
Defines functions contrastcol modhueCol darkenCol saturateCol modCol hue.adj saturation.adj luminosity.adj hsl2rgb rgb2hsl rgb2col hsl2col col2hsl col2rgb.2 showPals plotPals .pals .palfromstring .gradientpal

Documented in col2hsl col2rgb.2 contrastcol darkenCol hsl2col hsl2rgb modCol modhueCol plotPals rgb2col rgb2hsl saturateCol showPals

.plotWidgetDefaultPalette <- function (n = NULL, theme="default", transparent = NULL) {

    pal <- .pals()[theme] 

    if(is.null(transparent)) transparent <- switch(theme, light="99", neon="DD", haze="", "CC")

    pal <- unlist(strsplit(pal, "  ?"))
    pal <- paste("#", pal, transparent, sep = "")
    if (!is.null(n)) {
        if (n > length(pal)) {
            pal <- rep(pal, ceiling(n/length(pal)))
        } else {
            pal <- pal[1:n]

## return a gradient palette
.gradientpal <- function(n=NULL, set="bluewhitered", transparent="99") {
  if(is.null(n)) n <- 3

  col <- switch(set,
    bwr=c("blue", "white", "red"),
    rwb=c("red", "white", "blue"),
    ckp=c("cyan", "black", "purple"),
    rwb=c("purple", "black", "cyan")

  pal <- colorRampPalette(col)(n)
  paste0(pal, transparent)

## convert a string-encoded palette to a vector of strings
.palfromstring <- function(pal, transparent="") {
  pal <- unlist(strsplit(pal, "  ?"))
  paste("#", pal, transparent, sep = "")

.pals <- function() c(
      default="E69F00 56B4E9 009E73 F0E442 0072B2 D55E00 CC79A7 660099 996600 990066 666633 aa3366 5B4E85 FF6A5C ADAEA3 A0A376 FF8040 A2D6DA DA9CA5",
      # safe is based on
      # http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v8/n6/full/nmeth.1618.html?WT.ec_id=NMETH-201106
      safe="000000 E69F00 56B4E9 009E73 F0E442 0072B2 D55E00 CC79A7",
      neon="A020F0 0FFFFF FFFF0F FE6A24 00FF58 FC0001 00FF99 F0FE2D FF5C34",
      pastel="87CEEB 32CD32 BA55D3 F08080 4682B4 9ACD32 40E0D0 FF69B4 F0E68C D2B48C 8FBC8B 6495ED DDA0DD 5F9EA0 FFDAB9 FFA07A",
      darkhaze="5050A0 3CB4B4 BA3E67 A56B37 ACA13A B4483C 3EBA3E 3E80BA 7A7A7A A27B47",
      grey="C8C8C8 B2B2B2 9C9C9C 868686 707070 565656 424242 2E2E2E 232323",
      alphabet="F0A3FF 0075DC 993F00 4C005C 191919 005C31 2BCE48 FFCC99 808080 94FFB5 8F7C00 9DCC00 C20088 003380 FFA405 FFA8BB 426600 FF0010 5EF1F2 00998F E0FF66 740AFF 990000 FFFF80 FF5005",
      few="4D4D4D 5DA5DA FAA43A 60BD68 F17CB0 B2912F B276B2 DECF3F F15854",
      # based on Zeileis, Hornik and Murrell (2009): Escaping RGBland:
      # Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics // Computational Statistics
      # & Data Analysis Volume 53, Issue 9, 1 July 2009, Pages 3259-3270
      # after
      # http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/3682/where-can-i-find-a-large-palette-set-of-contrasting-colors-for-coloring-many-d
      zeileis="023FA5 7D87B9 BEC1D4 D6BCC0 BB7784 8E063B 4A6FE3 8595E1 B5BBE3 E6AFB9 E07B91 D33F6A 11C638 8DD593 C6DEC7 EAD3C6 F0B98D EF9708 0FCFC0 9CDED6 D5EAE7 F3E1EB F6C4E1 F79CD4",
      vizi="D24775 6DA742 8064D8 C59D31 C05DB6 629F6D 767AC4 C36942 5CA6D3 BA6C85"

#' Return all or selected color palettes
#' Return all or selected color palettes from the plotwidget palette set
#' The plotwidgets package contains a number of predefined palettes,
#' different from those in RColorBrewer.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{default}: a standard, relatively safe (see below) palette 
#'  \item \code{safe}:  safe for color blind persons, based
#'                on Wang B. "Points of view: Color blindeness", Nature Methods 8, 441(2011)
#'  \item \code{neon}: a bright palette suitable for drawing on dark backgrounds
#'  \item \code{pastel}: a dimmed pastel palette
#'  \item \code{haze}: very delicate pastel colors
#'  \item \code{dark}: same hues as haze, but much darker
#'  \item \code{grey}: different shades of grey
#'  \item \code{alphabet}: based on "A colour alphabet..." by Paul Green-Armytage
#'  \item \code{few}: a palette based on Stephen Few's book
#'  \item \code{zeileis}: based on Zeileis et al. 2009
#'  \item \code{vizi}: automatically generated palette
#' }
#' \if{html}{\figure{palettes.svg}{options: width=800 alt="List of palettes"}}
#' \if{latex}{\figure{palettes.pdf}{options: width=5.5in}}
#' You can get all the names of palettes with names(plotPals()), and
#' showcase them with showPalettes(). Furthermore, you can use the
#' \code{pal} parameter to \code{\link{plotwidgetGallery}} to see how this
#' palette looks like with different plot widgets.
#' @param pal Name of the palette(s) to return
#' @param alpha Control transparency - set alpha channel to alpha (0 -
#'        fully transparent, 1 - fully opaque)
#' @param drop.alpha If true, and if alpha is NULL, the "FF" string of the
#'        alpha channel will
#'        not be attached to the produced RGB codes
#' @return Either a list of palettes, or (if only one palette was selected)
#'         a character vector with colors
#' @seealso \code{\link{col2rgb.2}}, \code{\link{rgb2col}},
#'          \code{\link{hsl2col}}, \code{\link{col2hsl}},
#'          \code{\link{modCol}}, \code{\link{modhueCol}}, \code{\link{darkenCol}}, \code{\link{saturateCol}}
#' @examples
#' safe <- plotPals("safe") # colorblind-safe palette
#' plotwidgetGallery(pal=safe)
#' @export
plotPals <- function(pal=NULL, alpha=1, drop.alpha=TRUE) {
  p <- .pals()
  alpha <- sprintf("%02X", round(alpha * 255))
  if(alpha == "FF") alpha <- ""
  p <- lapply(p, .palfromstring, transparent=alpha)
  if(!is.null(pal)) {
    if(any(!pal %in% names(p))) {
      error <- paste0("No such palette(s): ", pal[ !pal %in% names(p) ], collapse=", ")
    p <- p[pal]
  if(length(p) == 1) p <- p[[1]]

#' Demonstrate selected palettes
#' Show a plot demonstrating all colors in the provided palettes
#' @param pal Either a character vector of colors or a list of character
#'            vectors
#' @param numbers On each of the colors, show a number
#' @examples
#' ## Show all palettes in plotwidget
#' showPals(plotPals())
#' ## Show just a few colors
#' showPals(c("red", "green", "blue"))
#' @export
showPals <- function(pal=NULL, numbers=T) {

  oldpar <- par(mar=rep(0.5, 4))

  if(is.null(pal)) pal <- plotPals()

  if(!is.list(pal)) {
    pal <- list(pal)

  npal <- length(pal)
  nmax <- max(sapply(pal, length))

  h <- min(0.8/npal, 0.1)
  w <- 0.8 / nmax


  for(i in 1:npal) {
    nn <- length(pal[[i]])
    x <- w * (nn + 1) / 2
    y <- h/2 + (i-1)/npal
    wgRug(x=x, y=1-y, w=w * nn, h=h, v=rep(1, nn), col=pal[[i]])
    x <- (1:nn)*w
      text(x, 1-y, 1:nn, col=contrastcol(pal[[i]], alpha=1))

  if(!is.null(names(pal))) {
    x <- w * (sapply(pal, length) + 1)
    y <- h/2 + seq.int(0, (npal-1)/npal, length.out=npal)
    text(x, 1-y, names(pal), pos=4)

#' Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
#' Convert colors from and to RGB and HSL formats
#' These functions convert between RGB and HSL color spaces, and character
#' vectors which contain color names or hash-encoded RGB values ("#FFCC00").
#' All functions support an alpha channel. For example,
#' unlike the grDevices::col2rgb, col2rgb.2 returns a matrix with four
#' rows: three for R, G and B channels and one for the alpha channel.
#' @param col a character vector with colors to convert (palette)
#' @param rgb a numeric matrix with three or four rows (red, green, blue and alpha)
#' @param hsl a numeric matrix with three or four rows (hue, saturation, luminosity and alpha)
#' @return col2rgb.2 and col2hsl return a four-row matrix. rgb2col and hsl2col return a character
#'         vector.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modCol}}, \code{\link{modhueCol}}, \code{\link{darkenCol}}, \code{\link{saturateCol}}
#' @examples
#' haze <- plotPals("haze")
#' col2rgb(haze)
#' col2hsl(haze)
#' @name colorConversions

#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert a character vector of color names
#' (palette) to a matrix with RGB values
#' @export
col2rgb.2 <- function(col) {

  alphas <- rep(255, length(col))

  pat <- "^#([[:xdigit:]]{6})([[:xdigit:]]{2})"
  sel <- grep(pat, col)

  alphas[sel] <- strtoi( paste0("0X", gsub(pat, "\\2", col[sel]))) # / 255
  if(all(alphas == 255)) {
    ret <- col2rgb(col)
  } else {
    ret <- rbind(col2rgb(col), alpha=alphas)

#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert a character vector of color names (palette) to a matrix with HSL values
#' @export
col2hsl <- function(col) {

#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert hsl matrix (3 or 4 row) to character vector of color names
#' @export
hsl2col <- function(hsl) {

#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert rgb matrix (3 or 4 row) to character vector of color names
#' @export
rgb2col <- function(rgb) {

  rgb <- round(rgb)
  if(nrow(rgb) == 4) {
    #rgb[4,] <- rgb[4,] * 255
    rgb <- apply(rgb, 2, function(x) sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X%02X", x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]))
  } else {
    rgb <- apply(rgb, 2, function(x) sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X", x[1], x[2], x[3]))


#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert a 3- or 4-row matrix of RGB(A) values to a matrix of HSL(A) values
#' @export
rgb2hsl <- function(rgb) {

  if(nrow(rgb) == 4) {
    alpha <- rgb[4,,drop=F]
    rgb   <- rgb[-4,,drop=F] 
  } else {
    alpha <- NULL

  rgb <- rgb / 255

  mins <- apply(rgb, 2, min)
  maxs <- apply(rgb, 2, max)
  d <- maxs - mins
  L <- (maxs+mins)/2

  S <- d/(1 - abs(2*L - 1))
  sel <- d == 0

  S[sel] <- 0

  wmax <- apply(rgb, 2, which.max)
  H <- L
  HR <- (rgb[2,] - rgb[3,])/(maxs - mins)
  HG <- 2 + (rgb[3,] - rgb[1,])/(maxs - mins)
  HB <- 4 + (rgb[1,] - rgb[2,])/(maxs - mins)

  sel <- wmax == 1
  H[sel] <- HR[sel]
  sel <- wmax == 2
  H[sel] <- HG[sel]
  sel <- wmax == 3
  H[sel] <- HB[sel]

  H <- (H * 60) %% 360

  H[ mins == maxs ] <- 0

  ret <- rbind(H=H, S=S, L=L, alpha=alpha)

#' @describeIn colorConversions Convert a matrix of HSL values into a matrix of RGB values
#' @export
hsl2rgb <- function(hsl) {

  if(nrow(hsl) == 4) {
    alpha <- hsl[4,,drop=F]
    hsl   <- hsl[-4,,drop=F]
  } else {
    alpha <- NULL

  H <- hsl[1,]
  S <- hsl[2,]
  L <- hsl[3,]

  C <- (1 - abs(2*L - 1)) * S
  X <- C * (1- abs( ((H/60) %% 2) - 1))
  m <- L - C/2

  rgb <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(hsl), nrow=3)
  rownames(rgb) <- c("R", "G", "B")

  iX <- c(2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3)
  iC <- c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1)

  for(i in 1:6) {
    sel <- 60 * (i - 1) <= H & H < 60 * i
    kX <- iX[i]
    kC <- iC[i]
    rgb[kX,sel] <- X[sel]
    rgb[kC,sel] <- C[sel]

  rgb <- rgb + rep(m, each=3)

  rgb <- round(rgb * 255)
    rgb <- rbind(rgb, alpha=alpha)


luminosity.adj <- function(hsl, by=0) {

  #hsl[3,] <- hsl[3,] * (1 + by)

  if(by > 0) { # lighten
    hsl[3,] <- 1 - (1 - by) * (1 - hsl[3,])
  } else { # darken
    hsl[3,] <- hsl[3,] * (1 + by)


saturation.adj <- function(hsl, by=0) {
  if(by > 0) { # saturate
    hsl[2,] <- 1 - (1 - by) * (1 - hsl[2,])
  } else { # desaturate
    hsl[2,] <- hsl[2,] * (1 + by)


hue.adj <- function(hsl, by=0) {
  hsl[1,] <- hsl[1,] + by
  hsl[1,] <- hsl[1,] %% 360

#' Modify colors 
#' Modify colors by shading, saturating and changing hue
#' This function use the HSL (hue, saturation, luminosity) scheme to modify
#' colors in a palette. 
#' modCol is just a wrapper for the other three functions allowing to
#' modify three parameters in one go.
#' saturateCol, darkenCol and modhueCol modify the saturation, luminosity
#' and hue in the HSL color model.
#' contrastcol() returns black for each light color (with L > 0.5) and
#' white for each dark color (with L < 0.5).
#' @param col a character vector of colors (palette) to modify -- a character vector
#' @param darken Use negative values to lighten, and positive to darken.
#' @param saturate Use negative values to desaturate, and positive to saturate
#' @param modhue Change the hue by a number of degrees (0-360)
#' @param by parameter for the saturateCol, darkenCol and modhueCol functions
#' @param alpha alpha value (from 0, transparent, to 255, fully opaque)
#' @return a character vector containing the modified palette
#' @examples 
#' plot.new()
#' ## Loop over a few saturation / lightess values
#' par(usr=c(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
#' v <- c(10, 9, 19, 9, 15, 5)
#' pal <- plotPals("zeileis")
#' for(sat in seq.int(-0.4, 0.4, length.out=5)) {
#'   for(lgh in seq.int(-0.4, 0.4, length.out=5)) {
#'     cols <- saturateCol(darkenCol(pal, by=sat), by=lgh)
#'     wgPlanets(x=sat, y=lgh, w=0.16, h=0.16, v=v, col=cols)
#'   }
#' }
#' axis(1)
#' axis(2)
#' title(xlab="Darkness (L) by=", ylab="Saturation (S) by=")
#' ## Now loop over hues
#' a2xy <- function(a, r=1, full=FALSE) {
#'   t <- pi/2 - 2 * pi * a / 360
#'   list( x=r * cos(t), y=r * sin(t) )
#' }
#' plot.new()
#' par(usr=c(-1,1,-1,1))
#' hues <- seq(0, 360, by=30)
#' pos <- a2xy(hues, r=0.75)
#' for(i in 1:length(hues)) {
#'   cols <- modhueCol(pal, by=hues[i])
#'   wgPlanets(x=pos$x[i], y=pos$y[i], w=0.5, h=0.5, v=v, col=cols)
#' }
#' pos <- a2xy(hues[-1], r=0.4)
#' text(pos$x, pos$y, hues[-1])
#' @export
modCol <- function(col, darken=0, saturate=0, modhue=0) {
  modhueCol(saturateCol(darkenCol(col, by=darken), by=saturate), by=modhue)

#' @describeIn modCol Change the saturation of a color or palette by a fraction of "by" 
#' @export
saturateCol <- function(col, by=0) {
  hsl <- rgb2hsl(col2rgb.2(col))
  hsl <- saturation.adj(hsl, by=by)

#' @describeIn modCol Modify the darkness of a color or palette (positve \code{by} - darken, negative \code{by} -- lighten)
#' @export
darkenCol <- function(col, by=0) {
  hsl <- rgb2hsl(col2rgb.2(col))
  hsl <- luminosity.adj(hsl, by=-by)

#' @describeIn modCol Modify the hue of a character vector of colors by \code{by} degrees
#' @export
modhueCol <- function(col, by=0) {
  hsl <- rgb2hsl(col2rgb.2(col))
  hsl <- hue.adj(hsl, by=by)

#' @describeIn modCol Return white for dark colors, return black for light colors
#' @export
contrastcol <- function(col, alpha=NULL) {

  hsl <- rgb2hsl(col2rgb.2(col))

  sel <- hsl[3,] < 0.5
  hsl[3,sel] <- 1
  hsl[3,!sel] <- 0

    hsl <- rbind(hsl[1:3,], round(alpha * 255))
    #hsl[4,] <- round(alpha * 255)


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