
Defines functions getMapping setupPerryPlot.perryTuning setupPerryPlot.perrySelect setupPerryPlot.perry setupPerryPlot

Documented in setupPerryPlot setupPerryPlot.perry setupPerryPlot.perrySelect setupPerryPlot.perryTuning

# --------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
# --------------------------------------

#' Set up a plot of resampling-based prediction error results
#' Extract and prepare the relevant information for a plot of results of
#' resampling-based prediction error measures.
#' @param object  an object inheriting from class \code{"perry"} or
#' \code{"perrySelect"} that contains prediction error results.
#' @param which  a character string specifying the type of plot to
#' prepare.  Possible values are \code{"box"} to prepare a box plot,
#' \code{"density"} to prepare a smooth density plot, \code{"dot"} to prepare
#' a dot plot, or \code{"line"} to prepare a plot of the (average) results for
#' each model as a connected line (for objects inheriting from class
#' \code{"perrySelect"}).  Note that the first two plots are only meaningful
#' in case of repeated resampling.  The default is to use \code{"box"} in case
#' of repeated resampling and \code{"dot"} otherwise.
#' @param subset  a character, integer or logical vector indicating the subset
#' of models to be prepared for plotting.
#' @param select  a character, integer or logical vector indicating the columns
#' of prediction error results to be prepared for plotting.
#' @param seFactor  a numeric value giving the multiplication factor of the
#' standard error for displaying error bars in dot plots or line plots.  Error
#' bars in those plots can be suppressed by setting this to \code{NA}.
#' @param \dots  for the \code{"perryTuning"} method, additional arguments to
#' be passed down to the \code{"perrySelect"} method.  For the other methods,
#' additional arguments are currently ignored.
#' @return  An object of class \code{"setupPerryPlot"} with the following
#' components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{data}}{a data frame containing the following columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{Fit}}{a vector or factor containing the identifiers of the
#'     models.}
#'     \item{\code{Name}}{a factor containing the names of the predictor error
#'     results (not returned in case of only one column of prediction error
#'     results with the default name).}
#'     \item{\code{PE}}{the estimated prediction errors.}
#'     \item{\code{Lower}}{the lower end points of the error bars (only
#'     returned if possible to compute).}
#'     \item{\code{Upper}}{the upper end points of the error bars (only
#'     returned if possible to compute).}
#'   }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{which}}{a character string specifying the type of plot.}
#'   \item{\code{grouped}}{a logical indicating whether density plots should
#'   be grouped due to multiple model fits (only returned in case of density
#'   plots for the \code{"perrySelect"} and \code{"perryTuning"} methods).}
#'   \item{\code{includeSE}}{a logical indicating whether error bars based on
#'   standard errors are available (only returned in case of dot plots or line
#'   plots).}
#'   \item{\code{mapping}}{default aesthetic mapping for the plots.}
#'   \item{\code{facets}}{default faceting formula for the plots (not returned
#'   in case of only one column of prediction error results with the default
#'   name).}
#'   \item{\code{tuning}}{a data frame containing the grid of tuning parameter
#'   values for which the prediction error was estimated (only returned for the
#'   \code{"perryTuning"} method).}
#' }
#' @note Duplicate indices in \code{subset} or \code{select} are removed such
#' that all models and prediction error results are unique.
#' @author Andreas Alfons
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{perryPlot}},
#' \code{\link{perryFit}}, \code{\link{perrySelect}},
#' \code{\link{perryTuning}},
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}, \code{\link[ggplot2]{autoplot}},
#' \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @example inst/doc/examples/example-setupPerryPlot.R
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export

setupPerryPlot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("setupPerryPlot")

#' @rdname setupPerryPlot
#' @method setupPerryPlot perry
#' @export

setupPerryPlot.perry <- function(object, which = c("box", "density", "dot"),
                                 select = NULL, seFactor = NA, ...) {
  # initializations
  if (object$splits$R > 1) which <- match.arg(which)
  else which <- "dot"
  reps <- which %in% c("box", "density")
  # extract subset of models
  object <- subset(object, select = select)
  if (reps) {
    PE <- object$reps
    if (is.null(PE)) stop("replications not available")
    else PE <- as.data.frame(PE)
  } else PE <- as.data.frame(t(object$pe))
  if (npe(object) == 0) stop("empty prediction error object")
  # stack selected results on top of each other
  fitName <- defaultFitNames(1)
  peName <- defaultNames(1)
  peNames <- peNames(object)
  n <- nrow(PE)
  Fit <- data.frame(Fit = rep.int(fitName, n))
  # no column for conditional plots if there is only one method with default
  # name
  if (isTRUE(peNames == peName)) {
    PE <- cbind(Fit, PE)
    facets <- NULL
  } else {
    PE <- lapply(peNames,
                 function(j) cbind(Fit, Name = rep.int(j, n), PE = PE[, j]))
    PE <- do.call(rbind, PE)
    names(PE) <- c("Fit", "Name", peName)
    facets <- ~ Name
  # add data for error bars unless all replications are requested
  if (reps) includeSE <- NULL
  else {
    includeSE <- !is.null(seFactor) && !is.na(seFactor) &&
    if (includeSE) {
      halflength <- seFactor * object$se
      PE$Lower <- PE[, peName] - halflength
      PE$Upper <- PE[, peName] + halflength
  # construct object to return
  out <- list(data = PE, which = which)
  if (!is.null(includeSE)) out$includeSE <- includeSE
  out$mapping <- getMapping(which, grouped = FALSE, includeSE = includeSE)
  if (!is.null(facets)) out$facets <- facets
  class(out) <- "setupPerryPlot"

#' @rdname setupPerryPlot
#' @method setupPerryPlot perrySelect
#' @export

setupPerryPlot.perrySelect <- function(object,
                                       which = c("box", "density",
                                                 "dot", "line"),
                                       subset = NULL, select = NULL,
                                       seFactor = object$seFactor, ...) {
  # initializations
  if (object$splits$R > 1) which <- match.arg(which)
  else {
    choices <- eval(formals()[["which"]])
    if (identical(which, choices)) which <- "dot"
    else which <- match.arg(which, c("dot", "line"))
  reps <- which %in% c("box", "density")
  # extract subset of models
  object <- subset(object, subset = subset, select = select)
  fits <- fits(object)
  if (reps) {
    PE <- object$reps
    if (is.null(PE)) stop("replications not available")
  } else PE <- object$pe
  if (nfits(object) == 0 || npe(object) == 0) {
    stop("empty prediction error object")
  # ensure that models are shown in the correct order and drop unused levels
  # ensure that correct values are shown for a numeric tuning parameter
  if (!is.numeric(PE[, "Fit"])) {
    fits <- fits(object)
    PE$Fit <- factor(PE[, "Fit"], levels = fits)
  # stack selected results on top of each other
  peName <- defaultNames(1)
  peNames <- peNames(object)
  n <- nrow(PE)
  # no column for conditional plots if there is only one column of results
  # with default name
  if (isTRUE(peNames == peName)) facets <- NULL
  else {
    Fit <- PE[, "Fit", drop = FALSE]
    PE <- lapply(peNames,
                 function(j) cbind(Fit, Name = rep.int(j, n), PE = PE[, j]))
    PE <- do.call(rbind, PE)
    names(PE) <- c("Fit", "Name", peName)
    facets <- ~ Name
  # for density plots, check whether they should be grouped
  if (which == "density") {
    grouped <- nlevels(PE[, "Fit"]) > 1 || length(unique(PE[, "Fit"])) > 1
  } else grouped <- NULL
  # add data for error bars for dot and line plots
  if (reps) includeSE <- NULL
  else {
    includeSE <- !is.null(seFactor) && !is.na(seFactor) &&
      !all(is.na(object$se[, peNames]))
    if (includeSE) {
      halflength <- seFactor * unlist(object$se[, peNames], use.names = FALSE)
      PE$Lower <- PE[, peName] - halflength
      PE$Upper <- PE[, peName] + halflength
  # construct object to return
  out <- list(data = PE, which = which)
  if (!is.null(grouped)) out$grouped <- grouped
  if (!is.null(includeSE)) out$includeSE <- includeSE
  out$mapping <- getMapping(which, grouped = grouped, includeSE = includeSE)
  if (!is.null(facets)) out$facets <- facets
  # -----
  # For "perryTuning" objects, information on the tuning parameters is added.
  # It would be cleaner to do this in the "perryTuning method", but it is a
  # bit of a hack to do it here to make sure that the proper subset of the
  # tuning parameters is taken.  Otherwise the 'subset' argument also needs to
  # be added to the "perryTuning" method and it becomes more complicated.
  # -----
  if (!is.null(object$tuning)) out$tuning <- object$tuning
  # -----
  class(out) <- "setupPerryPlot"

#' @rdname setupPerryPlot
#' @method setupPerryPlot perryTuning
#' @export

setupPerryPlot.perryTuning <- function(object, ...) {
  tuning <- object$tuning
  # adjust column specifying the model in case of only one tuning parameter
  if (ncol(tuning) == 1) fits(object) <- tuning[, 1]
  # call method for class "perrySelect"
  setupPerryPlot.perrySelect(object, ...)

## utility functions

getMapping <- function(which, grouped = NULL, includeSE = NULL) {
  # define default aesthetic mapping for the different plots
  if (which == "box") {
    mapping <- aes_string(x = "Fit", y = "PE", group = "Fit")
  } else if (which == "density") {
    if (grouped) mapping <- aes_string(x = "PE", group = "Fit", color = "Fit")
    else mapping <- aes_string(x = "PE")
  } else {
    if (includeSE) {
      mapping <- aes_string(x = "Fit", y = "PE", ymin = "Lower", ymax = "Upper")
    } else {
      mapping <- aes_string(x = "Fit", y = "PE", ymin = "PE", ymax = "PE")
  # return default aesthetic mapping

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perry documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 5:08 p.m.