Upgrading to pins 1.0.0

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = rlang::is_installed("filelock")

pins 1.0.0 introduced a completely new API. While the legacy API will continue to be supported for some time, it will not gain any new features, so it's good to plan to switch to the new interface. This vignette shows a couple of examples of updating legacy code to the modern API, then provides a full set of equivalences between the legacy and modern function names.



A simple example of the legacy API looks something like this:

# Legacy API
board_register_local("vignette", tempfile())

pin(head(mtcars), "mtcars", board = "vignette")
pin_get("mtcars", board = "vignette")

To convert to the modern API you need to make two major changes:

# Modern API
board <- board_local()

pin_write(board, head(mtcars), "mtcars")
pin_read(board, "mtcars")

Since the board object is always the first argument, you might also want to use the pipe:

# Modern API
board <- board_local()

board %>% pin_write(head(mtcars), "mtcars")
board %>% pin_read("mtcars")

Pinning files

Another way to use pin() is with a path to a file:

# Legacy API
path <- tempfile()
writeLines(letters, path)

pin(path, "alphabet", board = "vignette")
pin_get("alphabet", board = "vignette")

pins 1.0.0 clearly separates the two cases of pin an object and pinning a file, so here instead of pin_write() and pin_read() you need to pin_upload() and pin_download():

# Modern API
board %>% pin_upload(path, "alphabet")
board %>% pin_download("alphabet")

Pinning a url

Finally, you can pin() a url to automatically re-download it when it changes:

# Legacy API
base <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio/pins-r/main/tests/testthat/"

(pin(paste0(base, "pin-files/first.txt"), board = "vignette"))

This now needs to be made explicit with the new board_url(), and since this returns a path, not a file, you need to use pin_download():

# Modern API
board_github <- board_url(c(
  raw = paste0(base, "pin-files/first.txt")
board_github %>% pin_download("raw")

Implicit board

It's also possible to use pin() and pin_get() without an explicit board argument, in which case it automatically uses a local board:

# Legacy API
pin(data.frame(x = 1:3), "test-data")

To convert this code, you need to create an explicit board_local():

# Modern API
board <- board_local()

board %>% pin_write(data.frame(x = 1:3), "test-data")
board %>% pin_read("test-data")


Board functions

| Legacy API | Modern API | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------| | board_register_azure() | board_azure() | | board_register_datatxt() | Not currently implemented | | board_register_dospace() | Not currently implemented | | board_register_gcloud() | board_gcs() | | board_register_github() | Use board_folder() together with board_url() | | board_register_local() | board_local() | | board_register_kaggle() | board_kaggle_dataset() / board_kaggle_competition() | | board_register_rsconnect() | board_connect() | | board_register_s3() | board_s3() | | pin() with a URL | board_url() |

Future releases will add support for additional boards based on user feedback.

Pin functions

| Legacy API | Modern API | |------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | board_browse() | pin_browse() | | pin() | pin_write() / pin_upload() | | pin_get() | pin_read() / pin_download() | | pin_find() | pin_search() | | pin_info() | pin_meta() | | pin_reactive() | pin_reactive_read() / pin_reactive_download() | | pin_remove() | pin_delete() |

Try the pins package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pins documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.