
# Tests for functions:
#  * detect.lindep
#  * alias
# YC 2017/10/09 :  RE model par defaut pb because the between model is empty

data("Cigar", package = "plm")
Cigar[ , "fact1"] <- c(0,1)
Cigar[ , "fact2"] <- c(1,0)
Cigar.p <- pdata.frame(Cigar)

#pform <- pFormula(price ~ 0 + cpi + fact1 + fact2)
form <- price ~ 0 + cpi + fact1 + fact2
mf <- model.frame(Cigar.p, form)

# for the pooling model.matrix, there is no linear dependence
# (because the intercept is left out in this case in the formula)
#MM detect.lindep(model.matrix(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "pooling"))

detect.lindep(model.matrix(mf, model = "pooling"))

# linear dependence occury after FE transformation
# [after transformation fact1 == -1 * fact2]
#MM detect.lindep(model.matrix(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "within"))

detect.lindep(model.matrix(mf, model = "within"))
#MM mod_fe <- plm(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")
mod_fe <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")

# test with NA matrix and empty matrix
detect.lindep(matrix(NA))                     # NA matrix
detect.lindep(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)) # empty matrix

# linear dependent column(s) are silently dropped in plm estimation, thus this works
#mod_fe <- plm(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")
mod_fe <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")

# tests with suppressed printing
detect.lindep(matrix(NA), suppressPrint = TRUE)                     # NA matrix
detect.lindep(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0), suppressPrint = TRUE) # empty matrix
#MM detect.lindep(model.matrix(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "pooling"), suppressPrint = TRUE)
#MM detect.lindep(model.matrix(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "within"), suppressPrint = TRUE)
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mf, model = "pooling"), suppressPrint = TRUE)
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mf, model = "within"), suppressPrint = TRUE)
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mod_fe), suppressPrint = TRUE)
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mod_fe), suppressPrint = FALSE)

# test for (p)data.frame interface
df <-
Cigar.p$price2 <- 2*Cigar.p$price
detect.lindep(Cigar.p, suppressPrint = TRUE)

######## alias.plm, alias.pFormula ######
lmmod1 <- lm(form, data = Cigar.p)


#MM plm_fe <- plm(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")
plm_fe <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")
#YC plm_re <- plm(pform, data = Cigar.p, model = "random")   # The between model is very special, as there is no intercept and cpi is constant
plm_re_wal <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "random", random.method = "walhus")
plm_fd <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "fd")
plm_pool <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "pooling")

#YC alias(plm_re)

# Test variation of parameters
# alias.lm(object, complete = TRUE, partial = FALSE, partial.pattern = FALSE, ...)
alias(plm_fe, complete = FALSE)
alias(plm_fe, partial = TRUE)
alias(plm_fe, partial.pattern = TRUE)

#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "within")
alias(mf, model = "within")
#YC alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "random")
#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "random", random.method = "walhus")
alias(mf, model = "random", random.method = "walhus")
# alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "within", inst.method = "bvk") # should give informative error

#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "fd")
#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "pooling")

alias(mf, model = "fd")
alias(mf, model = "pooling")

#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "within", complete = FALSE)
#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "within", partial = TRUE)
#MM alias(pform, Cigar.p, model = "within", partial.pattern = TRUE)

alias(mf, model = "within", complete = FALSE)
alias(mf, model = "within", partial = TRUE)
alias(mf, model = "within", partial.pattern = TRUE)

# Tests for names of plm_object$aliased
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(names(mod_fe$aliased), colnames(model.matrix(mod_fe)))))
  stop("Names not correct (not like colnames of model.matrix: ", paste0(names(mod_fe$aliased), collapse = ", "))

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