
Defines functions replacePermVar getCatLeft GetUniqueParts listParts makeBinnedVars binVar conditional_perm create_cond_list getCutPoints varIDs selectNullError selectError getSplitVars Mode fastInteraction quickChisqTest .resample

## Safer version. See examples of "?sample"
.resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]

## Quick Chisq.test.
quickChisqTest <- function(table)
   n <- sum(table)
   sr <- rowSums(table)
   sc <- colSums(table)
   E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
   return(sum((table - E)^2/E))

# ## Quick Chisq.test (with correction based on Haberman (1988), 
# ## which comes from Zelterman (1987))
# quickChisqTest <- function(table)
# {
#   n <- sum(table)
#   sr <- rowSums(table)
#   sc <- colSums(table)
#   E <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
#   return(sum( ( (table - E)^2 - table + E ) / E ))
# }

## faster interaction
fastInteraction <- function(list){
   out <- as.factor(do.call(paste0, list))
   levels(out) <- seq_len(nlevels(out))

## get mode of a factor
Mode <- function(x) {
  lx <- levels(x)
  lx[which.max(tabulate(match(x, lx)))]

## getSplitVars() returns a vector with the variable IDs for 
## each split in a tree.
getSplitVars <- function(tree) 
   getSplitVar <- function(node) {
      if (node[[4]]) return(NULL)
      current <- node[[5]][[1]]
      nextLeft <- getSplitVar(node[[8]])
      nextRight <- getSplitVar(node[[9]])
      return(c(current, nextLeft, nextRight))

## Function to select the error function; based on party.
selectError <- function(type, AUC = FALSE)
  ## when AUC = TRUE
  if (AUC && !type == "nominal2")
    warning("AUC = TRUE works only for binary y\n classification; error rate is used instead of AUC")
  if (AUC && type == "nominal2")
    return(function(x, oob, y) {
      # x is a list with as elements a vector with two probabilities corresponding
      #   to the two levels of the binary outcome 
      #   the levels are here referred to as 1 and 2
      noob <- sum(oob)                              # number of OOB values
      xoob_p1 <- sapply(x, function(x) x[1])[oob]   # predicted probabilities for first level
      yis1 <- y[oob] == levels(y)[1]                  # logical: oob observations == first level
      nyis1 <- sum(yis1)                            # number of first level oob observations
      if (nyis1 == 0 | nyis1 == noob) { return(NA) }       # AUC cannot be computed if all OOB-observations are from one class
      # calculate AUC:
      AUC <- (sum(rank(xoob_p1)[yis1]) - nyis1 * (nyis1 + 1) / 2) / (nyis1 * (noob - nyis1))
      return(1 - AUC)      # 1 - AUC
  if (type == "survival") 
    return(function(x, oob, y) ipred::sbrier(y[oob, , drop = FALSE], x[oob]))
  if (type %in% c("nominal2", "nominal"))
    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((levels(y)[sapply(x, which.max)] != y)[oob]))
  if (type == "ordinal")
    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((sapply(x, which.max) != y)[oob]))
  if (type == "regression")
    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((unlist(x) - y)[oob]^2))
  if (type == "classification")
    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((levels(y)[x] != y)[oob]))

## Function to select the baseRate function; based on party.
#selectBaseRate <- function(type, AUC = FALSE)
#  ## when AUC = TRUE
#  if (AUC && !type == "nominal2")
#    warning("AUC = TRUE works only for binary y\n classification; error rate is used instead of AUC")
#  if (AUC && type == "nominal2")
#    return(function(x, oob, y) {
#      xoob <- sapply(x, function(x) x[1])[oob]
#      yoob <- y[oob]
#      which1 <- which(yoob==levels(y)[1])
#      noob1 <- length(which1)
#      noob <- length(yoob)
#      if (noob1==0|noob1==noob) { return(NA) }       # AUC cannot be computed if all OOB-observations are from one class
#      return(1-sum(kronecker(xoob[which1] , xoob[-which1],">"))/(noob1*(length(yoob)-noob1)))       # calculate AUC
#    })
#  if (type == "survival") 
#    return(function(x, oob, y) ipred::sbrier(y[oob, , drop = FALSE], x[oob]))
#  else if (type %in% c("nominal2", "nominal"))
#    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((levels(y)[sapply(x, which.max)] != y)[oob]))
#  else if (type == "ordinal")
#    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((sapply(x, which.max) != y)[oob]))
#  else if (type == "regression")
#    return(function(forest, oob, y) mean((unlist(x) - y)[oob]^2))
#  else if (type == "classification")
#    return(function(x, oob, y) mean((levels(y)[x] != y)[oob]))

## Function to select the observed variance function.
selectNullError <- function(type, AUC = FALSE)
  ## when AUC = TRUE
  if (AUC && !type == "nominal2")
    warning("AUC = TRUE works only for binary y\n classification; error rate is used instead of AUC")
  if (AUC && type == "nominal2")
    return(function(y, oob){ 
      # x is a list with as elements a vector with two probabilities corresponding
      #   to the two levels of the binary outcome 
      #   the levels are here referred to as 1 and 2
      noob <- sum(oob)                              # number of OOB values
      yis1 <- y[oob] == levels(y)[1]             # logical: oob observations == first level
      nyis1 <- sum(yis1)                            # number of first level oob observations
      xoob_p1 <-  rep(nyis1/noob, noob)             # predicted probabilities for first level
      if (nyis1 == 0 | nyis1 == noob) { return(NA) }       # AUC cannot be computed if all OOB-observations are from one class
      AUC <- (sum(rank(xoob_p1)[yis1]) - nyis1 * (nyis1 + 1) / 2) / (nyis1 * (noob - nyis1))
      return(1 - AUC)      # 1 - AUC
  if (type == "survival") 
    return(function(y, oob) NULL)
  if (type %in% c("nominal2", "nominal", "classification"))
    return(function(y, oob) mean(y[oob] != Mode(y[oob])))
  if (type == "ordinal")
    return(function(y, oob) {
      y <- as.factor(y)
      mean(y[oob] != Mode(y[oob]))
  if (type == "regression")
    return(function(y, oob) mean((y[oob] - mean(y[oob]))^2))

## varIDs returns the variable ID of the variables that are used for splitting
## in a tree.
## For trees in cforest, based on varIDs in party
varIDs <- function(tree) 
  # different treatment when tree is based on randomForest-object
    v <- c()
    foo <- function(node) {
      if (node[[4]]) 
      v <<- c(v, node[[5]][[1]])
  else {

## getCutPoints returns:
## - vector of cutpoints (length=number of cutpoints) 
##   if variable is continuous
## - vector of indicators (length=number of categories x number of cutpoints)
##   if variable is categorical (nominal or ordered)
## For trees in cforest, based on cutpoint_list() in party
getCutPoints <- function(tree, variableID) 

  if(is.null(tree$forest)){          # tree grown by the party-package 
    cutp <- function(node) {
      if (node[[4]]) return(NULL)
      cp <- NULL
      if (node[[5]][[1]] == variableID)
        cp <- node[[5]][[3]]
      nl <- cutp(node[[8]])
      nr <- cutp(node[[9]])
      return(c(cp, nl, nr))
  else {                            # tree grown by the randomForest-package
    # get the cutPoints
    cutPoints <- tree$forest$xbestsplit[tree$forest$bestvar == variableID]
    # Check if variable is categorical
    nCat <- tree$forest$ncat[variableID]
    if(nCat > 1) {
      cutPoints <- getCatLeft(cutPoints, nCat)

## create_cond_list function
## partly based on party, but different functionality
## create the list of variables to condition on:
create_cond_list <- function(binnedVars, threshold, input, varsInTree, asParty)
   if (threshold >= 0 & threshold <= 1) {
      if(length(varsInTree) <= 1) cond_list <- list(integer(0))
      else {
            ctrl <- party::ctree_control(teststat = "quad", testtype = "Univariate", stump = TRUE)
            xnames <- colnames(input)
            cond_list <- lapply(varsInTree, function(varID){
               otherIDs <- varsInTree[varsInTree != varID]
               ct <- party::ctree(stats::as.formula(paste(xnames[varID], "~", 
                                                                collapse = "+"), 
                                            collapse = "")), 
                           data = input, controls = ctrl)
               crit <- ct@tree$criterion[[2]]
               crit[which(is.na(crit))] <- 0
               varsToCondOn <- otherIDs[crit > threshold]
         else {
            nVars <- length(varsInTree)
            testStats <- matrix(0, ncol = nVars, nrow = nVars, 
                                dimnames = list(varsInTree, varsInTree))
            dfs <- testStats
            for(k in seq_len(nVars)){
               l <- k + 1
               while(l <= nVars){
                  tableBinnedVars <- table(binnedVars[c(k,l)])
                  testStats[k, l] <- quickChisqTest(tableBinnedVars)
                  dfs[k, l] <- (nrow(tableBinnedVars) - 1L) * 
                     (ncol(tableBinnedVars) - 1L)
                  l <- l + 1
            testStats <- testStats + t(testStats)
            dfs <- dfs + t(dfs)
            pValues <- pchisq(testStats, dfs, lower.tail = FALSE)
            cond_list <- lapply(seq_along(varsInTree), function(IDnr) {
               varsToCondOn <- varsInTree[(1 - pValues[,IDnr]) > threshold]
               varsToCondOn <- varsToCondOn[order(varsToCondOn)]
      names(cond_list) <- varsInTree
   else stop("The threshold should be a value between 0 and 1.")

## conditional_perm function
## BASED ON PARTY, but different functionality
## function that permutes the values of a specific variable in a ctree conditionally 
## on (a set of) the other variables in the ctree according to the partitions based 
## on the splitpoints in the tree

conditional_perm <- function(varID, varsToCondOn, binnedVars, oob, asParty) 
   ## same results as party
      CondPartitions <- interaction(binnedVars[as.character(varsToCondOn)], drop = TRUE, sep = "")
      levels(CondPartitions) <- 1:nlevels(CondPartitions)
      parts <- listParts(CondPartitions, oob)
   else {
      CondPartitions <- fastInteraction(binnedVars[as.character(varsToCondOn)])
      levels(CondPartitions) <- 1:nlevels(CondPartitions)
      ## not exactly the same results as party
      ## make partitions (including variable of interest)
      AllPartitions <- fastInteraction(list(CondPartitions, binnedVars[names(binnedVars) == varID][[1]]))
      ## check whether conditional permutation is useful
      if(nlevels(CondPartitions) == nlevels(AllPartitions)) return(NULL)
      ## select only the unique partitions. Permuting the partitions
      ## that are the same after including the variable of interest 
      ## cannot change the prediction, and therefore is redundant.
      PartsWithout <- listParts(CondPartitions, oob)
      PartsWith <- listParts(AllPartitions, oob)
      parts <- GetUniqueParts(PartsWithout, PartsWith)
   perm <- (seq_along(oob))
   for(part in parts){
      if (length(part) > 1)
         perm[part] <- .resample(part)

## function that categorizes the OOB values of a predictor using the
## splitpoints in a tree
binVar <- function(varID, tree, x){
   cl <- getCutPoints(tree, varID)
   xclass <- class(x)[1]
   if (xclass == "integer") xclass <- "numeric"
   block <- switch(xclass, "numeric" = factor(cut(x, breaks = c(-Inf, sort(unique(cl)), Inf))),
                   "ordered" = factor(cut(as.numeric(x), breaks =  c(-Inf, sort(unique(cl)), Inf))),
                   "factor" = {
                      CL <- matrix(as.logical(cl), nrow = nlevels(x))                            
                      rs <- rowSums(CL)
                      dlev <- (seq_len(nrow(CL)))[rs %in% rs[duplicated(rs)]]
                      fuse <- c()
                      for (ii in dlev) {
                         for (j in dlev[dlev > ii]) {
                            if (all(CL[ii,] == CL[j,])) fuse <- rbind(fuse, c(ii, j))
                      xlev <- 1:nlevels(x)
                      newl <- nlevels(x) + 1
                      block <- as.integer(x)
                      for (l in xlev) {
                         if (NROW(fuse) == 0) break
                         if (any(fuse[, 1] == l)) {
                            f <- c(l, fuse[fuse[, 1] == l, 2])
                            fuse <- fuse[!fuse[,1] %in% f, , drop = FALSE]
                            block[block %in% f] <- newl
                            newl <- newl + 1
   levels(block) <- seq_len(nlevels(block))

## function that categorizes the predictors using the splitpoints in the 
## tree, and collects them in a list
makeBinnedVars <- function(varsInTree, tree, oob, input){
   out <- lapply(varsInTree, function(varInTree){
      oobVar <- input[oob, varInTree]
      binVar(varID = varInTree, tree, x = oobVar)
   names(out) <- varsInTree

## function that makes a list of sets of observations per partition
listParts <- function(partitions, oob){
   OOB <- which(oob)
   return(lapply(levels(partitions), function(part) {
      OOB[!is.na(match(partitions, part))]}))

## Function that returns the observations (grouped per partition) that are not 
## in the same set of observations across two lists of partitioned observations
## Simple set operation (lessPartsSets 'without' allPartsSets).
GetUniqueParts <- function(PartsWithout, allParts){
   return(setdiff(PartsWithout, allParts))

## Function to go from the splitpoint-value for categorical predictors to
## an indicator vector, indicating "left daughter node for this category"
getCatLeft <- function(integer, nrCat)
  unlist(lapply(integer, FUN = function(x){

## Function to replace the permutated variable in the original data
## replacePermVar Method
replacePermVar <- function(input = NULL, inp = NULL, permVarNr, oob, perm){
    tmp <- inp
    ## switch observations for only the selected var
    tmp@variables[[permVarNr]][oob] <- tmp@variables[[permVarNr]][perm]
  } else {
    tmp <- input
    ## switch observations for only the selected var
    tmp[oob, permVarNr] <- tmp[perm, permVarNr] 

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