context("test phylogenetic GLMMs")
test_that("ignore these tests when on CRAN since they are time consuming", {
comm = phyr::comm_a
comm$site = row.names(comm)
dat = tidyr::gather(comm, key = "sp", value = "freq", -site) %>%
left_join(phyr::envi, by = "site") %>%
left_join(phyr::traits, by = "sp")
dat$pa = as.numeric(dat$freq > 0)
dat$freq2 = 20 - dat$freq
dat = arrange(dat, site, sp)
# dat = sample_frac(dat, size = 0.8)
dat = mutate(dat, Species = sp, Location = site) # can be names other than sp or site
group_by(dat, site) %>%
summarise(nsp = n_distinct(sp)) # we now have diff sp in diff site
dat = dplyr::filter(dat, sp %in% sample(unique(dat$sp), 5), site %in% sample(unique(dat$site), 8))
test_fit_equal = function(m1, m2) {
expect_equivalent(m1$B, m2$B)
expect_equivalent(m1$, m2$
expect_equivalent(m1$B.pvalue, m2$B.pvalue)
expect_equivalent(m1$ss, m2$ss)
expect_equivalent(m1$AIC, m2$AIC)
test_fit_equal2 = function(m1, m2) {
expect_equivalent(m1$B, m2$B)
expect_equivalent(m1$, m2$
expect_equivalent(m1$B.pvalue, m2$B.pvalue)
expect_equivalent(m1$ss, m2$ss)
# poisson plmm
test_poisson_cpp = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | Species__) + (1 | site) + (1 | Species__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(Species = phylotree), family = 'poisson', REML = FALSE, cpp = TRUE)
test_poisson_r = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'poisson', REML = FALSE, cpp = FALSE)
test_fit_equal(test_poisson_cpp, test_poisson_r)
# to add observation level random term, add (1 | Species@site)
test_poisson_cpp2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | Species__) + (1 | Location) + (1 | Species__@site) + (1|Species@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(Species = phylotree), family = 'poisson', REML = FALSE, cpp = TRUE)
test_poisson_r2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site) + (1|sp@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'poisson', REML = FALSE, cpp = FALSE)
test_fit_equal(test_poisson_cpp2, test_poisson_r2)
test_fit_equal(test_poisson_cpp, test_poisson_cpp2)
# binomial plmm
test_binomial_cpp = phyr::communityPGLMM(
cbind(freq, freq2) ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'binomial',
test_binomial_r = phyr::communityPGLMM(
cbind(freq, freq2) ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'binomial',
test_fit_equal(test_binomial_cpp, test_binomial_r)
# another form: provide prob
dat$prob = dat$freq / 20
test_binomial_cpp2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
prob ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'binomial', REML = FALSE, cpp = TRUE)
test_binomial_r2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
prob ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'binomial', REML = FALSE, cpp = FALSE)
test_fit_equal(test_binomial_cpp2, test_binomial_r2)
# fit models
test1_gaussian_cpp = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | Species__) + (1 | site) + (1 | Species__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(Species = phylotree), REML = FALSE,
cpp = TRUE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, tree = phylotree, REML = FALSE,
cpp = TRUE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead"))
test1_gaussian_r = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | Location) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), REML = FALSE,
cpp = FALSE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
test_fit_equal(test1_gaussian_cpp, test1_gaussian_r)
test2_binary_cpp = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, family = "binomial", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree),
REML = FALSE, cpp = TRUE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
test2_binary_r = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, family = "binomial", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree),
REML = FALSE, cpp = FALSE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
if(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
test1_gaussian_bayes = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), bayes = TRUE,
prior = "")
test1_binomial_bayes = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), ML.init = FALSE, bayes = TRUE,
family = "binomial", prior = "")
test1_poisson_bayes = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE,
family = "poisson", prior = "",
prior_alpha = 0.01, prior_mu = 1)
test2_binomial_bayes = phyr::communityPGLMM(
cbind(freq, freq2) ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'binomial', = FALSE,
bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE, prior = "")
test2_binomial_bayes_zi = phyr::communityPGLMM(
cbind(freq, freq2) ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), family = 'zeroinflated.binomial', = FALSE, bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE, prior = "")
test2_poisson_bayes_zi = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE,
family = "zeroinflated.poisson", prior = "",
prior_alpha = 0.01, prior_mu = 1)
## try a 'overdispersed' Poisson (e.g. add row random effect to account for
## variance in the lambda values)
test1_poisson_bayes_overdispersed = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site) + (1 | sp@site),
dat, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree),
bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE, family = "poisson")
test_that("Bayesian communityPGLMM produced correct object", {
expect_is(test1_gaussian_bayes, "communityPGLMM")
# expect_is(test1_gaussian_bayes_noreml, 'communityPGLMM')
expect_is(test1_binomial_bayes, "communityPGLMM")
# expect_is(test1_binomial_bayes_noreml, 'communityPGLMM')
expect_is(test1_gaussian_bayes$inla.model, "inla")
expect_is(test1_binomial_bayes$inla.model, "inla")
length(c(test1_gaussian_bayes$s2n, test1_gaussian_bayes$s2r)))
length(c(test1_binomial_bayes$s2n, test1_binomial_bayes$s2r)))
expect_equal(length(test1_gaussian_r$B), length(test1_gaussian_bayes$B))
test_that("cpp and r version phyr gave the same results: gaussian", {
test_fit_equal(test1_gaussian_cpp, test1_gaussian_r)
test_that("cpp and r version phyr gave the same results: binomial", {
expect_equivalent(test2_binary_cpp, test2_binary_r)
# test_that("test binary PGLMM random terms LRT", {
# for (i in 1:3) {
# expect_equal(phyr::communityPGLMM.profile.LRT(test2_binary_cpp, re.number = i),
# pez::communityPGLMM.binary.LRT(test2_binary_cpp, re.number = i), tolerance = 1e-04)
# }
# })
test_that("test predicted values of gaussian pglmm", {
phyr::communityPGLMM.predicted.values(test1_gaussian_cpp, gaussian.pred = 'tip_rm')$Y_hat,
pez::communityPGLMM.predicted.values(test1_gaussian_cpp, show.plot = FALSE)[, 1])
# test_that("test predicted values of binary pglmm", {
# expect_equivalent(phyr::communityPGLMM.predicted.values(test2_binary_cpp)$Y_hat,
# pez::communityPGLMM.predicted.values(test2_binary_cpp, show.plot = FALSE))
# }) # we changed the way to calculate predicted value for binary model in phyr (to mirror lme4)
# data prep for pez::communityPGLMM
nspp = n_distinct(dat$sp)
nsite = n_distinct(dat$site)
dat$site = as.factor(dat$site)
dat$sp = as.factor(dat$sp)
tree = ape::drop.tip(phylotree, setdiff(phylotree$tip.label, unique(dat$sp)))
Vphy <- ape::vcv(tree)
Vphy <- Vphy/max(Vphy)
Vphy <- Vphy/exp(determinant(Vphy)$modulus[1]/nspp)
Vphy = Vphy[levels(dat$sp), levels(dat$sp)]
# prepare random effects <- list(1, site = dat$site, covar = diag(nsite))
re.sp <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = diag(nspp))
re.sp.phy <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = Vphy)
# sp is nested within site
re.nested.phy <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = Vphy, site = dat$site)
re.nested.rep <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = solve(Vphy), site = dat$site)
# can be named
re = list(re.sp = re.sp, re.sp.phy = re.sp.phy,
re.nested.phy = re.nested.phy, =
test1_gaussian_pez <- pez::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade, data = dat, sp = dat$sp,
site = dat$site, random.effects = re, REML = FALSE)
test_that("testing gaussian models: phyr == pez package", {
test_fit_equal(test1_gaussian_cpp, test1_gaussian_pez)
test_that("phyr should be able to run in the format of pez: gaussian", {
pglmm_phyr_pez = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade, data = dat, sp = dat$sp, site = dat$site,
random.effects = re, REML = FALSE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
test_fit_equal(test1_gaussian_cpp, pglmm_phyr_pez)
test2_binary_pez <- pez::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade, data = dat, family = "binomial", sp = dat$sp,
site = dat$site, random.effects = re, REML = FALSE)
test_that("testing binomial models with pez package, should have same results", {
test_fit_equal2(test2_binary_cpp, test2_binary_pez)
test_that("phyr should be able to run in the format of pez: binomial", {
pglmm_phyr_pez = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade, data = dat, family = "binomial",
sp = dat$sp, site = dat$site, random.effects = re,
REML = FALSE, optimizer = "Nelder-Mead")
test_fit_equal2(test2_binary_pez, pglmm_phyr_pez)
# test NAs = dat$freq[$freq == 0] = NA =[!$freq), ]
test_that("testing data with NA, gaussian models", { = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), REML = FALSE) = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),, cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), REML = FALSE)
# NOTE: freq = NA is DIFFERENT from freq = 0 !
ina = sample(nrow(dat), 10)$pa[ina] = NA =[!$pa), ]
test_that("testing data with NA, binomial models", { = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),,
family = "binomial", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), REML = FALSE) = phyr::communityPGLMM(
pa ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site) + (1 | sp__@site),,
family = "binomial", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree), REML = FALSE)
# NOTE: pa = NA is DIFFERENT from pa = 0 !
# test communityPGLMM.profile.LRT
test_that("testing communityPGLMM.profile.LRT", {
communityPGLMM.profile.LRT(test2_binary_cpp, re.number = c(1, 3), cpp = TRUE),
communityPGLMM.profile.LRT(test2_binary_cpp, re.number = c(1, 3), cpp = FALSE),
tolerance = 1e-05)
# test bipartite
tree_site = ape::rtree(n = n_distinct(dat$site),
tip.label = sort(unique(dat$site)))
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) + (1 | sp__@site) +
(1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__),
data = dat, family = "gaussian",
cov_ranef = list(spi = phylotree), REML = TRUE))
z_bipartite = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) + (1 | sp__@site) +
(1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__),
data = dat, family = "gaussian",
cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree, site = tree_site), REML = TRUE)
z_bipartite2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | Species__) + (1 | Location__) + (1 | Species__@Location) +
(1 | Species@Location__) + (1 | Species__@Location__),
data = dat, family = "gaussian",
cov_ranef = list(Species = phylotree, Location = tree_site), REML = TRUE)
test_fit_equal(z_bipartite, z_bipartite2)
if(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)){
z_bipartite_bayes = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) +
(1 | sp__@site) + (1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__), data = dat,
family = "gaussian", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree, site = tree_site),
bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE)
z_bipartite_bayes_2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) +
(1 | sp__@site) + (1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__), data = dat,
family = "gaussian", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree, site = tree_site),
bayes = TRUE, ML.init = FALSE, prior = "")
# # test tree and tree_site as cov matrix
# test_that("testing tree and tree_site as cov matrix", {
# z_mat = phyr::communityPGLMM(freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) + (1 |
# sp__@site) + (1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__), data = dat, family = "gaussian",
# tree = vcv2(phylotree), tree_site = vcv2(tree_site), REML = TRUE)
# test_fit_equal(z_bipartite, z_mat)
# })
# testing selecting nested terms to be repulsive
Vphy_site <- ape::vcv(tree_site)
Vphy_site <- Vphy_site/max(Vphy_site)
Vphy_site <- Vphy_site/exp(determinant(Vphy_site)$modulus[1]/nsite)
sitel = levels(dat$site)
Vphy_site = Vphy_site[sitel, sitel] # same order as site levels <- list(1, site = dat$site, covar = diag(nsite)) <- list(1, site = dat$site, covar = Vphy_site)
re.sp <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = diag(nspp))
re.sp.phy <- list(1, sp = dat$sp, covar = Vphy)
# sp is nested within site <- list(kronecker(diag(nsite), (Vphy))) # repulsion F
re.sp.site__ <- list(kronecker(solve(Vphy_site), diag(nspp))) # repulsion T
re.sp__.site__ <- list(kronecker(solve(Vphy_site), (Vphy))) # repulsion F T
repul_vec = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
# can be named
re = list(re.sp = re.sp, re.sp.phy = re.sp.phy, =, =, =,
re.sp.site__ = re.sp.site__, re.sp__.site__ = re.sp__.site__)
test_that("testing repulsion as a vector", {
z_repul1 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade, data = dat, family = "gaussian", random.effects = re)
z_repul2 = phyr::communityPGLMM(
freq ~ 1 + shade + (1 | sp__) + (1 | site__) +
(1 | sp__@site) + (1 | sp@site__) + (1 | sp__@site__), data = dat,
family = "gaussian", cov_ranef = list(sp = phylotree, site = tree_site),
repulsion = repul_vec)
test_fit_equal(z_repul1, z_repul2)
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