
Defines functions getFileFolderPath clearProjectDb loadProject newProject saveProject interactiveHT interactiveReverseDosimetry interactivePBPK

Documented in clearProjectDb getFileFolderPath interactiveHT interactivePBPK interactiveReverseDosimetry loadProject newProject saveProject

#' Launch the interactive PBPK workflow for the given model
#' @description Used to launch the PBPK workflow for the given model. This interface can be used to launch either the rapidPBPK model, The HTTK model or the fishPBPK model.
#' @param name Name of the model. "rapidPBPK" or "fishPBPK". Defaults to rapidPBPK.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' interactivePBPK("rapidPBPK")
#' }
#' @export
interactivePBPK <- function(name = "rapidPBPK"){

  if(name == "rapidPBPK"){
    name = "rapidPBPK_pop"
  } else if (name == "fishPBPK"){
    name = "fishPBPK_pop"
  } else {
    # This probably isn't the prefered way to do this, but there needs to be some better error handling on user-facing functions.
    stop('`interactivePBPK` takes the name of a model as its arguement. Either "rapidPBPK" or "fishPBPK". Defaults to rapidPBPK.')

  shiny::runApp(system.file(name,package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
#' Launch Reverse Dosimetry Interface
#' @description Used to launch the reverse dosimetry UI. This UI allows the user to perform reverse dosimetry if they have already run Monte Carlo Anlaysis outside of PLETHEM.
#' @seealso \code{\link{interactivePBPK}} for running reverse dosimetry using the rapidPBPK model in PLETHEM.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' interactiveReverseDosimetry()
#' }
#' @export
interactiveReverseDosimetry <- function(){
  shiny::runApp(system.file("ReverseDosimetry",package = "plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Launch HT-IVIVE interface
#' @description Used internally to launch the HT-IVIVE UI. HT-IVIVE does not use the project management system that PBPK models uses.
#' @param name name of the  model. Has to be "HT-IVIVE"
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' interactiveHT("HT-IVIVE")
#' }
#' @export
interactiveHT <- function(name = "HT-IVIVE"){
  shiny::runApp(system.file(name,package = "plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)

#' Save the current project to a location
#' @description Save the current PBPK or HTIVIVE project the user is working on.
#' This cannot be used to save exposure or IVIVE gadget data.
#' This function should not be called directly from the console. It will be called by the app on exit
#' @export
saveProject <- function(){
  #Get Project details from the database
  project_details <- projectReadTable("Project")
  name <- project_details$name
  base_path <- project_details$path
  complete_file_path <- file.path(base_path,paste0(name,".Rdata"))
  type <- project_details$type
  # get all the table names from the database
  query <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table';"
  table_names_list <- projectDbSelect(query)$name
  #print(which(table_names_list == "sqlite_sequence",arr.ind = TRUE))
  table_names_list <- table_names_list[which(table_names_list != "sqlite_sequence",arr.ind = TRUE)]
  for (x in table_names_list){
  save(list = table_names_list,file = complete_file_path)


#' Start a new PLETHEM project.
#' @description A project consists of chemicals, organisms and datasets. The function asks the user for a location to save the project files on exit. It then launches the shiny user interface used to parameterize and run the model.
#' @param name The name for the project
#' @param save_path The path at which the new project will be saved
#' @param type The type of the model that the project is tied to
#' @param model The model to be used for the project
#' @param mode Either Forward Dosimetry(FD) or Monte Carlo(MC) mode. Only valid for PBPK type models
#' @param runUI trigger the appropriate interface after data is loaded into the database
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' newProject(name = "TestPBPK",type = "PBPK",model = "rapidPBPK",mode = "MC")
#' newProject(name = "TestPBPK",type = "PBPK",mode = "httk_pbpk",mode = "MC")
#' }
#' @export
newProject <- function(name="new_project", save_path= "",type = "PBPK", model = "rapidPBPK", mode = "MC",runUI = FALSE){
  if(save_path == ""){
    temp_path <- getFileFolderPath("dir",
                                   caption =sprintf("Select folder where %s will be saved",name))

    save_path <- gsub("\\\\","/",temp_path)

  # write new project details to the project table
  query <- sprintf("INSERT INTO Project (name, path, type, model, mode) Values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');",
    # run the appropriate UI
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "rapidPBPK" && mode == "FD"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("rapidPBPK",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "rapidPBPK" && mode == "MC"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("rapidPBPK_pop",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if(type=="PBPK"&& model == "httk_pbtk" && mode == "MC"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("httk_pbtk",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "fishPBPK" && mode == "MC"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("fishPBPK_pop",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
  # #interactivePBPK(model)
  # return(NULL)

#' Load the project from the project file located at the given path
#' @description Loads the project data from the project file and then launches the shiny UI that corresponds to the analysis type that the project belongs to.
#' @param file_path path to the project file. If no path is provided, launches a select file dialog box for the user to select the path
#' @param runUI trigger the appropriate interface after data is loaded into the database
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' loadProject(file_path = "TestPBPK.Rdata")
#' loadProject()
#' }
#' @export
loadProject <- function(file_path = "",runUI = TRUE){
  if(file_path == ""){
    file_path <- getFileFolderPath(type = "file",
                                   caption = "Select PLETHEM Project",
                                   extension = "*.Rdata")


  # set the project details to match where the current file was loaded from
  # this will be helpful if the user changes the location/name of the files outside the package
  Project$name <- gsub(".Rdata","",basename(file_path))
  Project$path <- dirname(file_path)
  type <- Project$type
  model <- Project$model
  mode <- Project$mode
  # get all the table names from the database
  query <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table';"
  table_names_list <- projectDbSelect(query)$name
  table_names_list <- table_names_list[which(table_names_list != "sqlite_sequence",arr.ind = TRUE)]
  # can use apply here but tables are small and for is more readable
  for (x in table_names_list){
    projectWriteTable(eval(parse(text = x)),x)
  if (runUI == TRUE){
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "rapidPBPK" && mode == "FD"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("rapidPBPK",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "rapidPBPK" && mode == "MC"){

      shiny::runApp(system.file("rapidPBPK_pop",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if(type=="PBPK"&& model == "httk_pbtk" && mode == "MC"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("httk_pbtk",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)
    if (type == "PBPK" && model == "fishPBPK" && mode == "MC"){
      shiny::runApp(system.file("fishPBPK_pop",package="plethem"),launch.browser = TRUE)


#' Clear Project Db
#' @description This function clears the project Db. It is called internally when a new project is created.
#' It is also used by developers to make a clean project db
#' @export
clearProjectDb <- function(){
  query <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table';"
  table_names_list <- projectDbSelect(query)$name
  table_names_list <- table_names_list[which(table_names_list != "sqlite_sequence",arr.ind = TRUE)]
  # can use apply here but tables are small and for is more readable
  for (x in table_names_list){
    projectDbUpdate(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s ;",x))

#' Show dialogs to select files or folders
#' @description The function shows the dialog to select files or folders. The functions change depending on the OS in which
#' RStudio is running. It is only called internally and should not be run by the user.
#' @param type Type of document to get a path for. dir for directory or file for file
#' @param caption Caption to display for choose file/directory modal
#' @param extension extensions to display for selecting file type
#' @param new_flag Logical value for the "new" parameter in file.choose. Only used on MacOS
#' @return path to the selected file or directory
#' @export
getFileFolderPath <- function(type ="dir",caption="",
                              extension="",new_flag = FALSE){
  os <- .Platform$OS.type
  if (os == "windows"){
    if(type == "dir"){
      returned_path <- utils::choose.dir(caption)
      returned_path <- utils::choose.files(caption = caption, multi = FALSE,
                                           filters = matrix(c(extension),1,2,byrow=TRUE))
    returned_path <- tryCatch({file.choose(new = new_flag)},error = function(e){return(NA)})

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plethem documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:35 p.m.