
Defines functions combine_keys parseQS reroute

# A filter applied to the Plumber router to rewrite it for Tableau compatibility.
reroute <- function(req, res) {
  "!DEBUG `write_log_message(req, res)"
  if (req$PATH_INFO == "/info") {
    "!DEBUG `write_log_message(req, res, 'Responding to /info request')"
  if (req$PATH_INFO == "/evaluate") {
    body <- jsonlite::fromJSON(req$postBody)
    if ("script" %in% names(body)) {
      # This satisfies a Tableau requirement
      # See https://tableau.github.io/analytics-extensions-api/docs/ae_known_issues.html
      if (body$script == "return int(1)") {
      # Create the new path
      new_path <- body$script
      if (!startsWith(new_path, "/")) new_path <- paste0("/", new_path)

      new_path_info <- sub("\\?.*", "", new_path)
      new_query_string <- sub("^[^?]*", "", new_path)
      req$PATH_INFO <- new_path_info
      req$QUERY_STRING <- new_query_string

      # Yuck. The queryStringFilter will have already run.
      req$argsQuery <- parseQS(new_query_string)
      req$args <- c(req$args, req$argsQuery)
      "!DEBUG `write_log_message(req, res, paste('Rerouting /evaluate request to', new_path_info))`"

# Pulled from Plumber package to avoid using a non-exported function.
#' @noRd
parseQS <- function(qs){

  if (is.null(qs) || length(qs) == 0L || qs == "") {

  # Looked into using webutils::parse_query()
  # Currently not pursuing `webutils::parse_query` as it does not handle Encoding issues handled below
  # (Combining keys are also not handled by `webutils::parse_query`)

  qs <- stri_replace_first_regex(qs, "^[?]", "")
  qs <- chartr("+", " ", qs)

  args <- stri_split_fixed(qs, "&", omit_empty = TRUE)[[1L]]
  kv <- lapply(args, function(x) {
    # returns utf8 strings
    httpuv::decodeURIComponent(stri_split_fixed(x, "=", omit_empty = TRUE)[[1]])
  kv <- kv[vapply(kv, length, numeric(1)) == 2] # Ignore incompletes

  if (length(kv) == 0) {
    # return a blank list of args if there is nothing to parse

  keys <- vapply(kv, `[`, character(1), 1)
  kenc <- unique(Encoding(keys))
  if (any(kenc != "unknown")) {
    # https://github.com/rstudio/plumber/pull/314#discussion_r239992879
    non_ascii <- setdiff(kenc, "unknown")
      "Query string parameter received in non-ASCII encoding. Received: ",
      paste0(non_ascii, collapse = ", ")

  vals <- lapply(kv, `[`, 2)
  names(vals) <- keys

  # If duplicates, combine
  combine_keys(vals, type = "query")

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats setNames
combine_keys <- function(obj, type) {

  keys <- names(obj)
  unique_keys <- unique(keys)

  # If a query string as the same amount of unique keys as keys,
  # then return it as it
  # (`"multi"` type objects MUST be processed, regardless if the unique key count is the same)
  if (
    length(unique_keys) == length(keys) &&
    identical(type, "query")
  ) {

  vals <- unname(obj)

  cleanup_item <- switch(
    "query" =
      function(x) {
    "multi" =
      function(x) {
        if (length(x) == 1) {
          part <- x[[1]]
          filename <- part$filename
          parsed <- part$parsed

          if (!is.null(filename)) {
            # list(
            #   "myfile.json" = list(
            #     a = 1, b = 2
            #   )
            # )
          # list(
          #   a = 1, b = 2
          # )

        # length is > 1

        has_a_filename <- FALSE
        filenames <- lapply(x, function(part) {
          filename <- part$filename
          if (is.null(filename)) return("")
          has_a_filename <<- TRUE

        parsed_items <- lapply(unname(x), `[[`, "parsed")

        if (!has_a_filename) {
          # return as is

        return(setNames(parsed_items, filenames))
    stop("unknown type: ", type)

  # equivalent code output, `split` is much faster with larger objects
  # Testing on personal machine had a breakpoint around 150 letters as query parameters
  ## n <- 150
  ## k <- sample(letters, n, replace = TRUE)
  ## v <- as.list(sample(1L, n, replace = TRUE))
  ## microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  ##   split = {
  ##     lapply(split(v, k), function(x) unname(unlist(x)))
  ##   },
  ##   not_split = {
  ##     lapply(unique(k), function(x) {
  ##       unname(unlist(v[k == x]))
  ##     })
  ##   }
  ## )
  vals <-
    if (length(unique_keys) > 150) {
      lapply(split(vals, keys), function(items) {
    } else {
      # n < 150
      lapply(unique_keys, function(key) {
        cleanup_item(vals[keys == key])
  names(vals) <- unique_keys


Try the plumbertableau package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

plumbertableau documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:58 a.m.