
Defines functions get_par_equiv replace_defaults message_experimental assert_parameter_bounds set_parameter_units check_parameter_names make_default_parameter_list get_par_types make_constants make_bakepar make_enviropar make_leafpar make_anypar

Documented in make_bakepar make_constants make_enviropar make_leafpar

#' Make lists of parameters for `photosynthesis`
#' @param replace A named list of parameters to replace defaults.
#' If `NULL`, defaults will be used.
#' @name make_parameters
#' @encoding UTF-8


#' make_anypar
#' @inheritParams make_parameters
#' @inheritParams parameter_names
#' @noRd
make_anypar = function(which, replace, use_tealeaves) {

  which = match.arg(which, choices = get_par_types())
  # Message about new conductance model ----
  # Defaults -----
  obj = make_default_parameter_list(
    which = which,
    use_tealeaves = use_tealeaves
  # Special procedures for constants ---
  if (which == "constants") {
    if ("f_nu" %in% names(replace)) {
      obj$f_nu = replace$f_nu
      replace$f_nu = NULL
    if ("f_sh" %in% names(replace)) {
      obj$f_sh = replace$f_sh
      replace$f_sh = NULL

  # Special procedures for enviro_par ----
  if (which == "enviro") {
    if ("T_sky" %in% names(replace)) {
      if (is.function(replace$T_sky)) {
        obj$T_sky = replace$T_sky
        replace$T_sky = NULL
    par_equiv = data.frame(
      tl = c("S_sw"),
      ph = c("PPFD")
    if (any(purrr::map_lgl(replace[par_equiv$tl], ~ !is.null(.x)))) {
      par_equiv %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$tl %in% names(replace)) %>%
        dplyr::transmute(message = stringr::str_c(
          "\nIn `replace = list(...)`,
             tealeaves parameter ", .data$tl,
          " is not replacable. Use ", .data$ph, " instead."
        )) %>%
        dplyr::pull(.data$message) %>%
        stringr::str_c(collapse = "\n") %>%
        stop(call. = FALSE)
  # Special procedures for leaf_par ----
  if (which == "leaf" & use_tealeaves) {
    par_equiv = get_par_equiv()
    # Some equivalencies require additional parameters. Therefore leaving
    # those parameter values empty
    tl_placeholders = photosynthesis::photo_parameters |>
      dplyr::filter(.data$R %in% par_equiv$tl) |>
      dplyr::mutate(units = stringr::str_replace(units, "none", "1")) |>
      split(~ R) |>
      purrr::map(function(.y) {
        a = 0
        units(a) = as_units(.y[["units"]])
    obj[names(tl_placeholders)] = tl_placeholders
    if (!is.null(replace)) {
      if (!is.null(replace$T_leaf)) {
        warning("replace$T_leaf ignored when use_tealeaves is TRUE")
        replace$T_leaf = NULL
      if (any(purrr::map_lgl(replace[par_equiv$tl], ~ !is.null(.x)))) {
        par_equiv %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$tl %in% names(replace)) %>%
          dplyr::transmute(message = stringr::str_c(
            "\nIn `replace = list(...)`,
             tealeaves parameter ", .data$tl, " is not replacable. Use ",
            .data$ph, " instead."
          )) %>%
          dplyr::pull(.data$message) %>%
          stringr::str_c(collapse = "\n") %>%
          stop(call. = FALSE)
  # Replace defaults ----
  obj %<>% replace_defaults(replace)
  # Assign class and return ----
    bake = photosynthesis::bake_par(obj),
    constants = photosynthesis::constants(obj, use_tealeaves),
    enviro = photosynthesis::enviro_par(obj, use_tealeaves),
    leaf = photosynthesis::leaf_par(obj, use_tealeaves),

#' make_leafpar
#' @rdname make_parameters
#' @inheritParams photosynthesis
#' @return
#' `make_leafpar`: An object inheriting from class [leaf_par()]\cr
#' `make_enviropar`: An object inheriting from class [enviro_par()]\cr
#' `make_bakepar`: An object inheriting from class [bake_par()]\cr
#' `make_constants`: An object inheriting from class [constants()]
#' @details
#' **Constants:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "constants", !tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Baking (i.e. temperature response) parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "bake", !tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Environment parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "enviro", !tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Leaf parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "leaf", !tealeaves, 
#'                             is.na(note) | note != "optional")
#' ```
#' If `use_tealeaves = TRUE`, additional parameters are:
#' **Constants:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "constants", tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Baking (i.e. temperature response) parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "bake", tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Environment parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "enviro", tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Leaf parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "leaf", tealeaves)
#' ```
#' **Optional leaf parameters:**
#' ```{r, echo=FALSE}
#'  make_photo_parameter_table(type == "leaf", note == "optional")
#' ```
#' @references
#' Buckley TN and Diaz-Espejo A. 2015. Partitioning changes in photosynthetic
#' rate into contributions from different variables. Plant, Cell & Environment
#' 38: 1200-11.
#' @examples
#' bake_par = make_bakepar()
#' constants = make_constants(use_tealeaves = FALSE)
#' enviro_par = make_enviropar(use_tealeaves = FALSE)
#' leaf_par = make_leafpar(use_tealeaves = FALSE)
#' leaf_par = make_leafpar(
#'   replace = list(
#'     g_sc = set_units(0.3, mol / m^2 / s),
#'     V_cmax25 = set_units(100, umol / m^2 / s)
#'   ), use_tealeaves = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
#' @md

make_leafpar = function(replace = NULL, use_tealeaves) {

  make_anypar("leaf", replace = replace, use_tealeaves = use_tealeaves)

#' make_enviropar
#' @rdname make_parameters
#' @export

make_enviropar = function(replace = NULL, use_tealeaves) {

  make_anypar("enviro", replace = replace, use_tealeaves = use_tealeaves)


#' make_bakepar
#' @rdname make_parameters
#' @export

make_bakepar = function(replace = NULL) {

  make_anypar("bake", replace = replace, use_tealeaves = FALSE)

#' make_constants
#' @rdname make_parameters
#' @export

make_constants = function(replace = NULL, use_tealeaves) {

  make_anypar("constants", replace = replace, use_tealeaves = use_tealeaves)

#' Character vector of acceptable parameter types
#' @noRd
get_par_types = function() {
  c("bake", "constants", "enviro", "leaf")

#' Make default parameter list
#' @inheritParams parameter_names
#' @noRd
make_default_parameter_list = function(which, use_tealeaves) {
  which = which |>
  default_parameter_list = photosynthesis::photo_parameters |>
      .data$type == which, 
      if (!use_tealeaves) {!.data$tealeaves} else TRUE,
    ) |>
    dplyr::mutate(units = stringr::str_replace(units, "none", "1")) |>
    split(~ R) |>
    purrr::map(function(.x) {
      if(is.na(.x$default)) {
        if (.x$note == "optional") {
          a = numeric(0)
          units(a) = as_units(.x$units)
        if (.x$note == "calculated") {
      } else {
        units(.x$default) = as_units(.x$units)

#' Check parameter names
#' @inheritParams set_parameter_units
#' @inheritParams parameter_names
#' @noRd
check_parameter_names = function(.x, which, use_tealeaves) {
  nms = parameter_names(which, use_tealeaves = use_tealeaves)
  # Don't fail check if .x is missing tealeaves parameter equivalents
  nms1 = nms[!(nms %in% get_par_equiv()[, "tl"])]
  if (which == "leaf" & use_tealeaves) nms1 = nms1[!(nms1 == "T_leaf")]
  if (!all(nms1 %in% names(.x))) {
    nms1[!(nms1 %in% names(.x))] |>
      stringr::str_c(collapse = ", ") %>%
      glue::glue("{x} not in parameter names required for {which}",
                 x = ., which = which
      ) |>

#' Set parameter units
#' @param .x list of parameters to set units
#' @param ... arguments passed to dplyr::filter()
#' @noRd

set_parameter_units = function(.x, ...) {
  photosynthesis::photo_parameters |>
    dplyr::filter(...) |>
    dplyr::mutate(units = stringr::str_replace(units, "none", "1")) |>
    split(~ R) |>
    purrr::map(function(.y) {
      v = .x[[.y$R]]
      if (is.function(v)) {
      } else {
        a = if (is.null(v)) {0} else {v}
        units(a) = as_units(.y$units)

#' Assert parameter bounds
#' @param .x list of parameters
#' @param ... arguments passed to dplyr::filter()
#' @noRd
assert_parameter_bounds = function(.x, ...) {
  photosynthesis::photo_parameters |>
    dplyr::filter(...) |>
    dplyr::mutate(units = stringr::str_replace(units, "none", "1")) |>
    split(~ R) |>
    purrr::map_lgl(function(.y) {
      if (
        length(.x[[.y$R]]) == 0L |
        is.function(.x[[.y$R]]) | 
        is.na(.y$lower) | 
      ) {
      } else {
        units(.y$lower) = as_units(.y$units)
        units(.y$upper) = as_units(.y$units)
        all(.x[[.y$R]] >= .y$lower & .x[[.y$R]] <= .y$upper)
    }) |>
    all() |>

#' Message about experimental parameters
#' @inheritParams replace
#' @noRd
message_experimental = function(replace) {
  experimental_leafpar = c(
  if (any(names(replace) %in% experimental_leafpar)) {
      It looks like you are using the new CO2 conductance model.
      As of version 2.1.0, the new CO2 conductance model is experimental and
      may change in new releases. Use with caution.

#' Replace default parameters
#' @param obj List of default values
#' @param replace List of replacement values
#' @noRd

replace_defaults = function(obj, replace) {
  if (!is.null(replace)) {
    stopifnot(all(sapply(replace, inherits, what = "units")))
    stopifnot(all(sapply(replace, is.numeric)))
    x = names(replace)
    if (any(!x %in% names(obj))) {
      warning(sprintf("The following parameters in 'replace' were not
                      recognized:\n%s", paste0(x[!x %in% names(obj)],
        collapse = "\n"
      x %<>% .[. %in% names(obj)]
    obj[x] = replace[x]


#' Get data.frame of equivalent parameters between tealeaves and photosynthesis
#' @noRd
get_par_equiv = function() {
    tl = c("g_sw", "g_uw", "logit_sr"),
    ph = c("g_sc", "g_uc", "k_sc")

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photosynthesis documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 9:08 a.m.