
Defines functions clear_photobio.cache calc_multipliers

Documented in calc_multipliers clear_photobio.cache

.photobio.cache <- new.env()


# .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
#   .photobio.cache <<- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# }

#.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
#  suppressWarnings(rm(.photobio.cache, envir = emptyenv()))
#  rm(.photobio.cache)

#' Spectral weights
#' Calculate multipliers for selecting a range of wavelengths and optionally
#' applying a biological spectral weighting function (BSWF) and wavelength
#' normalization. This function returns numeric multipliers that can be used to
#' select a waveband and apply a weight.
#' @param w.length numeric vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param w.band waveband object.
#' @param unit.out character A string: "photon" or "energy", default is "energy".
#' @param unit.in character A string: "photon" or "energy", default is "energy".
#' @param use.cached.mult logical Flag indicating whether multiplier values
#'   should be cached between calls.
#' @param fill numeric If \code{fill = NA} then values returned for wavelengths outside
#'   the range of the waveband are set to \code{NA}.
#' @return a numeric vector of multipliers of the same length as \code{w.length}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' with(sun.data, calc_multipliers(w.length, new_waveband(400,700),"photon"))
#' with(sun.data, calc_multipliers(w.length, new_waveband(400,700),"photon"), use.cached.mult = TRUE)
#' @family low-level functions operating on numeric vectors.
calc_multipliers <-
           unit.out = "energy",
           unit.in = "energy",
           use.cached.mult = FALSE,
           fill = 0) {
    cache.needs.saving <- FALSE
    if (use.cached.mult && !is.null(w.band[["name"]])) {
      # this needs to be changed to something better
      ourEnv <- .photobio.cache
      # search for cached multipliers
      cache.name <-
        paste(w.band[["name"]], as.character(fill), unit.in, unit.out, sep = ".")
      if (exists(cache.name, where = ourEnv)) {
        mult <- get(cache.name, envir = ourEnv)
        if (length(w.length) == length(mult)) {
        } else {
          cache.needs.saving <- TRUE
      } else {
        cache.needs.saving <- TRUE
    mult <- numeric(length(w.length))
    outside.band <- w.length < w.band[["low"]] | w.length >= w.band[["high"]]
    inside.band <- !outside.band
    mult[outside.band] <- fill
    if (unit.out == "energy") {
      if (unit.in == "energy") {
        mult[inside.band] <- 1.0
      } else if (unit.in == "photon") {
        mult[inside.band] <- 1.0 / e2qmol_multipliers(w.length[inside.band])
      if (!is.null(w.band[["weight"]]) &&
          (w.band[["weight"]] == "BSWF" || w.band[["weight"]] == "SWF")) {
        mult[inside.band] <-
          mult[inside.band] * w.band[["SWF.e.fun"]](w.length[inside.band])
    else if (unit.out == "photon") {
      if (unit.in == "photon") {
        mult[inside.band] <- 1.0
      } else if (unit.in == "energy") {
        mult[inside.band] <- e2qmol_multipliers(w.length[inside.band])
      if (!is.null(w.band[["weight"]]) &&
          (w.band[["weight"]] == "BSWF" || w.band[["weight"]] == "SWF")) {
        mult[inside.band] <-
          mult[inside.band] * w.band[["SWF.q.fun"]](w.length[inside.band])
    if (!is.null(w.band[["norm"]]) && (!is.null(w.band[["weight"]]))) {
      if (w.band[["norm"]] != w.band[["SWF.norm"]]) {
        norm.divisor <-
            unit.out == "energy",
        if (is.na(norm.divisor)) {
          warning("normalization wavelength outside range of SWF")
        mult[inside.band] <- mult[inside.band] / norm.divisor
    if (use.cached.mult && cache.needs.saving) {
      assign(cache.name, mult, envir = ourEnv)

#' Clear the spectral weights cache
#' Clear the cache objects stored in environment .photobio.cache
#' @param pattern character string passed to ls() for selecting within the
#'   environment .photobio.cache the objects to be deleted
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
clear_photobio.cache <- function(pattern = "*") {
  if (!exists(".photobio.cache", mode = "environment")) {
    warning("No cache environment found!")
  objects.to.rm <- try(ls(pattern = pattern, name = ".photobio.cache"))
  if (length(objects.to.rm) > 0) {
    rm(list = objects.to.rm, envir = ".photobio.cache")
  } else {
    warning("No objects found in cache!")

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photobiology documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:14 p.m.