng <- TRUE
    nrows <- get_nrows(ncols=ncols, header=header, file=file, sep=sep, exact.linecount=exact.linecount)
  dim <- c(nrows, ncols)
  nprocs <- comm.size()
  newgrid <- FALSE # flag for 'did we create a new grid'
  if (num.rdrs > nprocs)
    comm.warning("Number of readers supplied is less than number requested; defaulting to ", nprocs, " readers")
    num.rdrs <- nprocs
  # special case of 1 reader; just read on process 0
  if (num.rdrs == 1)
    if (comm.rank()==0)
      Data <- as.matrix(read.csv(file=file, sep=sep))
      dim <- dim(Data)
      Data <- matrix(0)
      dim <- c(0, 0)
    dim <- allreduce(dim, op='sum')
    ldim <- dim(Data)
    tmpbl <- dim
    out <- new("ddmatrix", Data=Data, dim=dim, ldim=ldim,
              bldim=tmpbl, ICTXT=0)
    if (ICTXT != 0 || any(tmpbl != bldim) )
      out <- pbdDMAT::redistribute(dx=out, bldim=bldim, ICTXT=ICTXT)
  else if (num.rdrs == nprocs)
    MYCTXT <- 2
    MYCTXT <- base.minctxt()
    blacs_gridinit(ICTXT=MYCTXT, NPROW=num.rdrs, NPCOL=1L)
    newgrid <- TRUE
  blacs_ <- base.blacs(MYCTXT)
  # each process grabs its data
  nlines <- ceiling(dim[1] / num.rdrs)
  tmpbl <- c(nlines, ncols)
  if (blacs_$MYROW != -1)
    skip <- comm.rank() * nlines + start
    x <- scan(file=file, skip=skip, sep=sep, nlines=nlines, quiet=TRUE)
    x <- NULL
  # determine true dimensions based on loaded data size --- recall
  # that the original number of rows was overestimated
  if (msng)
    ldim <- length(x) / ncols
    dim[1] <- pbdMPI::allreduce(ldim, op='sum')
    if (ldim==0)
      ldim <- c(1,1)
      Data <- matrix(0)
      ldim <- c(ldim, ncols)
      Data <- matrix(x, nrow=ldim[1L], ncol=ldim[2L], byrow=TRUE)
    if (is.null(x) || length(x)==0L)
      Data <- matrix(0)
      Data <- matrix(x, ncol=dim[2L], byrow=TRUE)
    ldim <- dim(Data)
  out <- new("ddmatrix", Data=Data, dim=dim, ldim=ldim, bldim=tmpbl, ICTXT=MYCTXT)
  if (ICTXT != MYCTXT || any(tmpbl != bldim))
    out <- pbdDMAT::redistribute(dx=out, bldim=bldim, ICTXT=ICTXT)
  if (newgrid)
  if (msng)
    comm.warning(paste("Failing to supply nrows= and ncols= will dramatically impact performance.\nFor future reference, this file is ", dim[1], "x", dim[2], sep=""))

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pbdDEMO documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:33 p.m.