
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


# Using `validate_rmd()` here to enable validation mode for R Markdown
# documents; options for the can be set here, as well

We can validate data inside of specialized code chunks. The pointblank makes this possible by loading it, as above. We'll perform some simple validations using small_table.


We can perform validation checks on that table with pointblank step functions (inside code chunks where validate = TRUE). The results will be initially hidden in the rendered HTML document but can be revealed.

col_exists(small_table, columns = vars(a, b, c, d, e, f))
rows_distinct(small_table, vars(d, e))
col_vals_gt(small_table, vars(d), 1000)

We could also use pointblank's stop_if_not() function to generate some predicate-based validation statements.

stop_if_not(nrow(small_table) > 10)
stop_if_not("time" %in% colnames(small_table))

Note that with multiple pointblank step functions chained together, only the first error encountered will be reported.

small_table %>% 
  col_exists(columns = vars(a, b, c, d, e, f)) %>% # this passes validation
  rows_distinct() %>%                              # this step fails (we see an error message)
  col_vals_gt(vars(d), 5000)                       # this also fails (we do not see its error)

If all validations in a validate chunk do not fail, we can still inspect the validation code.

small_table %>% 
  col_is_date("date") %>%
  col_vals_gt(vars(d), vars(c), na_pass = TRUE)

We can provide a single, agent-based interrogation inside of a validate chunk (the reporting is visible once the Agent Report button is pressed). For best rendering results, don't place anything else inside the chunk. This acts as standalone reporting and will not result in document-level errors or warnings.

small_table %>%
  create_agent() %>%
  col_vals_gt(vars(a), 3) %>%
  col_vals_expr(~ case_when(
    c > 5 ~ a > 5 & d >= 2000
  )) %>%

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pointblank documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:46 a.m.