
Defines functions edata_transform

Documented in edata_transform

#' Apply a Transformation to the Data
#' This function applies a transformation to the e_data element of omicsData
#' @param omicsData an object of the class 'pepData', 'proData', 'metabData',
#'   'lipidData', or 'nmrData', created by
#'   \code{\link{as.pepData}}, \code{\link{as.proData}},
#'   \code{\link{as.metabData}}, \code{\link{as.lipidData}}, or
#'   \code{\link{as.nmrData}}, respectively.
#' @param data_scale a character string indicating the type of transformation to
#'   be applied to the data. Valid values for 'pepData', 'proData', 'metabData',
#'   'lipidData', or 'nmrData': 'log2', 'log', 'log10', or 'abundance'. A value
#'   of 'abundance' indicates the data has previously undergone one of the log
#'   transformations and should be transformed back to raw values with no
#'   transformation applied.
#'   Valid values for 'seqData': 'upper', 'median',
#'   'lcpm'. For 'seqData', 'lcpm' transforms by log2 counts per million,
#'   'upper' transforms by the upper quartile of non-zero counts, and 'median'
#'   transforms by the median of non-zero counts.
#' @details For all but seqData, this function is intended to be used before
#'   analysis of the data begins, and data are typically analyzed on a log
#'   scale. This function is not applicable to seqData objects, as any
#'   transformations needed e.g. to allow more meaningful visualization of
#'   seqData objects are performed within the pertinent functions.
#' @return data object of the same class as omicsData
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mymetab <- edata_transform(omicsData = metab_object, data_scale = "log2")
#' attr(mymetab, "data_info")$data_scale
#' @author Kelly Stratton, Natalie Heller
#' @export
edata_transform <- function(omicsData, data_scale) {
  # Initial checks -------------------------------------------------------------

  # check that omicsData is of appropriate class #
  if (!inherits(omicsData, c(
    "pepData", "proData", "metabData",
    "lipidData", "nmrData"
  ))) {
    # Throw an error that the input for omicsData is not the appropriate class.
    stop(paste("omicsData must be of class 'pepData', 'proData', 'metabData',",
      "'lipidData', or 'nmrData'",
      sep = ' '

  # check that data_scale is one of the acceptable options #
  if (!(data_scale %in% c('log2', 'log10', 'log', 'abundance'))) {
    # Tell the user that the input to data_scale is an abomination!
    stop(paste(data_scale, "is not a valid option for 'data_scale'.",
      "See details of as.pepData for specifics.",
      sep = " "

  # Check to make sure the data isn't already on the scale input by the user.
  if (get_data_scale(omicsData) == data_scale) {
    # Stop all further calculations with an error message.
    stop(paste("Data is already on",
      sep = " "

  # Perform the actual transmogrification --------------------------------------

  # Fish out the column index where edata_cname occurs.
  iCol <- which(names(omicsData$e_data) == get_edata_cname(omicsData))

  # Extract the data_scale from the omics data object.
  scale <- get_data_scale(omicsData)

  # Execute the transmogrification given the current scale and the input scale.

    # Transmogrify the data from abundance to something else.
    'abundance' = {
      # Find input data scale and "make that change".
      if (data_scale == "log") {
        # Natural logify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])
      } else if (data_scale == "log2") {
        # Log base 2ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log2(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])
      } else if (data_scale == "log10") {
        # Log base 10ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log10(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])

    # Mutate the data from log to another scale.
    'log' = {
      # Find input data scale and "make that change".
      if (data_scale == "abundance") {
        # Natural logify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- exp(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])
      } else if (data_scale == "log2") {
        # Log base 2ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log2(exp(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))
      } else if (data_scale == "log10") {
        # Log base 10ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log10(exp(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))

    # Recast the data from the log2 scale to another scale.
    'log2' = {
      # Find input data scale and "make that change".
      if (data_scale == "abundance") {
        # Natural logify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- 2^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])
      } else if (data_scale == "log") {
        # Log base 2ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log(2^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))
      } else if (data_scale == "log10") {
        # Log base 10ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log10(2^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))

    # Change the data from the log10 scale to a different one.
    'log10' = {
      # Find input data scale and "make that change".
      if (data_scale == "abundance") {
        # Natural logify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- 10^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol])
      } else if (data_scale == "log") {
        # Log base 2ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log(10^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))
      } else if (data_scale == "log2") {
        # Log base 10ify the data.
        omicsData$e_data[, -iCol] <- log2(10^(omicsData$e_data[, -iCol]))

  # Update data_scale in the data_info attribute.
  attr(omicsData, 'data_info')$data_scale <- data_scale

  # Return the transmogrified omics object along with its attributes (some of
  # them updated and others left alone).

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pmartR documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 1:06 a.m.