#' Build a complete pkgdown website
#' @description
#' `build_site()` is a convenient wrapper around six functions:
#' * [init_site()]
#' * [build_home()]
#' * [build_reference()]
#' * [build_articles()]
#' * [build_tutorials()]
#' * [build_news()]
#' * [build_redirects()]
#' See the documentation for the each function to learn how to control
#' that aspect of the site. This page documents options that affect the
#' whole site.
#' # General config
#' * `destination` controls where the site will be generated, defaulting to
#' `docs/`. Paths are relative to the package root.
#' * `url` is optional, but strongly recommended.
#' ```yaml
#' url:
#' ```
#' It specifies where the site will be published and is used to allow other
#' pkgdown sites to link to your site when needed (`vignette("linking")`),
#' generate a `sitemap.xml`, automatically generate a `CNAME` when
#' [deploying to github][build_site_github_pages()], generate the metadata needed
#' rich social "media cards" (`vignette("metadata")`), and more.
#' * `title` overrides the default site title, which is the package name.
#' It's used in the page title and default navbar.
#' # Navbar and footer
#' The `navbar` and `footer` fields control the appearance of the navbar
#' footer which appear on every page. Learn more about these fields in
#' `vignette("customise")`.
#' # Development mode
#' The `development` field allows you to generate different sites for the
#' development and released versions of your package. To use it, you first
#' need to set the development `mode`:
#' ```yaml
#' development:
#' mode: auto
#' ```
#' ### Setting development mode
#' The development `mode` of a site controls where the built site is placed
#' and how it is styled (i.e. the colour of the package version in the
#' navbar, the version tooltip), and whether or not the site is indexed by
#' search engines. There are four possible modes:
#' * **automatic** (`mode: auto`): determines the mode based on the version:
#' * `` (`0.0.0.*`): unreleased.
#' * four version components: development.
#' * everything else -> release.
#' * **release** (`mode: release`), the default. Site is written to `docs/`
#' and styled like a released package, even if the content is for an
#' unreleased or development version. Version in navbar gets the default
#' colouring. Development badges are not shown in the sidebar
#' (see `?build_home`).
#' * **development** (`mode: devel`). Site is written to `docs/dev/`.
#' The navbar version gets a "danger" class and a tooltip stating these are
#' docs for an in-development version of the package. The `noindex` meta tag
#' is used to ensure that these packages are not indexed by search engines.
#' Development badges are shown in the sidebar (see `?build_home`).
#' * **unreleased** (`mode: unreleased`). Site is written to `docs/`.
#' Version in navbar gets the "danger" class, and a message indicating the
#' package is not yet on CRAN.
#' Development badges are shown in the sidebar (see `?build_home`).
#' Use `mode: auto` if you want both a released and a dev site, and
#' `mode: release` if you just want a single site. It is very rare that you
#' will need either devel or unreleased modes.
#' You can override the mode specified in the `_pkgdown.yml` by setting
#' by setting `PKGDOWN_DEV_MODE` to `devel` or `release`.
#' ### Selective HTML
#' You can selectively show HTML only on the devel or release site by adding
#' class `pkgdown-devel` or `pkgdown-release`. This is most easily accessed
#' from `.Rmd` files where you can use pandoc's `<div>` syntax to control
#' where a block of markdown will display. For example, you can use the
#' following markdown in your README to only show GitHub install instructions
#' on the development version of your site:
#' ```md
#' ::: {.pkgdown-devel}
#' You can install the development version of pkgdown from GitHub with:
#' `remotes::install_github("r-lib/pkgdown")`
#' :::
#' ```
#' You can use a similar technique to control where badges are displayed.
#' This markdown show the CRAN status badge on the site for the released
#' package and the GitHub check status for the development package:
#' ```md
#' [![CRAN Status](]
#' ({.pkgdown-release}
#' [![R-CMD-check](]
#' ({.pkgdown-devel}
#' ```
#' ### Other options
#' There are three other options that you can control:
#' ```yaml
#' development:
#' destination: dev
#' version_label: danger
#' version_tooltip: "Custom message here"
#' ```
#' `destination` allows you to override the default subdirectory used for the
#' development site; it defaults to `dev/`. `version_label` allows you to
#' override the style used for development (and unreleased) versions of the
#' package. It defaults to "danger", but you can set to "default", "info", or
#' "warning" instead. (The precise colours are determined by your bootstrap
#' theme, but become progressively more eye catching as you go from default
#' to danger). Finally, you can choose to override the default tooltip with
#' `version_tooltip`.
#' # Template
#' The `template` field is mostly used to control the appearance of the site.
#' See `vignette("customise")` for details. But it's also used to control
#' ## Other aspects
#' There are a few other `template` fields that control other aspects of the
#' site:
#' * `noindex: true` will suppress indexing of your pages by search engines:
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' params:
#' noindex: true
#' ```
#' * `google_site_verification` allows you to verify your site with google:
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' params:
#' google_site_verification: _nn6ile-a6x6lctOW
#' ```
#' * `trailing_slash_redirect: true` will automatically redirect
#' `` to ``, using a JS script
#' added to the `<head>` of the home page. This is useful in certain
#' redirect scenarios.
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' trailing_slash_redirect: true
#' ```
#' ## Analytics
#' To capture usage of your site with a web analytics tool, you can make
#' use of the `includes` field to add the special HTML they need. This HTML
#' is typically placed `in_header` (actually in the `<head>`), `before_body`,
#' or `after_body`.
#' You can learn more about how includes work in pkgdown at
#' <>.
#' I include a few examples of popular analytics platforms below, but we
#' recommend getting the HTML directly from the tool:
#' * [](
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' includes:
#' in_header: |
#' <script defer data-domain="{YOUR DOMAIN}" src=""></script>
#' ```
#' * [Google analytics](
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' includes:
#' in_header: |
#' <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
#' <script async src="{YOUR TRACKING ID}"#' ></script>
#' <script>
#' window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
#' function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
#' gtag('js', new Date());
#' gtag('config', '{YOUR TRACKING ID}');
#' </script>
#' ```
#' * [GoatCounter](
#' ```yaml
#' template:
#' includes:
#' after_body: >
#' <script data-goatcounter="https://{YOUR CODE}" data-goatcounter-settings="{YOUR SETTINGS}" async src=""></script>
#' ```
#' # Source repository
#' Use the `repo` field to override pkgdown's automatically discovery
#' of your source repository. This is used in the navbar, on the homepage,
#' in articles and reference topics, and in the changelog (to link to issue
#' numbers and user names). pkgdown can automatically figure out the necessary
#' URLs if you link to a GitHub or GitLab repo in your `BugReports` or `URL`
#' field.
#' Otherwise, you can supply your own in the `repo` field:
#' ```yaml
#' repo:
#' url:
#' home:
#' source:
#' issue:
#' user:
#' ```
#' * `home`: path to package home on source code repository.
#' * `source`: path to source of individual file in default branch
#' (more on that below).
#' * `issue`: path to individual issue.
#' * `user`: path to user.
#' The varying components (e.g. path, issue number, user name) are pasted on
#' the end of these URLs so they should have trailing `/`s.
#' When creating the link to a package source, we have to link to a specific
#' branch. The default behaviour is to use current branch when in GitHub
#' actions and `HEAD` otherwise. You can overide this default with
#' `repo.branch`:
#' ```yaml
#' repo:
#' branch: devel
#' ```
#' pkgdown can automatically link to Jira issues as well if specify both a
#' custom `issue` URL as well Jira project names to auto-link in
#' `jira_projects`. You can specify as many projects as you would like:
#' ```yaml
#' repo:
#' jira_projects: [this_project, another_project]
#' url:
#' issue:
#' ```
#' # Deployment (`deploy`)
#' There is a single `deploy` field
#' * `install_metadata` allows you to install package index metadata into
#' the package itself. Normally this metadata is made available on the
#' published site; installing it into your package means that it's
#' available for autolinking even if your website is not reachable at build
#' time (e.g. because behind a firewall or requires auth).
#' ```yaml
#' deploy:
#' install_metadata: true
#' ```
#' # Options
#' Users with limited internet connectivity can disable CRAN checks by setting
#' `options(pkgdown.internet = FALSE)`. This will also disable some features
#' from pkgdown that requires an internet connectivity. However, if it is used
#' to build docs for a package that requires internet connectivity in examples
#' or vignettes, this connection is required as this option won't apply on them.
#' Users can set a timeout for `build_site(new_process = TRUE)` with
#' `options(pkgdown.timeout = Inf)`, which is useful to prevent stalled builds from
#' hanging in cron jobs.
#' @inheritParams build_articles
#' @inheritParams build_reference
#' @param lazy If `TRUE`, will only rebuild articles and reference pages
#' if the source is newer than the destination.
#' @param devel Use development or deployment process?
#' If `TRUE`, uses lighter-weight process suitable for rapid
#' iteration; it will run examples and vignettes in the current process,
#' and will load code with `pkgload::load_all()`.
#' If `FALSE`, will first install the package to a temporary library,
#' and will run all examples and vignettes in a new process.
#' `build_site()` defaults to `devel = FALSE` so that you get high fidelity
#' outputs when you building the complete site; `build_reference()`,
#' `build_home()` and friends default to `devel = TRUE` so that you can
#' rapidly iterate during development.
#' @param new_process If `TRUE`, will run `build_site()` in a separate process.
#' This enhances reproducibility by ensuring nothing that you have loaded
#' in the current process affects the build process.
#' @param install If `TRUE`, will install the package in a temporary library
#' so it is available for vignettes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' build_site()
#' build_site(override = list(destination = tempdir()))
#' }
build_site <- function(pkg = ".",
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE,
seed = 1014L,
lazy = FALSE,
override = list(),
preview = NA,
devel = FALSE,
new_process = !devel,
install = !devel) {
pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg, override = override)
if (install) {
cli::cli_rule("Installing package {.pkg {pkg$package}} into temporary library")
# Keep source, so that e.g. pillar can show the source code
# of its functions in its articles
list(keep.source.pkgs = TRUE, = TRUE),
utils::install.packages(pkg$src_path, repos = NULL, type = "source", quiet = TRUE)
if (new_process) {
pkg = pkg,
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run,
seed = seed,
lazy = lazy,
override = override,
preview = preview,
devel = devel
} else {
pkg = pkg,
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run,
seed = seed,
lazy = lazy,
override = override,
preview = preview,
devel = devel
build_site_external <- function(pkg = ".",
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE,
seed = 1014L,
lazy = FALSE,
override = list(),
preview = NA,
devel = TRUE) {
pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg, override = override)
args <- list(
pkg = pkg,
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run,
seed = seed,
lazy = lazy,
override = override,
install = FALSE,
preview = FALSE,
new_process = FALSE,
devel = devel,
cli_colors = cli::num_ansi_colors(),
hyperlinks = cli::ansi_has_hyperlink_support(),
pkgdown_internet = has_internet()
function(..., cli_colors, hyperlinks, pkgdown_internet) {
cli.num_colors = cli_colors,
cli.hyperlink = hyperlinks,
cli.hyperlink_run = hyperlinks,
pkgdown.internet = pkgdown_internet
args = args,
show = TRUE,
timeout = getOption('pkgdown.timeout', Inf)
cli::cli_rule("Finished building pkgdown site for package {.pkg {pkg$package}}")
preview_site(pkg, preview = preview)
build_site_local <- function(pkg = ".",
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE,
seed = 1014L,
lazy = FALSE,
override = list(),
preview = NA,
devel = TRUE) {
pkg <- section_init(pkg, override = override)
cli::cli_rule("Building pkgdown site for package {.pkg {pkg$package}}")
cli::cli_inform("Reading from: {src_path(path_abs(pkg$src_path))}")
cli::cli_inform("Writing to: {dst_path(path_abs(pkg$dst_path))}")
if (!lazy) {
# Only force init_site() if `!lazy`
# if site is not initialized, it will be in build_home()
init_site(pkg, override)
build_home(pkg, override = override, preview = FALSE)
lazy = lazy,
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run,
seed = seed,
override = override,
preview = FALSE,
devel = devel
build_articles(pkg, lazy = lazy, override = override, preview = FALSE)
build_tutorials(pkg, override = override, preview = FALSE)
build_news(pkg, override = override, preview = FALSE)
build_redirects(pkg, override = override)
if (pkg$bs_version == 3) {
} else {
build_search(pkg, override = override)
cli::cli_rule("Finished building pkgdown site for package {.pkg {pkg$package}}")
preview_site(pkg, preview = preview)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.