
Defines functions draw_spectrogram

Documented in draw_spectrogram

#' Draw spectrograms
#' This function was slightly changed from \code{phonTools::spectrogram()}.
#' Argument description is copied from \code{phonTools::spectrogram()}.
#' @author Santiago Barreda <sbarreda@ucdavis.edu>
#' @param sound Either a numeric vector representing a sequence of samples taken
#' from a sound wave or a sound object created with the loadsound() or
#' makesound() functions.
#' @param fs 	The sampling frequency in Hz. If a sound object is passed this
#' does not need to be specified.
#' @param text_size numeric, text size (default = 1).
#' @param window_length The desired analysis window length in milliseconds.
#' @param spectrum_info logical. If \code{TRUE} then add information about
#' window method and params.
#' @param freq_scale a string indicating the type of frequency scale. Supported
#' types are: "Hz" and "kHz".
#' @param timestep If a negative value is given, -N, then N equally-spaced time
#' steps are calculated. If a positive number is given, this is the spacing
#' between adjacent analyses, in milliseconds.
#' @param padding The amount of zero padding for each window, measured in units
#' of window length. For example, if the window is 50 points, and padding = 10,
#' 500 zeros will be appended to each window.
#' @param preemphasisf Preemphasis of 6 dB per octave is added to frequencies
#' above the specified frequency. For no preemphasis, set to a frequency higher
#' than the sampling frequency.
#' @param frequency_range vector with the range of frequencies to be displayed
#' for the spectrogram up to a maximum of \code{fs}/2. This is set to 0-5 kHz by
#' default.
#' @param dynamic_range Values greater than this many dB below the maximum will
#' be displayed in the same color.
#' @param nlevels The number of divisions to be used for the z-axis of the
#' spectrogram. By default it is set equal to the dynamic range, meaning that a
#' single color represents 1 dB on the z-axis.
#' @param window A string indicating the type of window desired. Supported types
#' are: rectangular, hann, hamming, cosine, bartlett, gaussian, and kaiser.
#' @param windowparameter The parameter necessary to generate the window, if
#' appropriate. At the moment, the only windows that require parameters are the
#' Kaiser and Gaussian windows. By default, these are set to 2 for kaiser and
#' 0.4 for gaussian windows.
#' @param x_axis If \code{TRUE} then draw x axis.
#' @param title Character with the title.
#' @param raven_annotation Raven (Center for Conservation Bioacoustics) style
#' annotations (boxes over spectrogram). The dataframe that contains
#' \code{time_start}, \code{time_end}, \code{freq_low} and \code{freq_high}
#' columns. Optional columns are \code{colors} and \code{content}.
#' @param formant_df dataframe with formants from \code{formant_to_df()} function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' draw_spectrogram(system.file("extdata", "test.wav",
#'   package = "phonfieldwork"
#' ))
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats fft
#' @importFrom tuneR readWave
#' @importFrom tuneR readMP3
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics image
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @importFrom tools file_ext

draw_spectrogram <- function(sound,
                             fs = 22050,
                             text_size = 1,
                             window_length = 5,
                             dynamic_range = 50,
                             window = "kaiser",
                             windowparameter = -1,
                             freq_scale = "kHz",
                             spectrum_info = TRUE,
                             timestep = -1000,
                             padding = 10,
                             preemphasisf = 50,
                             frequency_range = c(0, 5),
                             nlevels = dynamic_range,
                             x_axis = TRUE,
                             title = NULL,
                             raven_annotation = NULL,
                             formant_df = NULL) {

  # This function is slightly modification of phonTools::spectrogram()
  # by Santiago Barreda <sbarreda@ucdavis.edu>

  if (class(sound) != "integer" & class(sound) != "numeric") {
    ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(sound))

    if (ext == "wave" | ext == "wav") {
      s <- tuneR::readWave(sound)
    } else if (ext == "mp3") {
      s <- tuneR::readMP3(sound)
    } else {
      stop("The draw_spectrogram() functions works only with .wav(e) or .mp3 formats")
    fs <- s@samp.rate
    sound <- s@left
  n <- ceiling((fs / 1000) * window_length)
  if (n %% 2) {
    n <- n + 1
  if (timestep > 0) {
    timestep <- floor(timestep / 1000 * fs)
  if (timestep <= 0) {
    timestep <- floor(length(sound) / -timestep)
  if (preemphasisf > 0) {
    sound <- phonTools::preemphasis(sound, preemphasisf, fs)
    preemphasisf_text <-
        "\nThe spectral slope is increased by 6 dB. per octave above ",
        " Hz"
    preemphasisf_line <- 0.5
  } else {
    preemphasisf_text <- ""
    preemphasisf_line <- 0
  spots <- seq(floor(n / 2), length(sound) - n, timestep)
  padding <- n * padding
  if ((n + padding) %% 2) {
    padding <- padding + 1
  N <- n + padding

  spect <- do.call(rbind,
                   lapply(spots, function(x) {
                     tmp <- sound[x:(x + n - 1)] * phonTools::windowfunc(
                       sound[x:(x + n - 1)],
                     tmp <- c(tmp, rep(0, padding))
                     tmp <- tmp - mean(tmp)
                     tmp <- stats::fft(tmp)[1:(N / 2 + 1)]
                     tmp <- abs(tmp) ^ 2
                     tmp <- log(tmp, 10) * 10

  for (i in seq_along(spots)) {
    spect[i, 1] <- min(spect[i, -1])

  if (freq_scale == "kHz") {
    hz <- (0:(N / 2)) * (fs / N) / 1000
  } else if (freq_scale == "Hz") {
    hz <- (0:(N / 2)) * (fs / N)
  } else {
    stop("The only possible values for the freq_scale argument are 'kHz' and 'Hz'")

  times <- spots * (1000 / fs)
  if (frequency_range[2] > (fs / 2) & freq_scale == "Hz") {
    frequency_range[2] <- fs / 2
  } else if (frequency_range[2] > (fs / 2) / 1000 & freq_scale == "kHz") {
    frequency_range[2] <- (fs / 2) / 1000

  spect <- spect - max(spect)

  xlim <- c(0, length(sound) / fs * 1000)
  ylim <- c(frequency_range[1], frequency_range[2])
  zcolors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "black"))
  zrange <- c(-dynamic_range, 0)
  nlevels <- abs(zrange[1] - zrange[2]) * 1.2
  levels <- pretty(zrange, nlevels)
  zcolors <- zcolors(length(levels) - 1)
  spect[which(spect < (-1 * dynamic_range))] <- -1 * dynamic_range

  if (windowparameter == -1 & window == "kaiser") {
    parameter_info <- paste0(", \u03B1: ", 2)
  } else if (windowparameter == -1 & window == "gaussian") {
    parameter_info <- paste0(", \u03C3: ", 0.4)
  } else if (windowparameter != -1 & window == "kaiser") {
    parameter_info <- paste0(", \u03B1: ", windowparameter)
  } else if (windowparameter != -1 & window == "gaussian") {
    parameter_info <- paste0(", \u03C3: ", windowparameter)
  } else {
    parameter_info <- ""

    useRaster = FALSE,
    col = zcolors,
    ylim = ylim,
    xlim = xlim,
    main = as.character(title)[1],
    yaxt = "n",
    xaxt = "n",
    xlab = "",
    ylab = ""
  graphics::axis(2, cex.axis = text_size, las = 1)
  graphics::title(ylab = paste0("Frequency (", freq_scale, ")"), cex.lab = 0.7)
  if (spectrum_info) {
      text = paste0(
        toupper(substring(window, 1, 1)),
        tolower(substring(window, 2, nchar(window))),
        " window (length: ",
        " ms",
        "), dynamic range: ",
        dynamic_range, " (dB)",
      side = 4, cex = 0.6, line = preemphasisf_line
  if (x_axis) {
    graphics::axis(1, cex.axis = text_size, las = 1)
    graphics::title(xlab = "time (ms)")
  if (!is.null(raven_annotation)) {
    if (is.null(raven_annotation$colors)) {
      raven_annotation$colors <- "black"
    if ("time_start" %in% names(raven_annotation) &
      "time_end" %in% names(raven_annotation) &
      "freq_low" %in% names(raven_annotation) &
      "freq_high" %in% names(raven_annotation)) {
        xleft = raven_annotation$time_start,
        xright = raven_annotation$time_end,
        ybottom = raven_annotation$freq_low,
        ytop = raven_annotation$freq_high,
        lwd = 2,
        border = raven_annotation$colors
      if ("content" %in% names(raven_annotation)) {
          x = raven_annotation$time_start,
          y = raven_annotation$freq_high,
          labels = raven_annotation$content,
          pos = 3,
          offset = 0.2,
          cex = text_size,
          col = raven_annotation$colors
    } else {
        "raven_annotation should have time_start, time_end",
        "freq_low and freq_high columns"

  if (!is.null(formant_df)) {
    if (is.null(formant_df$colors)) {
      formant_df$colors <- "red"
    if ("time_start" %in% names(formant_df) &
      "time_end" %in% names(formant_df) &
      "formant" %in% names(formant_df) &
      "frequency" %in% names(formant_df)) {
      graphics::points(formant_df$time_start * 1000,
        formant_df$frequency / 1000,
        col = unique(formant_df$color),
        pch = 16,
        cex = 0.5
    } else {
        "formant_df should have time_start, time_end",
        "formant and frequency columns"

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phonfieldwork documentation built on March 3, 2021, 1:12 a.m.