
#' PlaceParlayBet
#' Place parlay or round robin parlay bet in the system
#' @param riskAmount numeric Wager amount in  currency
#' @param legslist A list of wagers, where each wager must be in named list format. Required named values are: legBetType, lineId, either team or side, and periodNumber. Optional named values are: altLineId, pitcher1MustStart, or pitcher2MustStart. See the API Manual for more info
#' \itemize{
#' \item{lineId}
#' \item{altLineId OPTIONAL}
#' \item{sportId}
#' \item{eventId}
#' \item{periodNumber}
#' \item{legBetType
#' \itemize{
#' \item{MONEYLINE}
#' \item{SPREAD}
#' \item{TOTAL}
#' \item{TEAMTOTAL}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{team/side using one will invalidate the other}
#' \item{pitcher1MustStart OPTIONAL}
#' \item{pitcher2MustStart OPTIONAL}
#' }
#' @param roundRobinOptions one of the round robin options, default is 'Parlay'
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Parlay}
#' \item{TwoLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{ThreeLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{FourLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{FiveLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{SixLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{SevenLegRoundRobin}
#' \item{EightLegRoundRobin}
#' }
#' @param oddsFormat default:'AMERICAN'
#' \itemize{
#' \item{AMERICAN}
#' \item{DECIMAL}
#' \item{HONGKONG}
#' \item{INDONESIAN}
#' \item{MALAY}
#' }
#' @param acceptBetterLine : Default TRUE ,boolean Whether or not to accept a bet when there is a line change in favor of the client
#' @return list containing:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{status}  If Status is PROCESSED_WITH_ERROR errorCode will be in the response
#'   \item{errorCode}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom rjson toJSON
#' @import uuid
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' SetCredentials("TESTAPI","APITEST")
#' AcceptTermsAndConditions(accepted=TRUE)
#' parlay1 <-  list(lineId = 222136736,
#'                  sportId=1,
#'                  eventId = 495418854,
#'                  periodNumber=0,
#'                  legBetType = "MONEYLINE",
#'                  team = 'TEAM1')
#' parlay2 <- list(lineId = 223187865,
#'                  sportId=1,
#'                  eventId = 496997901,
#'                  periodNumber=0,
#'                  legBetType = "TOTAL_POINTS",
#'                  side = 'OVER')
#' legslist <- list(parlay1,parlay2)
#' PlaceParlayBet(riskAmount=10, 
#'                legslist=legslist,
#'                roundRobinOptions="Parlay",
#'                oddsFormat="AMERICAN" ,
#'                acceptBetterLine=TRUE)
#' }

PlaceParlayBet <-
           roundRobinOptions = c('Parlay',
           oddsFormat = 'AMERICAN',
           acceptBetterLine = TRUE){
    guids <- c()
    #Generate UUIDs
    for (i in 1:(length(legslist)+1)) {
        guids <- c(guids, uuid::UUIDgenerate())
      '| Placing Parlay Bet'

    place_bet_data <- list(uniqueRequestId=guids[1],
                           roundRobinOptions = list(roundRobinOptions),
                           legs = lapply(1:length(legslist),function(leg) c(uniqueLegId = guids[-1][leg],legslist[[leg]])))
    place_bet_body <-  rjson::toJSON(place_bet_data)
    r <- POST(paste0(.PinnacleAPI$url ,"/v1/bets/parlay"),
              add_headers(Authorization= authorization(),
                          "Content-Type" = "application/json"),
              body = place_bet_body

    jsonlite::fromJSON(content(r,type="text", encoding = "UTF-8"))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pinnacle.API documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:24 a.m.