#' File Transfer Functions
#' High level functions calling \code{zmq_send()} and \code{zmq_recv()}
#' to transfer a file in 200 KiB chunks.
#' @details
#' If no socket is passed, then by default \code{zmq.sendfile()} binds a
#' \code{ZMQ_PUSH} socket, and \code{zmq.recvfile()} connects to this with a
#' \code{ZMQ_PULL} socket. On the other hand, a PUSH/PULL, REQ/REP, or REP/REQ
#' socket pairing may be passed. In that case, the socket should already be
#' connected to the desired endpoint. Be careful not to pass the wrong socket
#' combination (e.g., do not do REQ/REQ), as this can put the processes in an
#' un-recoverable state.
#' @param port
#' A valid tcp port.
#' @param endpoint
#' A ZMQ socket endpoint.
#' @param filename
#' The name (as a string) of the in/out files. The in and out file names
#' can be different.
#' @param verbose
#' Logical; determines if a progress bar should be shown.
#' @param flags
#' A flag for the method used by \code{zmq_sendfile} and
#' \code{zmq_recvfile}
#' @param forcebin
#' Force to read/send/recv/write in binary form. Typically for a Windows
#' system, text (ASCII) and binary files are processed differently.
#' If \code{TRUE}, "r+b" and "w+b" will be enforced in the C code.
#' This option is mainly for Windows.
#' @param ctx
#' A ZMQ ctx. If \code{NULL} (default), the function will initial one at
#' the beginning and destroy it after finishing file transfer.
#' @param socket
#' A ZMQ socket based on \code{ctx}.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the function will create one at the beginning
#' and close it after finishing file transfer.
#' @return \code{zmq.sendfile()} and \code{zmq.recvfile()} return
#' number of bytes (invisible) in the sent message if successful,
#' otherwise returns -1 (invisible) and sets \code{errno} to the error
#' value, see ZeroMQ manual for details.
#' @author Drew Schmidt and Christian Heckendorf
#' @references ZeroMQ/4.1.0 API Reference:
#' \url{}
#' Programming with Big Data in R Website: \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Run the sender and receiver code in separate R sessions.
#' # Receiver
#' library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
#' zmq.recvfile(55555, "localhost", "/tmp/outfile", verbose=TRUE)
#' # Sender
#' library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
#' zmq.sendfile(55555, "/tmp/infile", verbose=TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords programming
#' @seealso \code{\link{zmq.msg.send}()}, \code{\link{zmq.msg.recv}()}.
#' @rdname b1_sendrecvfile
#' @name File Transfer Functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Send
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname b1_sendrecvfile
#' @export
zmq.sendfile <- function(port, filename, verbose=FALSE,
flags = ZMQ.SR()$BLOCK, forcebin = FALSE, ctx = NULL, socket = NULL)
if (is.null(socket))
if (is.null(ctx))
ctx <-
ctx.destroy <- TRUE
ctx.destroy <- FALSE
socket <- zmq.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ST()$PUSH)
socket.close <- TRUE
endpoint <- address("*", port)
zmq.bind(socket, endpoint)
ctx.destroy <- FALSE
socket.close <- FALSE
type = attr(socket, "type")
if (is.null(type))
stop("unable to determine socket type")
else if (type != ZMQ.ST()$PUSH && type != ZMQ.ST()$REQ && type != ZMQ.ST()$REP)
stop("socket type must be one of PUSH, REQ, or REP (matching PULL, REP, and REQ respectively in zmq.recvfile())")
fi <-
if (!$isdir) && !fi$isdir)
filesize <- as.double(fi$size)
stop(paste("File does not exist:", filename))
if (type == ZMQ.ST()$REP)
send.socket(socket, filesize)
if (type == ZMQ.ST()$REQ)
ret <- .Call("R_zmq_send_file", socket, filename, as.integer(verbose),
filesize, as.integer(flags), as.integer(forcebin), type, PACKAGE="pbdZMQ")
if (socket.close || ctx.destroy)
if (ctx.destroy)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Receive
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname b1_sendrecvfile
#' @export
zmq.recvfile <- function(port, endpoint, filename, verbose=FALSE,
flags = ZMQ.SR()$BLOCK, forcebin = FALSE, ctx = NULL, socket = NULL)
if (is.null(socket))
if (is.null(ctx))
ctx <-
ctx.destroy <- TRUE
ctx.destroy <- FALSE
socket <- zmq.socket(ctx, ZMQ.ST()$PULL)
socket.close <- TRUE
endpoint <- address(endpoint, port)
zmq.connect(socket, endpoint)
ctx.destroy <- FALSE
socket.close <- FALSE
type = attr(socket, "type")
if (is.null(type))
stop("unable to determine socket type")
else if (type != ZMQ.ST()$PULL && type != ZMQ.ST()$REP && type != ZMQ.ST()$REQ)
stop("socket type must be one of PULL, REP, or REQ (matching PUSH, REQ, and REP respectively in zmq.sendfile())")
if (type == ZMQ.ST()$REQ)
send.socket(socket, NULL)
filesize <- receive.socket(socket)
if (type == ZMQ.ST()$REP)
send.socket(socket, NULL)
ret <- .Call("R_zmq_recv_file", socket, filename, as.integer(verbose),
filesize, as.integer(flags), as.integer(forcebin), type, PACKAGE="pbdZMQ")
if (socket.close || ctx.destroy)
if (ctx.destroy)
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