
Defines functions rename_soundfiles

Documented in rename_soundfiles

#' Rename soundfiles
#' Rename soundfiles using the template from user.
#' @author George Moroz <agricolamz@gmail.com>
#' @param stimuli character vector of stimuli
#' @param translations character vector of translations (optonal). This values are added after stimuli to the new files' names so the result will be \code{...stimulus_translation...}.
#' @param prefix character vector of length one containing prefix for file names
#' @param suffix character vector of length one containing suffix for file names
#' @param order numeric vector that define the order of stimuli. By default the
#' order of the stimuli is taken.
#' @param missing numeric vector that define missing stimuli in case when some stimuli are not recorded.
#' @param path path to the directory with soundfiles.
#' @param autonumbering logical. If TRUE, function creates an automatic numbering of files.
#' @param backup logical. If TRUE, function creates backup folder with all
#' files. By default is TRUE.
#' @param logging logical. If TRUE creates a .csv file with the correspondences of old names and new names. This could be useful for restoring in case something goes wrong.
#' @return no output
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom tools file_ext

rename_soundfiles <- function(stimuli,
                              translations = NULL,
                              prefix = NULL,
                              suffix = NULL,
                              order = NULL,
                              missing = NULL,
                              autonumbering = TRUE,
                              backup = TRUE,
                              logging = TRUE) {
  path <- normalizePath(path)
  files <- list.files(path)
  if (!is.null(missing)) {
    stimuli <- stimuli[-missing]

  extension <- tools::file_ext(files)

  not_wav <- which(!(tolower(extension) %in% c("wav", "wave", "mp3")))
  if (length(not_wav) > 0) {
    stop(paste0(c("These function works with wav and mp3 sounds, see the folowing files:", files[not_wav]),
      collapse = "\n"

  if (isTRUE(backup)) {
    dir.create(path = paste0(path, "/backup"))
    file.copy(paste0(path, "/", files), paste0(path, "/backup/", files))
  if (length(files) > length(unique(stimuli))) {
    stop("Number of files is greater then number of stimuli")
  } else if (length(files) < length(unique(stimuli))) {
    stop("Number of files is smaller then number of stimuli")
  if (is.null(order)) {
    order <- seq_along(stimuli)
  } else if (length(stimuli) != length(order)) {
    stop("Stimuli and order vectors have different length")

  medial_part <- if (!is.null(translations)) {
    paste0(stimuli[order], "_", translations[order])
  } else {

  if (autonumbering) {
    prefix <- paste0(add_leading_symbols(medial_part), "_", prefix)

  if (logging) {
    logging_path <- ifelse(backup,
      paste0(path, "/backup/logging.csv"),
      paste0(path, "/logging.csv")
    logging_df <- data.frame(
      from = files,
      to = paste0(
        ".", extension[1]
    utils::write.csv(x = logging_df, file = logging_path, row.names = FALSE)
      "You can find change correspondences in the following",
      " file:\n",

  result <- file.rename(
    paste0(path, "/", files),
    paste0(path, "/", prefix, medial_part, suffix, ".", extension[1])

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phonfieldwork documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:18 p.m.