
Defines functions .print_md_compare_performance print_md.check_itemscale print_html.compare_performance print_md.compare_performance print_md.performance_model

Documented in print_md.compare_performance print_md.performance_model

#' @rdname display.performance_model
#' @export
print_md.performance_model <- function(x,
                                       digits = 2,
                                       caption = "Indices of model performance",
                                       layout = "horizontal",
                                       ...) {
  layout <- match.arg(layout, choices = c("horizontal", "vertical"))
  formatted_table <- format(
    x = x,
    digits = digits,
    format = "markdown",

  # switch to vertical layout
  if (layout == "vertical") {
    formatted_table <- datawizard::rownames_as_column(as.data.frame(t(formatted_table)), "Metric")
    colnames(formatted_table)[2] <- "Value"

    x = formatted_table,
    digits = digits,
    format = "markdown",
    caption = caption,
    align = "firstleft",

#' @rdname display.performance_model
#' @export
print_md.compare_performance <- function(x,
                                         digits = 2,
                                         caption = "Comparison of Model Performance Indices",
                                         layout = "horizontal",
                                         ...) {
  layout <- match.arg(layout, choices = c("horizontal", "vertical"))
  .print_md_compare_performance(x, digits = digits, caption = caption, layout = layout, format = "markdown", ...)

#' @export
print_html.compare_performance <- function(x,
                                           digits = 2,
                                           caption = "Comparison of Model Performance Indices",
                                           layout = "horizontal",
                                           ...) {
  layout <- match.arg(layout, choices = c("horizontal", "vertical"))
  .print_md_compare_performance(x, digits = digits, caption = caption, layout = layout, format = "html", ...)

#' @export
print_md.check_itemscale <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
    lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
      out <- x[[i]]
      attr(out, "caption") <- sprintf("Component %i", i)
      attr(out, "footer") <- sprintf(
        "Mean inter-item-correlation = %.3f  Cronbach's alpha = %.3f",
    digits = digits,
    format = "markdown",
    missing = "<NA>",
    align = "firstleft",
    zap_small = TRUE

# helper ------------------------------------

.print_md_compare_performance <- function(x,
                                          digits = 2,
                                          caption = "Comparison of Model Performance Indices",
                                          layout = "horizontal",
                                          format = "markdown",
                                          ...) {
  layout <- match.arg(layout, choices = c("horizontal", "vertical"))
  formatted_table <- format(x = x, digits = digits, format = format, ...)

  if ("Performance_Score" %in% colnames(x)) {
    footer <- sprintf(
      "Model %s (of class %s) performed best with an overall performance score of %s.",
  } else {
    footer <- NULL

  # switch to vertical layout
  if (layout == "vertical") {
    formatted_table <- datawizard::rownames_as_column(as.data.frame(t(formatted_table)), "Metric")
    formatted_table <- datawizard::row_to_colnames(formatted_table)
    colnames(formatted_table)[1] <- "Metric"

    x = formatted_table,
    digits = digits,
    format = format,
    caption = caption,
    footer = footer,
    align = "firstleft"

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

performance documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:55 a.m.