rnm: Read NONMEM 7.2+ output into an R object.

View source: R/rnm.R

rnmR Documentation

Read NONMEM 7.2+ output into an R object.


Read NONMEM 7.2+ output into an R object.


  prefix = "run",
  ndig = 3,
  ndigB = 3,
  ndigP = 1,
  Pci = 95,
  ext = ".lst",
  extmod = ".mod",
  Pvalues = TRUE,
  RawCI = FALSE,



The NONMEM model index, i.e. the numeric part of the filename assuming it follows the convention 'run123.mod'.


The NONMEM model prefix, assuming it follows the convention 'run123.mod'. The default is "run".


The path to the NONMEM output. This should not contain a trailing slash.


Number of significant digits to use. The default is 3.


Number of significant digits to use. The default is 3.


Number of digits after the decimal point to use for percentages. The default is 1.


Asymptotic confidence interval to apply when reporting parameter uncertainty. The default is 95.


NONMEM output file extension. The default is ".lst".


NONMEM control stream file extension. The default is "mod".


Report P-values for parameters? The default is TRUE.


Report confidence intervals without estimate? The default is FALSE.


Additional arguments.


The output list is composed of the following objects:

  • "Theta"A data frame describing the structural (fixed-effect) parameters, containing parameter name, estimated value, standard error (SE), coefficient of variation (CV), lower and upper confidence limits (CIL and CIU, based on Pci), and P-value, calculated as 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(theta/theta.se))).

  • "Eta"A data frame describing the interindividual random-effects parameters, containing estimated value, standard error (SE), coefficient of variation (CV, calculated as abs(100*(SE/OMEGA))), coefficient of variation (EtaCV, calculated as 100*sqrt(OMEGA)), and shrinkage.

  • "Epsilon"A data frame describing the residual random-effects parameters, containing estimated value, standard error (SE), coefficient of variation (CV, calculated as abs(100*(SE/OMEGA))), coefficient of variation (EtaCV, calculated as 100*sqrt(SIGMA)), and shrinkage.

  • "CorTheta"A data frame containing the correlation matrix for fixed effects ("THETA").

  • "CorOmega"A data frame containing the correlation matrix for interindividual random effects ("OMEGA").

  • "CorSigma"A data frame containing the correlation matrix for residual random effects ("OMEGA").

  • "OmegaMatrix"A data frame containing the "OMEGA" matrix.

  • "SigmaMatrix"A data frame containing the "OMEGA" matrix.

  • "CovMatrixTheta"A data frame containing the variance-covariance matrix for structural parameters (THETA).

  • "CovMatrix"A data frame containing the complete variance-covariance matrix.

  • "OFV"The objective function value.

  • "ThetaString"A data frame containing all relevant fixed-effects parameter information, suitable for use in a table of parameter estimates. Contains parameter name, estimate, standard error, coefficient of variation, combined estimate and asymptotic confidence interval, and P-value.

  • "EtaString"A data frame containing all relevant interindivudal random-effects parameter information, suitable for use in a table of parameter estimates. Contains parameter name, estimate (variance), standard error, coefficient of variation, percentage value (calculated as 100*sqrt(OMEGA)), and shrinkage.

  • "EpsString"A data frame containing all relevant residual random-effects parameter information, suitable for use in a table of parameter estimates. Contains parameter name, estimate (variance), standard error, coefficient of variation, percentage value (calculated as 100*sqrt(SIGMA)), and shrinkage.

  • "RunTime"Run time.

  • "ConditionN"Condition number.


A list containing information extracted from the NONMEM output.


Rik Schoemaker, rik.schoemaker@occams.com

Justin Wilkins, justin.wilkins@occams.com

See Also

NONMEM (https://www.iconplc.com/innovation/nonmem/)


## Not run: 
nmOutput <- rnm("run315.lst")

## End(Not run)

pmxTools documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:58 p.m.