
test_that("event_register() registers an event", {
  p <- plotly_build(plot_ly(x = 1))
  expect_false("plotly_selecting" %in% p$x$shinyEvents)
  p <- event_register(p, "plotly_selecting")
  expect_true("plotly_selecting" %in% p$x$shinyEvents)

test_that("event_unregister() de-registers an event", {
  p <- plotly_build(plot_ly(x = 1))
  expect_true("plotly_selected" %in% p$x$shinyEvents)
  p <- event_unregister(p, "plotly_selected")
  expect_false("plotly_selected" %in% p$x$shinyEvents)

test_that("event_data shiny app works", {
  appdir <- system.file(package = "plotly", "examples", "shiny", "event_data")

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plotly documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.