pointblank 0.12.1

pointblank 0.12.0

New features

These dynamic values may be useful for validations that get expanded into multiple steps.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.11.4

pointblank 0.11.3

pointblank 0.11.2

pointblank 0.11.1

pointblank 0.11.0

New features


pointblank 0.10.0

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes


Breaking changes

pointblank 0.9.0

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.8.0

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes


pointblank 0.7.0

New features


Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.6.0

Pointblank Information

Translations and Locales

Breaking changes

New features


Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.5.2

pointblank 0.5.1

pointblank 0.5.0

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.4.0

New R Markdown features

Breaking changes

New features

Documentation improvements

Minor improvements and bug fixes

pointblank 0.3.1

pointblank 0.3.0

The pointblank package has been changed significantly from the previous version in favor of consistency and simplicity, better reporting, and increased power. The internals have been extensively refactored and the API has accordingly gone through revisions.

Breaking Changes

New Features

pointblank 0.2.1

pointblank 0.1

Try the pointblank package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pointblank documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:46 a.m.