# Define globals ####
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
ignore_case <- TRUE
perl <- TRUE
# Load ####
## utils_format_directory_raw ####
#' Format raw directory for further processing
#' Takes a raw directory dataframe (just loaded), adds a column with the
#' corresponding directory name, replaces all `NA` entries with an empty
#' string, clear all entries of unwanted blank characters, format page number
#' as integer, returns the output with the directory name column in first
#' position.
#' @param df A raw directory dataframe as output by
#' \code{\link{utils_load_directories_csv}}.
#' @param name Directory name provided as a character string.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT ", " ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("wine and spirit mercht", " bkr"),
#' addresses = c(
#' "depot -; 1820 London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' "workshop,,12 &;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$ "
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_format_directory_raw(directory, "1861-1862")
#' }
utils_format_directory_raw <- function(df, name){
page <- directory <- NULL
directory = name,
dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::everything(), ~ replace(.,, ""))
) %>%
utils_squish_all_columns() %>%
dplyr::mutate(page = as.integer(page)) %>%
dplyr::select(directory, dplyr::everything())
## utils_squish_all_columns ####
#' Clear extra white spaces in dataframe
#' Removes blanks (white spaces and tabs) at the beginning and end of all entries
#' of the provided dataframe. Converts all series of white space and/or tab(s)
#' in the body of all dataframe entries into a single white space.
#' @param df A dataframe.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(
#' location = " glasgow ", occupation = "wine merchant",
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' df <- utils_squish_all_columns(df)
#' }
utils_squish_all_columns <- function(df) {
dplyr::mutate(df, dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::everything(), stringr::str_squish))
## utils_load_directories_csv ####
#' Load directory "csv" file(s) into memory
#' Loads specified directory "csv" file(s) into memory. Stacks individual
#' directories into a single dataframe and further passes the output down to
#' \code{\link{utils_format_directory_raw}} for initial formatting.
#' @param type A character string: "general" or "trades". Refers to the type of
#' directory to shall be loaded.
#' @param directories A character string vector providing the name(s) of the
#' directory(/ies) to load.
#' @param path A character string specifying the path to the folder where the
#' directory(/ies) live as ".csv" file(s).
#' @param verbose Whether the function should be executed silently (`FALSE`) or
#' not (`TRUE`).
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_load_directories_csv(
#' "general", "1861-1862",
#' "home/projects/glasgow-entrepreneurs/data/general-directories", FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' @export
utils_load_directories_csv <- function(
type = c("general", "trades"), directories, path, verbose
) {
load <- function(...){
call <- paste0("colnames <- globals_", type, "_colnames")
eval(parse(text = call))
types <- rep("c", NROW(colnames)) %>% paste(collapse = "")
purrr::map_df(directories, function(directory){
file <- paste(path, utils_make_file(directory, extension = "csv"), sep = "/")
readr::read_csv(file, col_names = colnames, col_types = types, skip = 1L) %>%
verbose, load, type = type, directories = directories, path = path
# Fix structure ####
## utils_remove_address_prefix ####
#' Clear undesired address prefixes
#' Clear address entries in the provided directory dataframe of undesired
#' prefixes such as "depot", "office", "store", "works" or "workshops".
#' @param directory A directory dataframe with an `addresses` column.
#' @param regex Regex character string to be use for matching.
#' @param ignore_case Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored
#' (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex` in `addresses` column
#' entries of `directory`.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker"),
#' addresses = c(
#' "depot -; 1820 London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' "workshop,,12 &;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$ "
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' regex <- globals_regex_address_prefix
#' utils_remove_address_prefix(directory, regex, TRUE)
#' }
utils_remove_address_prefix <- function(directory, regex, ignore_case){
addresses <- NULL
directory, addresses = gsub(regex, "", addresses, = ignore_case, perl = perl)
) %>% utils_clean_address(type = "ends")
# Clean ####
## utils_clear_irrelevants ####
#' Mutate operation(s) in directory dataframe column(s)
#' Attempts to get rid of irrelevant information in all columns of the provided
#' directory dataframe provided
#' @param directory A directory dataframe.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed down to \code{\link{utils_clear_content}}.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant — See Advertisement in Appendix.", "Baker"),
#' = c("18, 20", "12"),
#' = c("136", "265"),
#' = c("London Street.", "Dixon Street."),
#' = c("Queen Street.", "Argyle Street"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clear_irrelevants(directory, globals_regex_irrelevants, ignore_case = TRUE)
#' }
utils_clear_irrelevants <- function(directory, ...){
dplyr::mutate(directory, dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::everything(), utils_clear_content, ...))
## utils_clean_occupations ####
#' Clean entries occupation record
#' Clean "occupation" column of provided directory dataframe.
#' @param directory A directory dataframe.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("wine and spirit mercht", "bkr"),
#' address.number = c(" -; 1820", ",,12"),
#' address.body = c(
#' "London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' "&;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$"
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clean_occupations(directory)
#' }
utils_clean_occupations <- function(directory){
occupation <- NULL
occupation = clean_occupation(occupation) %>% stringr::str_squish() %>%
## utils_clean_names ####
#' Clean entries name records
#' Clean name columns (forename & surname) of provided directory dataframe.
#' @param directory A directory dataframe.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker"),
#' address.number = c(" -; 1820", ",,12"),
#' address.body = c(
#' "London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' "&;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$"
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clean_names(directory)
#' }
utils_clean_names <- function(directory){
forename <- surname <- NULL
dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::matches("name"), clean_title),
forename = clean_forename(forename) %>% stringr::str_to_title(),
surname = clean_surname(surname) %>% stringr::str_to_title()
## utils_clean_address_ends ####
#' Clean address entry ends
#' Clean beginning and end of the provided address entries.
#' @param addresses A character string vector of address(es).
#' @return A vector of character strings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_clean_address_ends(
#' c(
#' " -; 18, 20 London st.; house, Mary hill.*",
#' ",,12 &;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$"
#' )
#' )
#' }
utils_clean_address_ends <- function(addresses) { clean_address_ends(addresses) }
## utils_clean_address_number ####
#' Clean address(es) number
#' Clean number record of provided address(es).
#' @param addresses A character string vector of address(es).
#' @return A vector of character strings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_clean_address_number(c(" -; 1820", ",,12"))
#' }
utils_clean_address_number <- function(addresses) { clean_address_number(addresses) }
## utils_clean_address_body ####
#' Clean address(es) body
#' Clean body record of provided address(es).
#' @param addresses A character string vector of address(es).
#' @return A vector of character strings.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_clean_address_body(
#' c("London st.", "Mary hill.*", "&;Dixon st.", "Craigrownie, Cove.$")
#' )
#' }
utils_clean_address_body <- function(addresses) { clean_address_body(addresses) }
## utils_clean_address ####
#' Clean directory address entries
#' Clean address entries in the provided directory dataframe.
#' @param directory A directory dataframe.
#' @param type A character string: "body", "number" or "ends". Specifies the type
#' of address cleaning to be performed. For "body", "number" and "ends"
#' \code{\link{clean_address_body}}, \code{\link{clean_address_number}} and
#' \code{\link{clean_address_ends}} are called respectively
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker"),
#' address.number = c(" -; 1820", ",,12"),
#' address.body = c(
#' "London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' "&;Dixon st.; residence, Craigrownie, Cove.$"
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clean_address(directory, "body")
#' utils_clean_address(directory, "number")
#' }
utils_clean_address <- function(directory, type = c("body", "number", "ends")){
regex_column <- ifelse(
type == "ends",
"(?:address\\.(?:house|trade)$|body$)", paste0("^address.+", type, "$")
# regex_column <- paste0("^address.+", ifelse(type == "ends", "", type), "$")
fun <- get(paste("clean_address", type, sep = "_"))
dplyr::mutate(directory, dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::matches(regex_column), fun))
## utils_is_address_missing ####
#' Check is address entry not missing
#' Checks whether or not for each address in the evaluation environment, body
#' and number are filled/not empty.
#' @param type A character string: "house" or "trade", specifying the type of
#' address to check.
#' @return A Boolean vector: TRUE if both number and body are empty.
#' @section Details:
#' The function is for primarily use in the
#' \code{\link{utils_label_address_if_missing}} function called by
#' \code{\link{utils_label_missing_addresses}} where it provides a filtering
#' vector used for labelling missing addresses. `utils_is_address_missing` creates
#' an expression and further evaluates it two levels up in the environment tree,
#' in other words in the directory dataframe eventually passed down to
#' \code{\link{utils_label_missing_addresses}}.
utils_is_address_missing <- function(type){
expr <- paste(
paste("address", type, "number", sep = "."), "== '' &",
paste("address", type, "body", sep = "."), "== ''",
sep = " "
eval(parse(text = expr), envir = rlang::caller_env(n = 2L))
## utils_label_address_if_missing ####
#' Label addresses if missing
#' If address is empty label body accordingly: "no house/trade address
#' found".
#' @return A character string vector of address bodies, unchanged if provided,
#' labelled as missing otherwise.
#' @section Details:
#' The function is for primarily use in the
#' \code{\link{utils_label_missing_addresses}} function where it provides a
#' vector of address bodies `utils_label_address_if_missing` creates an
#' expression and further evaluates it one level up in the environment tree,
#' in other words in the directory dataframe eventually passed down to
#' \code{\link{utils_label_missing_addresses}}.
utils_label_address_if_missing <- function(){
column <- dplyr::cur_column()
type <- regmatches(column, regexpr("(?<=\\.).+(?=\\.)", column, perl = TRUE))
filter <- utils_is_address_missing(type)
true <- paste("No", type, "address found", sep = " ")
false <- paste("address", type, "body", sep = ".")
expr <- paste(
paste0("ifelse(c(", paste(filter, collapse = ", "), "),"),
paste0("'", true, "',"), paste0(false, ")"),
sep = " "
eval(parse(text = expr), envir = rlang::caller_env(n = 1L))
## utils_label_missing_addresses ####
#' Label empty addresses as missing
#' Labels empty address bodies as "not house/trade address found" in the
#' provided directory dataframe.
#' @param directory A directory dataframe. Columns must include
#' ``, `` and/or
#' ``, ``.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker"),
#' address.number = c(" -; 1820", ""),
#' address.body = c(
#' "London st. ; house, Mary hill.*",
#' ""
#' ),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_label_missing_addresses(directory)
#' }
utils_label_missing_addresses <- function(directory){
dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::matches("body"), ~ utils_label_address_if_missing())
## utils_clean_addresses ####
#' Clean directory addresses
#' Clean all address records in provided directory dataframe.
#' @param directory A directory dataframe. Columns must include
#' ``, `` and/or
#' ``, ``.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE", "BLAI"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex", "Jn Huh"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker", "Victualer"),
#' = c(" -; 1820", "", "280"),
#' = c("London st. ; house, Mary hill.*", "", "High stret"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clean_addresses(directory)
#' }
utils_clean_addresses <- function(directory){
surname <- forename <- occupation <- NULL
utils_clean_address(directory, type = "body") %>%
utils_clean_address(type = "number") %>%
utils_label_missing_addresses() %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::any_of(globals_union_colnames)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(surname, forename, occupation)
# Combine ####
## utils_clean_ends ####
#' Clean entry ends
#' Clean entry ends for the specified columns in the directory dataframe
#' provided
#' @param directory A directory dataframe.
#' @param ... Columns to clean provided as expressions.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' directory <- data.frame(
#' page = c("71", "71", "71"),
#' surname = c("ABOT", "ABRCROMBIE", "BLAI"), forename = c("Wm.", "Alex", "Jn Huh"),
#' occupation = c("Wine and spirit merchant", "Baker", "Victualer"),
#' = c(" -; 1820", "", "280"),
#' = c("London st. ; house, Mary hill.*", "", "High stret"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_clean_ends(directory,,
#' }
utils_clean_ends <- function(directory, ...){
dplyr::mutate(directory, dplyr::across(c(...), ~ clean_string_ends(.x)))
# Helpers ####
## utils_make_path ####
#' Make destination path
#' Pastes the arguments provided together using '/' as separator.
#' @param ... Path components as character string(s).
#' @return Path to last element provided as a character string.
#' @examples
#' utils_make_path("home", "projects", "glasgow-entrepreneurs.csv")
#' @export
utils_make_path <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "/")
## utils_make_file ####
#' Make file name
#' Pastes the arguments provided together using '-'. Appends result string with
#' the extension provided.
#' @param ... File name component(s) as character string(s).
#' @param extension File extension as character string
#' @return File name as a character string.
#' @examples
#' utils_make_file("glasgow", "entrepreneurs", extension = "csv")
#' @export
utils_make_file <- function(..., extension)
paste(paste(..., sep = "-"), extension, sep = ".")
## utils_IO_path ####
#' Make path for input/output operations
#' Paste provided path to directory and file name provided using '/' as
#' separator.
#' @param directory_path Path to directory where \code{file_name} lives as
#' character string.
#' @param ... File name components provided as character strings to be passed
#' down to \code{\link{utils_make_file}}.
#' @param extension File extension as character string
#' @return Path to destination file as a character string.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_IO_path("home/projects", "glasgow-entrepreneurs", "csv")
#' }
utils_IO_path <- function(directory_path, ..., extension){
file_name <- utils_make_file(..., extension = extension)
utils_make_path(directory_path, file_name)
## utils_IO_write ####
#' Write object to long term memory
#' Save the object provided to specified path as `.rds` file.
#' @param data R object to save.
#' @param ... Destination parameters to be passed to \code{\link{utils_IO_path}}.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_IO_write(mtcars, "home/projects", "mtcars")
#' }
#' @export
utils_IO_write <- function(data, ...){
file_path <- utils_IO_path(..., file_name_extension = "rds")
readr::write_rds(data, file_path)
## utils_IO_load ####
#' Load object into memory
#' Load saved object as `.rds` file back into memory.
#' @param ... Destination parameters to be passed to \code{\link{utils_IO_path}}.
#' @return R object from destination `.rds` file.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_IO_load("home/projects", "glasgow-entrepreneurs")
#' }
utils_IO_load <- function(...){
file_path <- utils_IO_path(..., file_name_extension = "rds")
## utils_split_and_name ####
#' Split string into tibble
#' Split provided string according to specified pattern. Organise output as a
#' \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}.
#' @param string Character string to be split.
#' @param pattern Pattern to split on as character string (can be a regex).
#' @param num_col Number of parts to split the string into as integer.
#' @param colnames Column names for the output tibble.
#' @return A \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_split_and_name("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "-", 2, c("location", "occupation"))
#' }
utils_split_and_name <- function(string, pattern, num_col, colnames) {
stringr::str_split_fixed(string, pattern, num_col) %>%
magrittr::set_colnames(colnames) %>% dplyr::as_tibble()
## utils_squish_all_columns ####
#' Clear extra white spaces in dataframe
#' Removes blanks (white spaces and tabs) at the beginning and end of all entries
#' of the provided dataframe. Converts all series of white space and/or tab(s)
#' in the body of all dataframe entries into a single white space.
#' @param df A dataframe.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(
#' location = " glasgow ", occupation = "wine merchant",
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' df <- utils_squish_all_columns(df)
#' }
utils_squish_all_columns <- function(df) {
dplyr::mutate(df, dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::everything(), stringr::str_squish))
## utils_clear_content ####
#' Clear string of matched content
#' Clears the provided string of the content specified as a regex.
#' @param string_search Character string to search for match(es).
#' @param regex_content PCRE type regex provided as a character string
#' of match(es) to search for.
#' @param ignore_case Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored (`TRUE`)
#' or not (`FALSE`).
#' @return A character string.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_clear_content("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "^.+-", TRUE)
#' }
utils_clear_content <- function(string_search, regex_content, ignore_case){
gsub(regex_content, "", string_search, = ignore_case, perl = TRUE)
## utils_mute ####
#' Mute a function call execution
#' Executes the function provided while silencing the potential messages related
#' to its execution
#' @param fun Function to execute as an expression.
#' @param ... Argument(s) to be passed to the function above for execution.
#' @return Whatever the provided function in `fun` returns.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_mute(message, "I'm not showing in console")
#' }
utils_mute <- function(fun, ...){
out <- suppressWarnings(fun(...))
if (!is.null(out)) return(out)
## utils_execute ####
#' Execute function
#' Executes the function provided. Execution can be silenced via the `verbose`
#' parameter.
#' @param verbose Boolean specifying whether to silence the function execution
#' (`FALSE`) or not (`TRUE`).
#' @param fun Function to execute provided as an expression.
#' @param ... Argument(s) to be passed to the function above for execution.
#' @return Whatever the provided function returns.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_execute(TRUE, message, "I'm showing in console")
#' }
utils_execute <- function(verbose, fun, ...)
if (!verbose) utils_mute(fun, ...) else fun(...)
## utils_mutate_across ####
#' Mutate operation(s) in dataframe column(s)
#' Applies provided function across specified column(s) in provided dataframe.
#' @param df A dataframe.
#' @param columns Vector of expression(s) or character string(s) specifying the
#' columns to apply the function below to in the provided dataframe.
#' @param fun Function to execute provided as an expression.
#' @param ... Argument(s) to be passed to the function above for execution.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(
#' location = "glasgow", occupation = "wine merchant",
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' utils_mutate_across(df, c("location", "occupation"), paste0, "!")
#' }
utils_mutate_across <- function(df, columns, fun, ...){
dplyr::mutate(df, dplyr::across(.cols = columns, fun, ...))
## utils_paste_if_found ####
#' Conditionally amend character string vector.
#' Searches for specified pattern in provided character string. Return pasted
#' provided character string(s) if found or provided default character string
#' if not.
#' @param regex_filter Pattern to look for provided as a character string regex.
#' @param string_filter Character string vector to search into for the pattern
#' provided in `regex_filter` above.
#' @param default Character string returned if pattern provided in `regex_filter`
#' not found.
#' @param ignore_case Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored (`TRUE`)
#' or not (`FALSE`).
#' @param ... Character string(s) to be paste together using a space as separator
#' and returned if pattern provided in `regex_filter` found.
#' @return A character string vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_paste_if_found(
#' "^glasgow", c("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "aberdeen-entrepreneurs"),
#' "pattern not found", TRUE, "pattern", "found"
#' )
#' }
utils_paste_if_found <- function(regex_filter, string_filter, default, ignore_case, ...){
grepl(regex_filter, string_filter, = ignore_case, perl = perl),
paste(...), default
) %>% unlist()
## utils_gsub_if_found ####
#' Conditionally amend character string vector.
#' Searches for specified pattern in provided character string vector. If found,
#' substitutes all occurrences of an alternative pattern in an alternative
#' character string and returns the output. If not return the default character
#' string provided.
#' @param regex_filter Pattern to look for provided as a character string regex.
#' @param string_filter Character string vector to search into for the pattern
#' provided in `regex_filter` above.
#' @param regex_search Alternative pattern provided as a character string regex
#' to look in the alternative character string provided in `string_search`
#' below.
#' @param string_replace Substitution character string for matches of
#' `regex_search` above in `string_search` below.
#' @param string_search Alternative character string to search into for the
#' pattern provided in `regex_search` above.
#' @param default Character string returned if pattern provided in `regex_filter`
#' not found.
#' @param ignore_case_filter Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored (`TRUE`)
#' or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex_filter` in `string_filter`.
#' @param ignore_case_search Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored (`TRUE`)
#' or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex_search` in `string_search`.
#' @return A character string vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_gsub_if_found(
#' "^glasgow", c("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "aberdeen-entrepreneurs"),
#' "(?<=-).+$", "merchant", "edinburgh-entrepreneurs", "pattern not found",
#' )
#' }
utils_gsub_if_found <- function(
regex_filter, string_filter, regex_search, string_replace, string_search,
default, ignore_case_filter, ignore_case_search
grepl(regex_filter, string_filter, = ignore_case_filter, perl = perl),
regex_search, string_replace, string_search, = ignore_case_search, perl = perl
) %>% unlist()
## utils_regmatches_if_found ####
#' Conditionally amend character string vector.
#' Searches for specified pattern in provided character string vector. If found,
#' searches for alternative pattern in an alternative character string and returns
#' any match or an empty string if none. If original pattern not found, returns
#' the default character string provided.
#' @param regex_filter Pattern to look for provided as a character string regex.
#' @param string_filter Character string vector to search into for the pattern
#' provided in `regex_filter` above.
#' @param regex_search Alternative pattern provided as a character string regex
#' to look for in the alternative character string provided in `string_search`
#' below.
#' @param string_search Alternative character string to search into for the
#' pattern provided in `regex_search` above.
#' @param default Character string returned if pattern provided in `regex_filter`
#' not found.
#' @param ignore_case_filter Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored
#' (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex_filter` in `string_filter`.
#' @param ignore_case_match Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored
#' (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex_search` in `string_search`.
#' @param not Boolean specifying whether to negate the `regex_filter` search
#' pattern (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`).
#' @return A character string vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_regmatches_if_found(
#' c("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "aberdeen-entrepreneurs"), "^glasgow",
#' "edinburgh-entrepreneurs", "^.+(?=-)", "merchant", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE
#' )
#' }
utils_regmatches_if_found <- function(
string_filter, regex_filter, string_search, regex_search, default,
ignore_case_filter, ignore_case_match, not
filter <- paste0(
ifelse(not, "!", ""),
"grepl(regex_filter, string_filter, = ignore_case_filter, perl = perl)"
eval(parse(text = filter)),
gregexpr(regex_search, string_search, = ignore_case_match, perl = perl)
) %>% unlist()
## utils_regmatches_if_not_empty ####
#' Conditionally amend character string vector.
#' Searches for non-empty string in provided character string vector. If found
#' searches for alternative pattern in an alternative character string and
#' returns any match or an empty string if none.
#' @param string_filter A Character string vector.
#' @param string_search Alternative character string to search into for the
#' pattern provided in `regex_search` below
#' @param regex_search Alternative pattern provided as a character string regex
#' to look for in the alternative character string provided in `string_search`
#' above.
#' @param ignore_case_search Boolean specifying whether case should be ignored
#' (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`) in search for `regex_search` in `string_search`.
#' @return A list of character string vectors.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils_regmatches_if_not_empty(
#' c("glasgow-entrepreneurs", "", "aberdeen-entrepreneurs"),
#' "edinburgh-entrepreneurs" , "^edinburgh", TRUE
#' )
#' }
utils_regmatches_if_not_empty <- function(
string_filter, string_search, regex_search, ignore_case_search
string_filter == "", string_filter,
gregexpr(regex_search, string_search, = ignore_case_search, perl = perl)
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