
Defines functions pb_upload_file pb_upload

Documented in pb_upload

#' Upload data to an existing release
#' NOTE: you must first create a release if one does not already exists.
#' @param file path to file to be uploaded
#' @param repo Repository name in format "owner/repo". Defaults to `guess_repo()`.
#' @param tag  tag for the GitHub release to which this data should be attached.
#' @param name name for uploaded file. If not provided will use the basename of
#' `file` (i.e. filename without directory)
#' @param overwrite overwrite any existing file with the same name already
#'  attached to the on release? Default behavior is based on timestamps,
#'  only overwriting those files which are older.
#' @param use_timestamps DEPRECATED.
#' @param show_progress logical, show a progress bar be shown for uploading?
#' Defaults to `[interactive()]` - can also set globally with options("piggyback.verbose")
#' @param .token GitHub authentication token, see `[gh::gh_token()]`
#' @param dir directory relative to which file names should be based, defaults to NULL for current working directory.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Needs your real token to run
#' readr::write_tsv(mtcars,"mtcars.tsv.xz")
#' pb_upload("mtcars.tsv.xz", "cboettig/piggyback-tests")
#' }
#' @export
pb_upload <- function(file,
                      repo = guess_repo(),
                      tag = "latest",
                      name = NULL,
                      overwrite = "use_timestamps",
                      use_timestamps = NULL,
                      show_progress = getOption("piggyback.verbose", default = interactive()),
                      .token = gh::gh_token(),
                      dir = NULL) {

    length(tag) == 1,
    length(repo) == 1

  releases <- pb_releases(repo = repo,.token = .token)

  if(tag == "latest" && length(releases$tag_name) > 0 && !"latest" %in% releases$tag_name) {
    if(getOption("piggyback.verbose", default = interactive())){
      cli::cli_alert_info("Uploading to latest release: {.val {releases$tag_name[[1]]}}.")
    tag <- releases$tag_name[[1]]

  if(!tag %in% releases$tag_name && !interactive()) {
    cli::cli_abort("Release {.val {tag}} not found in {.val {repo}}. No upload performed.")

  if(!tag %in% releases$tag_name) {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("Release {.val {tag}} not found in {.val {repo}}.")

    run <- utils::menu(
      choices = c("Yes", "No"),
      title = glue::glue("Would you like to create a new release now?")

    if(run == 2) return(invisible(NULL))
    if(run == 1) pb_release_create(repo = repo, tag = tag, .token = .token)

  ## start fresh

  out <- lapply(file, function(f)

  ## break cache when done

pb_upload_file <- function(file,
                           repo = guess_repo(),
                           tag = "latest",
                           name = NULL,
                           overwrite = "use_timestamps",
                           use_timestamps = NULL,
                           show_progress = getOption("piggyback.verbose", default = interactive()),
                           .token = gh::gh_token(),
                           dir = NULL) {

  file_path <- do.call(file.path, compact(list(dir,file)))

  ## Uses NULL as default dir, drops it with compact, then
  ## does the file.path call with what's left
  ## This is better than using "." as default dir because if you try to pass an
  ## absolute path with "." e.g. file.path(".","C:/Users/Tan") it will
  ## return "./C:/Users/Tan" which is not desired.

  if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
    cli::cli_warn("File {.file {file_path}} does not exist.")

    cli::cli_warn("{.code use_timestamps} argument is deprecated, please set {.code overwrite = 'use_timestamps'} instead")

  ## Yeah, having two separate arguments was clearly a mistake!
  ## Code has been partially refactored now so that user just
  ## sets `overwrite` and we handle the twisted logic internally here:
  use_timestamps <- switch (as.character(overwrite),
                            "TRUE" = FALSE,
                            "FALSE" = FALSE,
                            "use_timestamps" = TRUE
  overwrite <- switch (as.character(overwrite),
                       "TRUE" = TRUE,
                       "FALSE" = FALSE,
                       "use_timestamps" = TRUE

  progress <- httr::progress("up")
  if (!show_progress) progress <- NULL

  if (is.null(name)) {
    ## name is name on GitHub, technically need not be name of local file
    name <- basename(file_path)

  ## memoised for piggyback_cache_duration
  df <- pb_info(repo = repo, tag = tag, .token = .token)

  i <- which(df$file_name == name)

  if (length(i) > 0) { # File of same name is on GitHub

    if (use_timestamps) {
      local_timestamp <- fs::file_info(file_path)$modification_time

      no_update <- local_timestamp <= df[i, "timestamp"]
      if (no_update) {
        cli::cli_warn("Matching or more recent version of {.file {file_path}} found on GH, not uploading.")

    if (overwrite) {
      ## If we find matching id, Delete file from release.
      gh::gh("DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/assets/:id",
             owner = df$owner[[1]],
             repo = df$repo[[1]],
             id = df$id[i],
             .token = .token
    } else {
      cli::cli_warn("Skipping upload of {.file {df$file_name[i]}} as file exists on GitHub and {.code overwrite = FALSE}")

  if (show_progress) cli::cli_alert_info("Uploading {.file {name}} ...")

  releases <- pb_releases(repo = repo, .token = .token)
  upload_url <- releases$upload_url[releases$tag_name == tag]

  r <- httr::RETRY(
    verb = "POST",
    url = sub("\\{.+$", "", upload_url),
    query = list(name = name),
    httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste("token", .token)),
    body = httr::upload_file(file_path),
    terminate_on = c(400, 401, 403, 404, 422)

  if(show_progress) httr::warn_for_status(r)

  # Release info changed, so break cache

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

piggyback documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:31 p.m.