
Defines functions res.covar.test

res.covar.test <- function(x, y, G, Z.t = NULL,
                                 alpha = 0.01, use.manova = TRUE,
                                 max.iter = 50, stop.if.significant = TRUE) {

# EXACT test for residual correlation, based on a bivariate mixed model

# x,y : vectors whose independence is to be tested, conditional on G (genotype)
#       and possible covariates in X
# id  : a factor indicating which (complete) block each observation is in
#       Always needed in asreml, to identify the units. May also be present in X, as covariate.

    if (is.null(Z.t)) {Z.t <- make.Z.matrix(G)}

    X.t           <- Matrix(cbind(rep(1, length(G)), as.matrix(X)))
    em.vec        <- c(x, y)
    names(em.vec) <- rep(as.character(G), 2)

    if (!use.manova) {

    	fit.reduced <- fitEM(em.vec, X.t, Z.t, cov.error = FALSE,
    	                     max.iter = 500)

    } else {

      X  <- as.data.frame(X)
      dd <- data.frame(genotype = G, x = x, y = y, X)
      if (ncol(X) > 0) {names(dd)[-(1:3)] <- paste0('cov', 1:(ncol(X)))}
      if (ncol(X) > 0) {names(X) <- paste0('cov', 1:(ncol(X)))}

      n.rep.vector<- as.integer(table(dd$genotype))
      n.geno      <- length(n.rep.vector)
      n.rep       <- (sum(n.rep.vector) - sum(n.rep.vector^2)/sum(n.rep.vector))/(length(n.rep.vector) - 1)
      manova.out  <- manova(as.formula(paste('cbind(x,y) ~',paste(c(names(X), 'genotype'), collapse='+'))), data = dd)
      #summary.out <- summary(manova.out)

      summary.out <-  tryCatch(summary(manova.out), error = function(e) e)

      if (any(class(summary.out) == "error")) {

        Vg.manova <- Ve.manova <- matrix(0, 2, 2)

        aov.x <- anova(lm(as.formula(paste('x~',paste(c(names(X), 'genotype'), collapse='+'))), data = dd))
        aov.y <- anova(lm(as.formula(paste('y~',paste(c(names(X), 'genotype'), collapse='+'))), data = dd))

        MS.res.x <- aov.x[["Mean Sq"]][ncol(dd)-1]
        MS.res.y <- aov.y[["Mean Sq"]][ncol(dd)-1]
        MS.gen.x <- aov.x[["Mean Sq"]][ncol(dd)-2]
        MS.gen.y <- aov.y[["Mean Sq"]][ncol(dd)-2]

        Vg.manova[1,1] <- (MS.gen.x - MS.res.x) / n.rep
        Vg.manova[2,2] <- (MS.gen.y - MS.res.y) / n.rep
        Ve.manova[1,1] <- MS.res.x
        Ve.manova[2,2] <- MS.res.y

      } else {

        d.f         <- as.numeric(summary.out[['stats']][,'Df'][c('genotype','Residuals')])
        MS.gen      <- summary.out[['SS']][['genotype']] / d.f[1]
        MS.res      <- summary.out[['SS']][['Residuals']] / d.f[2]
        Vg.manova   <- (MS.gen - MS.res) / n.rep
        Ve.manova   <- MS.res


      # Negative estimates of genetic variance are set to zero
      diag(Vg.manova)[diag(Vg.manova) < 0] <- 0

      if (Vg.manova[1,1]==0 | Vg.manova[2,2]==0) {
        Vg.manova[1,2] <- Vg.manova[2,1] <- 0
        if (Vg.manova[1,1]==0) {Vg.manova[1,1] <- 0.01 * Ve.manova[1,1]}
        if (Vg.manova[2,2]==0) {Vg.manova[2,2] <- 0.01 * Ve.manova[2,2]}

      # removed on 20-09-2017:
    	#fit.reduced <- fitEM(y = em.vec, X.t = X.t, Z.t = Z.t,
      #                     Vg = as.numeric(Vg.manova)[c(1,4,2)],
      #                     Ve = c(as.numeric(Ve.manova)[c(1,4)], 0))

    	fit.reduced <- fitEM(y = em.vec, X.t = X.t, Z.t = Z.t,
                           Vg.start = as.numeric(Vg.manova)[c(1,4,2)],
                           Ve.start = c(as.numeric(Ve.manova)[c(1,4)], 0),
                           cov.error = FALSE, max.iter = 5)


    fit.full    <- fitEM(em.vec, X.t, Z.t, cov.error = TRUE, alpha = alpha,
                         stop.if.significant = TRUE, max.iter = max.iter,
                         null.dev = fit.reduced$deviance,
                         Vg.start = fit.reduced$variances$Vg,
                         Ve.start = fit.reduced$variances$Ve)

    #cat('\n\nIt:',fit.full$it, '\n\n')

  	loglik_Full    <- -0.5*fit.full$deviance
  	loglik_Reduced <- -0.5*fit.reduced$deviance

  	REMLLRT <- 2 * max(loglik_Full - loglik_Reduced, 0)
  	pvalue  <- (1 - pchisq(REMLLRT, df = 1))

    #cat('\n\nDiff:',pvalue - fit.full$pvalue, '\n\n')

    return(c(pvalue, TRUE))


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