
Defines functions check.numeric.index check.logical.index check.character.index matchmult get.len check.index

Documented in check.index

# check.index.R

# Check that an index vector specified by the user is ok to index an object.
# We want to preclude confusing R messages or behaviour later.
# An example is when max(index) > length(object) which quietly
# returns NA and can cause confusing downstream behaviour.
# This returns a vector suitable for indexing into object (will
# be identical to index unless index is a character vector).
# If index is a character vector, then matching (regex if is.col.index != 2)
# is used against the names in the object, and an integer vector is returned.

check.index <- function(index, index.name, object,
    colnames        = NULL,
    is.col.index    = 0,     # 0=row index, 1=col index, 2=exact non-regex col name if char
    allow.empty     = FALSE, # if index is char will warn if necessary regardless of allow.empty
    allow.zeros     = FALSE,
    allow.negatives = TRUE,
    allow.dups      = FALSE,
    treat.NA.as.one = FALSE,
    is.degree.spec  = FALSE) # special handling for degree1 and degree2 specs
    index.name <- quotify.short(index.name, "index", quote="'")

    # check that the given index and object can be evaluated
    try <- try(eval(index))
        stop0("illegal ", index.name)
    try <- try(eval(object))
        stop0("illegal ", quotify.short(object, quote="'"))

    is.col.index    <- check.integer.scalar(is.col.index, min=0, max=2)
    allow.empty     <- check.boolean(allow.empty)
    allow.zeros     <- check.boolean(allow.zeros)
    allow.negatives <- check.boolean(allow.negatives)
    allow.dups      <- check.boolean(allow.dups)
    treat.NA.as.one <- check.boolean(treat.NA.as.one)

    if(is.null(index)) {
           stop0(index.name, " is NULL and cannot be used as an index")
    if(treat.NA.as.one && (length(index) == 1 && is.na(index)[1]))
        index <- 1
        stop0("NA in ", index.name)
    if(NROW(index) != 1 && NCOL(index) != 1)
        stop0(index.name, " must be a vector not a matrix (",
              index.name, " has dimensions ",
              NROW(index), " x ", NCOL(index), ")")

    len <- get.len(object, is.col.index)

    if(is.character(index)) # currently only works for column names of object
        check.character.index(index, index.name, object, colnames, len,
                              is.fixed=(is.col.index==2), allow.empty, is.degree.spec)
    else if(is.logical(index))
        check.logical.index(index, index.name, len, allow.empty)
    else if(is.numeric(index))
        check.numeric.index(index, index.name, len, allow.empty,
            allow.negatives, allow.dups, allow.zeros, treat.NA.as.one)
        stop0(index.name, " must be an index vector (numeric, logical, or character)")
get.len <- function(object, is.col.index)
        len <- NCOL(object) # index is for columns of object
    else if(is.null(dim(object)))
        len <- length(object)
        len <- NROW(object) # index is for rows of object
                            # NROW also works for lists

    stopifnot(length(len) == 1)
    stopifnot(len > 0)

matchmult <- function(x, tab) # like match but return multiple matches if present
     matches <- integer(0)
     for(i in seq_along(x)) {
        xi <- x[i]
        for(itab in 1:length(tab))
            if(xi == tab[itab])
                matches <- c(matches, itab)
# This does regex matching of index and returns an integer vector
# index arg must be character
# if names arg is NULL, use colnames(object)

check.character.index <- function(index, index.name, object, names, len,
                                  is.fixed, allow.empty, is.degree.spec)
    is.fixed <- check.boolean(is.fixed)
    # certain regular expressions match everything, even if names not avail
    if(!is.fixed && length(index) == 1 && index %in% c("", ".", ".*"))
        names <- colnames(object)
    if(length(names) == 0 || !is.character(names))
              " specifies names but the names are unavailable")
    matches <- integer(0)
    warning.names <- integer(0) # these regexs don't match any column names
    for(i in seq_along(index)) {
        name <- index[i]
        if(!is.fixed)        # regex match
            igrep <- grep(name, names)
         else {             # exact match
            if(nchar(name) == 0)
                warning0(unquote(index.name), "[", i, "] is an empty string \"\"")
            igrep <- which(name == names)
            matches <- c(matches, igrep)
            warning.names <- c(warning.names, name)
    if(is.degree.spec) {
        if(is.null(dim(object)))          # vector, degree1
            matches <- matchmult(matches, object)
        else if(length(dim(object)) == 2) # 2D matrix, degree2
            matches <- c(matchmult(matches, object[,1]), matchmult(matches, object[,2]))
            stop0("that kind of object is not yet supported for ", index.name)
    new.index <- unique(matches[!is.na(matches)])
    for(name in warning.names)
        warning0("\"", name, "\" in ", unquote(index.name),
                " does not ", if(is.fixed) "" else "regex-",
                "match any names\n",
                 "         Available names are ", paste.trunc(quotify(names)))
check.logical.index <- function(index, index.name, len, allow.empty)
    if(!allow.empty) {
        if(length(index) == 0)
            stop0("length(", unquote(index.name), ") == 0")
        if(length(index[index == TRUE]) == 0)
            stop0(index.name, " is all FALSE")
    # note that a single FALSE or TRUE is ok regardless of length(object)
    if(length(index) > len && length(index) != 1) {
        stop0("logical index ", index.name, " is too long.\n",
              "       Its length is ", length(index),
              " and the max allowed length is ", len)
check.numeric.index <- function(index, index.name, len, allow.empty,
                                allow.negatives, allow.dups,
                                allow.zeros, treat.NA.as.one)
    if(!allow.empty) {
        if(length(index) == 0)
            stop0(index.name, " is empty, (its length is 0)")
        else if(all(index == 0))
            if(length(index) == 1)
                stop0(index.name, " is 0")
                stop0(index.name, " is all zeros")
        stop0(index.name, " is not an integer")
    if(any(index < 0) && any(index > 0))
        stop0("mixed negative and positive values in ", index.name)
    if(!allow.zeros && any(index == 0) && length(index) != 1)
        warning0("zero in ", index.name)
    if(!allow.negatives && any(index < 0))
        stop0("negative value in ", index.name)
    if(!allow.dups && any(duplicated(index)))
        warning0("duplicates in ", index.name)
    if(any(abs(index) > len)) {
        if(length(index) == 1)
            prefix <- paste0(unquote(index.name), "=", index, " but ")
            prefix <- paste0(index.name, " is out of range, ")
        if(len != 1)
            stop0(prefix, "allowed values are 1 to ",  len)
        else if(treat.NA.as.one)
            stop0(prefix, "the only allowed value is 1 (or NA)")
            stop0(prefix, "the only allowed value is 1")

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