
library(pbdDMAT, quiet=TRUE)

# Demonstrating distribution/undistributing of matrices, 
# matrix-matrix product, inverting a matrix, and solving a system
# of equations with 2 "right hand sides".

# This script generates a square random normal matrix with 
# specified dimension, mean, and sd, and then generates a 
# vector of 2 "right hand sides" to solve against. Next, 
# the inverse of the product t(x) %*% x is found, and then this
# matrix is used as the "left hand side" for solve().

# Finally, the same computations are performed locally using native
# R, the pbd solutions are un-distributed, and the two solutions 
# are compared using all.equal(). Two 'TRUE' statements should be 
# printed to the terminal if everything worked.

# New users are encouraged to experiment with different processor
# grid shapes (vid nprow= and npcol= in init.grid()), blocking 
# factors, and matrix sizes.

# ---------------------------------------------
# Setup
# ---------------------------------------------


# Number of rows and columns to generate
nrows <- 5e2
ncols <- 5e2

mn <- 10
sdd <- 100

# ScaLAPACK blocking dimension
bldim <- c(4, 4)

# ---------------------------------------------
# Analysis
# ---------------------------------------------

# Generate data on process 0, then distribute to the others
if (comm.rank()==0) {
   x <- matrix(rnorm(n=nrows*ncols, mean=mn, sd=sdd), nrow=nrows, ncol=ncols)
   b <- matrix(rnorm(n=ncols*2, mean=mn, sd=sdd), nrow=ncols, ncol=2)
} else {
  x <- NULL  
  b <- NULL

dx <- as.ddmatrix(x=x, bldim=bldim)
db <- as.ddmatrix(x=b, bldim=bldim)

# Computations in parallel
dx_inv <- solve( t(dx) %*% dx )
solns <- solve(dx_inv, db)

# Undistribute solutions to process 0
pbd_dx_inv <- as.matrix(dx_inv, proc.dest=0)
pbd_solns <- as.matrix(solns, proc.dest=0)

# Compare our solution with R's --- not in parallel
if (comm.rank()==0) {
  r_x_inv <- solve( t(x) %*% x )
  r_solns <- solve(r_x_inv, b)
  print(all.equal(pbd_dx_inv, r_x_inv))
  print(all.equal(pbd_solns, r_solns))

# shut down the MPI communicators

Try the pbdDMAT package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pbdDMAT documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:34 p.m.