
# context("isosurface")
# test_that("isosurface works with colorscale", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   skip_on_travis()
#   # get the values/x/y/z from the plotly.js mock this test is based on
#   mock <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
#     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/plotly.js/32738b549dff09eb4e9a095cebc750a3a8ae1ffd/test/image/mocks/gl3d_isosurface_log-axis_slices_surface-fill.json", 
#     simplifyVector = FALSE
#   )
#   p <- plot_ly(
#     type = "isosurface",
#     colorscale = "Rainbow",
#     reversescale = FALSE,
#     surface = list(show = TRUE, fill = 1),
#     spaceframe = list(show = TRUE),
#     slices = list(
#       x = list(
#         show = TRUE, 
#         fill = 1, 
#         locations = c(-0.9, -0.6, 0)
#       ),
#       y = list(
#         show = TRUE, 
#         fill = 1, 
#         locations = c(-0.9, -0.6, 0)
#       ),
#       z = list(
#         show = TRUE, 
#         fill = 1, 
#         locations = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1)
#       )
#     ),
#     caps = list(
#       x = list(show = FALSE),
#       y = list(show = FALSE),
#       z = list(show = FALSE)
#     ),
#     contour = list(
#       show = TRUE,
#       width = 4
#     ),
#     isomin = 200,
#     isomax = 500,
#     value = mock$data[[1]]$value,
#     x = mock$data[[1]]$x,
#     y = mock$data[[1]]$y,
#     z = mock$data[[1]]$z,
#     lighting = list(
#       ambient = 0.5,
#       diffuse = 1.0,
#       specular = 0.75,
#       roughness = 1.0,
#       fresnel = 0.25
#     ),
#     lightposition = list(
#       x = 10000,
#       y = 10000,
#       z = 0
#     )
#   )
#   expect_doppelganger(p, "isosurface-simple")
# })

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