
Defines functions optAdjSet

Documented in optAdjSet

optAdjSet <- function(graphEst, x.pos, y.pos){
  ## graphEst    GraphNel object
  ## x.pos  Node positions of treatment nodes.
  ## y.pos  Node positions of outome nodes.
  if (inherits(graphEst, "graphNEL")){
     m <- ad.g <- wgtMatrix(graphEst)
     m[which(m != 0)] <- 1
  } else if (is.matrix(graphEst)) m <- graphEst
  # stopifnot(x.pos==(x <- as.integer(x.pos)), y.pos==(y <- as.integer(y.pos)), length(x)==1, length(y)==1)
    if (!isValidGraph(amat=m, type="pdag")) {
      stop("The input graph is not a valid DAG, CPDAG or maximal PDAG. See function isValidGraph() for details.\n")

  possDeX <- unlist(lapply(x.pos,possDe,m=m,y=c(),type="pdag"))
  noDescY <- unlist(lapply(y.pos, function(y) length(intersect(y,possDeX))))
    stop("\nNo node in Y is a descendant of X \n")
  y.pruned <- y.pos[which(noDescY!=0)]
  if(sum(noDescY) < length(y.pos)){
    cat("\n\nNot all nodes in Y are descendants of the nodes in X \n")
    cat("The algorithm will continue with the pruned Y=",y.pruned,".\n") 

  possAnY <- unlist(lapply(y.pruned,possAn,m=m,
  cn <- intersect(possAnY,possDeX)
  forb <- unlist(lapply(cn,possDe,m=m,
  if(length(intersect(forb,x.pos))!=0 | !isAmenable(m, x = x.pos, y = y.pruned, type = "pdag")) {
    stop("There is no valid adjustment set relative to (X,Y) in the given graph.\n")
  Oset <- unlist(lapply(cn,function(x,m) setdiff(which(m[x,]==1),which(m[,x]==1)),m=m))
  Oset <- setdiff(Oset, c(forb,x.pos))

# isAmenable <- function(m,x,y, type = "pag") {
#   ## INPUT: adj.matrix m; sets of node positions x and y; type in DAG, CPDAG,
#   ## MAG or PAG
#   ## OUTPUT: TRUE if m is amenabel wrt x,y; o/w FALSE
#   found <- FALSE ## if found == TRUE at any time, graph is not amenable wrt x,y
#   ## DAG is always amenable
#   if (type %in% c("pdag", "cpdag","dag","pag","mag")) { ##changed added dag just in case, makes no difference
#     if (type == "dag")  ## added the if case for dags
#       return(!found)
#     i <- 0
#     p <- length(x)
#     ## for all nodes in x, if amenability is still possible
#     while ( (i<p) & !found) {
#       i <- i+1
#       ## posDesc of x[i] without going through any other x node
#       ## posDesc <- possibleDeProper(m,x[i],x[-i])
#       posDesc <- possDe(m = m, x = x[i], y = x[-i], possible = TRUE,
#                         ds = FALSE, type = type)
#       ## potential problem for amenability only if there is a
#       ## pdp from x[i] to y
#       if ( length(intersect(y, posDesc)) != 0 ) {
#         nb <- as.vector(which(m[x[i],]!=0 | m[,x[i]]!=0)) ## nbrs of x[i]
#         ## potentially first node on pdp from x[i] to y; however, not yet sure
#         cand <- intersect(nb, posDesc)
#         j <- 0
#         ## for all candidate nodes, if amenability is still possible
#         ## (also covers case if cand is empty)
#         while ( (j<length(cand)) & !found ) {
#           j <- j+1
#           ## check if there is a pdp from cand[j] to y without going through x[i]
#           ## cand could already be in y
#           ## pathOK <- ( length(intersect(y, possibleDeProper(m,cand[j],x[i]))) != 0 )
#           pdpTemp <- possDe(m = m, x = cand[j], y = x[i],
#                             possible = TRUE, ds = FALSE,
#                             type = type)
#           pathOK <- ( length(intersect(y, pdpTemp)) != 0 )
#           if (pathOK) {
#             isPDAG <- (type == "pdag" | type == "cpdag") ##changed
#             PDAGproblem <- (isPDAG & (m[x[i],cand[j]] == 1)) ##changed
#             PAGproblem1 <- (!isPDAG & (m[x[i], cand[j]] != 2) & (m[cand[j], x[i]] != 3)) ##changed
#             isDirEdge <- ((m[x[i], cand[j]] == 2) & (m[cand[j], x[i]] == 3))
#             PAGproblem2 <- (!isPDAG & isDirEdge & !visibleEdge(m, x[i], cand[j])) ##changed
#             found <- (PDAGproblem | PAGproblem1 | PAGproblem2)
#           } ## if pathOK
#         } ## while cand
#       } ## if path from x[i] to y
#     } ## while x
#     return(!found)
#   } else { ## if graph type not known
#     cat("Not a valid graph type! Should be written in lowercase! \n")
#     return(NULL)
#   }
# }

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