# planor R package
# Copyright INRAE 2020
# INRAE, UR1404, Research Unit MaIAGE
# F78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France.
# URL:
# This file is part of planor R package.
# planor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See the GNU General Public License at:
# UTILITIES FOR PLANOR, in particular matrix algebra modulo p,
# for p a prime
# 1. Miscellaneous
# crossing <- function(n,start=1)
# symmdiff <- function(x,y)
# cross.designs <- function(designs)
# 2. Matrix algebra modulo p, with p a prime
# convertinto.basep <- function (x, p)
# convertfrom.basep <- function (x, p)
# representative.basep <- function(mat,p)
# kernelmatrix.basep <- function(mat,p)
crossing <- function(n,start=1){
# Generates all n1 x n2 x ... x ns combinations of size s with n1,...,ns integers
# - n: a vector of integers of length s
# - start: integer from where to start the series of integers
# an integer matrix with prod(n) rows and s columns giving all
# combinations along the rows, in lexicographic order
# crossing(rep(2,3)) # Internal
# ----------------------------------------------------------
N <- prod(n)
s <- length(n)
if (N > .Machine$integer.max) {
stop(paste("crossing. Overflow.", N, "greater than the maximum integer", .Machine$integer.max))
n <- c(n,1)
crosses <- matrix(NA, N, s)
for(i in seq_len(s))
motif <- start + seq_len(n[s+1-i])-1
repet1 <- rep( prod(n[s+1-i+seq_len(i)]), n[s+1-i] )
if(i==s){ repet2 <- 1 }
else{ repet2 <- prod(n[seq_len(s-i)]) }
crosses[,s-i+1] <- rep( rep( motif, repet1 ), repet2 )
} # end crossing
symmdiff <- function(x,y){
# Calculates the symmetric differences between two collections Cx and Cy of
# subsets of S, where S is a set of size n
# cf. the Delta operation in Kobilinsky 2000, p.5
# - x: a n-row 0-1 matrix, each column of which defines a subset in Cx
# - y: a n-row 0-1 matrix, each column of which defines a subset in Cy
# a n-row 0-1 matrix with one column per distinct symmetric difference
# between a subset in Cx and a subset in Cy
# EXAMPLE: (Internal)
# M1 <- diag(3)
# M2 <- cbind( c(1,1,0), c(1,0,1) )
# a <-symmdiff(M1,M2)
# print(a)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Nf <- nrow(x)
Nx <- ncol(x)
Ny <- ncol(y)
IDeltaJ <- array(NA, dim=c(Ny, Nx, Nf))
for (i in seq_len(Ny)){
for(j in seq_len(Nx)){
IDeltaJ[i,j,] <- y[,i] != x[,j]
dim(IDeltaJ) <- c( prod(dim(IDeltaJ)[c(1,2)]), Nf) <- unique( convertfrom.basep(1*IDeltaJ,2) ) <-[!=0]
b.z <- t(convertinto.basep(,2))
rownames(b.z) <- rownames(x)
} # fin symmdiff
cross.designs <- function(designs){
# generates a design by crossing one, two or more subdesigns
# designs: a list of design matrices
# the new design matrix;
# pl1 <- crossing(c(2,3))
# colnames(pl1) <- c("A","B")
# pl2 <- crossing(5)
# colnames(pl2) <- c("C")
# a <- cross.designs(list(pl1,pl2))
# print(a)
# -------------------------------------------------------
nrows <- unlist(lapply(designs,nrow))
ncols <- unlist(lapply(designs,ncol))
prod.nrows <- prod(nrows)
sum.ncols <- sum(ncols)
b.crossdesign <- matrix(0, nrow= prod.nrows, ncol=sum.ncols)
colnames(b.crossdesign) <- as.character(rep("NA", sum.ncols))
i.col <- 0
for(i in seq_along(designs) ){
il <- seq_len(i)
rowindices <- rep( seq_len(nrows[i]), rep(prod.nrows/prod(nrows[il]),nrows[i]) )
rowindices <- rep( rowindices, prod(nrows[il])/nrows[i] )
colindices <- sum(ncols[il]) - ncols[i] + seq_len(ncols[i])
b.crossdesign[, colindices] <- designs[[i]][rowindices,]
colnames(b.crossdesign)[colindices] <- colnames(designs[[i]])
storage.mode(b.crossdesign) <- "integer"
} # end cross.designs
# 2. MATRIX ALGEBRA MODULO p, with p a prime
go1convertinto.basep <- function (x, p) {
# Conversion of an integer into base p
# Called by convertinto.basep and goconvertinto.basep
# c(n1, n2, .. nx) such as x=n1+n2*p+n3*p**2+n4*p**3
# -------------------------------------------------
if (x != round(x) || x < 0)
val <- x%%p
while ( (x <- x%/%p) > 0 ) {
newval <- x%%p
val <- c(val,newval)
} # end go1convertinto.basep
goconvertinto.basep <- function (x, p) {
# called by convertinto.basep: loop when its argument is vector
# Call go1convertinto.basep on max(x) to know
# the maximal number of columns of the result
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
l <- matrix(0, length(x), length(go1convertinto.basep(max(x),p)))
for(i in seq_along( x)){
dec.i <- go1convertinto.basep(x[i],p)
## dec.i is an integer64. Conversion into integer
## to make 0 and 1 exactly 0 and 1
u <- as.integer(dec.i)
l[i, seq_along(dec.i) ] <- u
} # end goconvertinto.basep
convertinto.basep <- function (x, p) {
# Conversion of an integer or integer vector x into base p
# The coefficients are ordered by increasing powers of p
# - x: an integer or an integer variate
# - p: a prime
# if x is an integer, a vector of elements in Zp
# if x is a vector, a matrix with length(x) rows
# and the adequate number of columns
# convertinto.basep(1:10, 3)
# -------------------------------------------------------
if (length(x) > 1)
return(goconvertinto.basep(x, p))
return(go1convertinto.basep(x, p))
} # end convertinto.basep
goconvertfrom.basep <- function (x, p) {
# Function called by convertfrom.basep when x is a vector
# See convertfrom.basep
ret <- sum( as.integer64(x * p^(seq_along(x)-1) ))
if ( {
stop(paste("convertfrom.basep. Overflow. ", ret,
" is greater than the maximum integer ",
". Generation of a number from a sequence including ", p,
"^", length(x)-1, " not possible.", sep=""))
}# end goconvertfrom.basep
convertfrom.basep <- function (x, p) {
# Conversion of integers x coded as vectors of coefficients in base p
# to classical integers in base 10
# - x: a vector of coefficients ordered by increasing p powers
# or a n-row matrix with each row interpreted as such a vector;
# the elements of x must be between 0 and p-1
# - p: a prime
# a scalar integer if x is a vector, or an integer n-vector if x is a matrix
# vec3 <- convertinto.basep(1:10, 3)
# convertfrom.basep( vec3, 3 )
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.matrix(x)) {
l <- integer64( nrow(x))
for(i in seq_along( l)){
l[i] <- goconvertfrom.basep(x[i,],p)
else {
l <- goconvertfrom.basep(x,p)
} # fin convertfrom.basep
representative.basep <- function(b.mat,p){
# generates the minimal set of representatives in base p
# of the columns x of matrix mat
# - b.mat : a 0-1 matrix
# - p : a prime
# a matrix whose columns are the minimal representatives, with 1
# in the last non-zero position of x and all possible combinations
# of 1,...,p-1 in the other non-zero positions of x
# a <-representative.basep( as.matrix(c(1,0,1,1,0)), 3 )
# print(a)
# a <- representative.basep( as.matrix(cbind( c(1,1,0),c(1,1,1) )), 3 )
# ------------------------------------------------------
if(p==2) return(b.mat %% 2)
b.representative <- NULL
for(j in seq_len(ncol(b.mat))){
x <- b.mat[,j]
select <- seq_along(x)[x != 0]
nbtocross <- length(select)-1
if( nbtocross <= 0 ) mat.j <- as.matrix(x)
select <- select[seq_len(nbtocross)]
N <- (p-1)^nbtocross
if (N > .Machine$integer.max) {
stop(paste("representative.basep. Overflow.", N, "greater than the maximum integer", .Machine$integer.max))
mat.j <- matrix(x, nrow(b.mat), N)
mat.j[select,] <- t( crossing(rep(p-1,nbtocross),start=1) )
b.representative <- cbind(b.representative, mat.j)
} # end j
ret <- b.representative %%p
storage.mode(ret) <- "integer"
} # end representative.basep
kernelmatrix.basep <- function(mat,p){
# Calculates a kernel basis of a p-morphism
# - mat : the n x s matrix associated with the p-morphism, with elements in Zp;
# - p : a prime
# an s x q matrix of q independent kernel generators, with elements in Zp;
# if mat is a regular matrix, then the output is an s x 0 simple matrix
# done by an adaptation of the Gauss-Jordan elimination algorithm
# mat[,] <- matrix(
# c(1,1,0,0, 2,0,1,0, 0,1,2,4, 0,1,2,3, 0,0,0,1) , nrow=4)
# matker <- kernelmatrix.basep(mat,5)
# Note: mat %*% matker[,] %%5 is a null matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
nr <- nrow(mat)
nc <- ncol(mat)
pseudonames <- colnames(mat)
mat <- mat %%p
# special cases when mat=Id or mat=(Id|B): direct solutions
if( nr == nc ){
if( all( mat[,seq_len(nr)]==diag(nr) ) ){
b.mat.kernel <- matrix(0,nr,0)
storage.mode(b.mat.kernel) <- "integer"
# matrix with 0 column
rownames(b.mat.kernel) <- pseudonames
return(b.mat.kernel) }}
if( nr < nc ){
if( all( mat[,seq_len(nr)]==diag(nr) ) ){
b.mat.kernel <- rbind( -mat[,seq(nr+1,nc),drop=FALSE], diag(nc-nr) )%%p
storage.mode(b.mat.kernel) <- "integer"
rownames(b.mat.kernel) <- pseudonames
return(b.mat.kernel) }}
# general case: elimination algorithm
# - initialisation
# Raw calculation of the inverses modulo p
invp <- .Call("PLANORinversesbasep", as.integer(p))
firstgoodrow <- function(column, rowindex){
# specific function to indicate the position of the first non-0 element
# above position "rowindex" in a vector "column"
# equal to NA if there is no non-0 element above "rowindex" in "column"
rows <- seq_along(column)
goodrows <- ( rows >= rowindex) & (column != 0)
if(sum(goodrows) == 0) firstgood <- NA
else firstgood <- rows[goodrows][1]
rowindices <- seq_len(nr)
colindices <- seq_len(nc)
i <- 1 ; continue <- TRUE
# - main "while" loop
# zz : first next row with a non-zero value in the current column
zz <- firstgoodrow(column=mat[,colindices[i]], rowindex=i)
# if zz is NA: try next column ...
if(colindices[i] < nc){
colindices[i:nc] <- colindices[c((i+1):nc, i)] }
# ... or terminate main loop if there is no new next column
else {
ifinal <- i-1
continue <- FALSE }
# if zz is NOT NA: elimination step
# row exchange if needed
if(i != zz) mat[c(i,zz),] <- mat[c(zz,i),]
# normalisation
# Raw calculation of the inverses modulo p
inv <- invp[mat[i,colindices[i]]]
mat[i,] <- (inv * mat[i,]) %% p
# orthogonalisation
for(ii in rowindices[rowindices != i]){
aik <- mat[ii,colindices[i]]
mat[ii,] <- (mat[ii,] - aik * mat[i,]) %% p
# next row if possible, otherwise terminate main loop
if(i < min(nr,nc)){
i <- i+1 }
ifinal <- nr
if(nr < nc){ colindices[(nr+1):nc] <- colindices[sort((nr+1):nc)] }
continue <- FALSE }
# end of the main "while" loop
# if there remain columns, construct the kernel generators
if(ifinal < nc){
b.mat.kernel <- matrix(NA, nrow=nc, ncol=nc-ifinal)
genpart <- colindices[seq_len(ifinal)]
dpdtpart <- colindices[ifinal+seq_len(nc-ifinal)]
b.mat.kernel[genpart,] <- -mat[seq_len(ifinal),dpdtpart,drop=FALSE]
b.mat.kernel[dpdtpart,] <- diag(nc-ifinal)
# Calcul du modulo p
b.mat.kernel <- b.mat.kernel %% p
# otherwise there is no kernel generator
b.mat.kernel <- matrix(0, nc, 0)
rownames(b.mat.kernel) <- pseudonames
storage.mode(b.mat.kernel) <- "integer"
} # end kernelmatrix.basep
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