
Defines functions remove_unreachable_states absorbing_states reachable_states

Documented in absorbing_states reachable_states remove_unreachable_states

#' Reachable and Absorbing States
#' Find reachable and absorbing states in the transition model.
#' The function `reachable_states()` checks if states
#' are reachable using the transition model.
#' The function `absorbing_states()` checks if a state or a set of states are
#' absorbing (terminal states) with a zero reward (or `-Inf` for unavailable actions).
#' If no states are specified (`states = NULL`), then all model states are
#' checked. This information can be used in simulations to end an episode.
#' The function `remove_unreachable_states()` simplifies a model by
#' removing unreachable states.
#' @name reachable_and_absorbing
#' @aliases reachable_and_absorbing
#' @family MDP
#' @family POMDP
#' @param x a `MDP` pr `POMDP` object.
#' @param states a character vector specifying the names of the states to be
#'  checked. `NULL` checks all states.
#' @author Michael Hahsler
#' @examples
#' data(Maze)
#' gridworld_matrix(Maze, what = "label")
#' # the states marked with +1 and -1 are absorbing
#' absorbing_states(Maze)
#' which(absorbing_states(Maze))
#' # all states in the model are reachable
#' reachable_states(Maze)
#' which(!reachable_states(Maze))
#' @returns  `reachable_states()` returns a logical vector indicating
#'    if the states are reachable.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @export
reachable_states <- function(x,
                             states = NULL) {
  r <- Reduce("+", transition_matrix(x))
  diag(r) <- 0
  if (!is.null(states))
    r <- r[, states, drop = FALSE]
  colSums(r) > 0

#' @rdname reachable_and_absorbing
#' @returns  `absorbing_states()` returns a logical vector indicating
#'    if the states are absorbing (terminal).
#' @export
absorbing_states <- function(x,
                             states = NULL) {
  is_absorbing <- function(s, x)
      FUN = function(a)
          action = a,
          start.state = s,
          end.state = s
    ) == 1)
    # &&
    #   all(sapply(
    #     x$actions,
    #     FUN = function(a) {
    #       r <- reward_matrix(x,
    #                       action = a,
    #                       start.state = s,
    #                       end.state = s)
    #       all(r == 0 | r == -Inf)
    #     }
    #   ))
  if (is.null(states))
    states <- x$states
  if (is.numeric(states))
    states <- x$states[states]
                   x), names = states)

#' @rdname reachable_and_absorbing
#' @returns the model with all unreachable states removed
#' @export
remove_unreachable_states <- function(x) {
  reachable <- reachable_states(x)
  if (all(reachable))
  keep_states <- function(field, states) {
    if (is.data.frame(field)) {
      keep_names <- names(which(states))
      field <-
        field[field$start.state %in% c(NA, keep_names) &
                field$end.state %in% c(NA, keep_names), , drop = FALSE]
      field$start.state <-
        factor(as.character(field$start.state), levels = keep_names)
      field$end.state <-
        factor(as.character(field$end.state), levels = keep_names)
    } else if (is.function(field)){
      # do nothing
    } else {
      ### a list of actions
      field <-
          FUN = function(m) {
            if (!is.character(m))
              ### strings like "uniform"
              m <- m[states, states, drop = FALSE]
  # fix start state
  if (is.numeric(x$start)) {
    if (length(x$start) == length(x$states)) {
      ### prob vector
      x$start <- x$start[reachable]
      if (sum(x$start) != 1)
          "Probabilities for reachable states do not sum up to one! An unreachable state had a non-zero probability."
    } else
      ### state ids... we translate to state names
      x$start <- x$states[x$start]
  if (is.character(x$start)) {
    if (x$start == "uniform") {
      # do nothing
    } else {
      x$start <- intersect(x$start, x$states[reachable])
    if (length(x$start) == 0L)
      stop("Start state is not reachable.")
  x$states <- x$states[reachable]
  x$transition_prob <- keep_states(x$transition_prob, reachable)
  x$reward <- keep_states(x$reward, reachable)
  if (!is.null(x$observations))
    x$observations <- keep_states(x$observations, reachable)
  # just check

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pomdp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:04 a.m.